Why is it "bad" to cheer when a player gets injured? It increases my team's chances of winning...

Why is it "bad" to cheer when a player gets injured? It increases my team's chances of winning? Virtue signaling retards, its not like its my fault, blame God.

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Because it shows how much of a faggot you are. But you’re OP, so we already knew

Ethics, morals, etc
It means you just want your team to win no matter what, but there are more important things. Athletes are humans too and showing compassion is important.

It's just a game dude

people are virtue signalling faggots,like the 5 faggots above this post

>more important things
yeah everyone has more important things, sports are fucking meaningless. Having sympathy for a blessed millionaire is not one of them. I am not celebrating someone getting hurt for sake of getting hurt, but for the sake of helping my team

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Exactly so it doesn't fucking matter

Because players on your team wouldn't like it being done to them because they want to be treated as humans and not some workhorse.

Jesus Christ have sex, JP chud

The same reason it's 'bad' to throw coins and stones at players from the stands, sport has become too soft.

>treated as humans and not some workhorse
but that is what they are. no one cares about them as a person. they wouldn't have shit if they couldn't ball. that is how the real world works.

that is dangerous and actively hurts players

You're signalling your lack of virtue so you're doing an inferior version of the same thing you uncultured swine.

>using 'virtue signalling' unironically
Incel detected.

Because any real competitor wants to beat the competition at their best.

The president of the team who whipped the warriors in the finals gets pushed around and all of a sudden errybody in Oakland supports the police over a black man

have sex

when the people are cheering in the heat of the moment its not like they knew he fucked his knee up. he got up and walked too.

People cheer when they see the other person is able to get up and walk on their own. For some reason, people decided this tradition meant you were happy someone was hurt all of a sudden because they knew it would give them hours of tv filler and plenty of headline click bait. All of you morons ate it up because you are gullible faggots.

Honest question, but do you have autism?

This. Wanting to face them at anything but their best is the same as admitting you're not good enough to win on your own. Anyone who was happy that KD and Klay got hurt is just insecure. I wanted to see the Warriors lose as much as anyone else did, but I got no satisfaction from seeing the Raptors beat a team that was already beaten by injuries. What makes this even shittier is that the Warriors will be crippled by this shit for years to come so we won't get to see a rematch.

>What makes this even shittier is that the Warriors will be crippled by this shit for years to come so we won't get to see a rematch.
sounds pretty based actually


>Common human decency is 'virtue signalling'

it would give me pleasure to see you diagnosed with late stage cancer or your daughter gets hit by a car

Why? The league is worse off for not having high level players like Durant and Thompson playing.

Because you should want your team to win not for the game to be won.

I don't feel bad about what happened to the Warriors to be honest. The combination of them being arrogant and having ring chasers on their team they had what was coming to them. What is even better is they will be out for a while

>showing compassion is important.
Fuck u for gayin up sports bet u hate riots too...muh city

the ethics is, would you rather your team win or a player have a ruined career through a painful injury.


no idea must be an american thing
couldn't care less if a rival drops dead on the field

Couldn’t be more wrong. The best thing for the league is to get rid of memechuckers like klay and soft boys like durant.
A return to the dominant, back to the basket centre is the only thing that can save the NBA


It's only wrong if it happens due to a dirty play or cheap shot. Otherwise, it's part of the game. Theisman's injury is horrific and thankfully he didn't die or something, but improved the Giants chances in that game.

In hockey, you go after known injuries so players eventually drop out over the course of a series like the Blues did to the Sharks this year.
This just exemplifies that.

Americans can't comprehend sportsmanship.

>Virtue signaling retards,
why do american /pol/tards love to throw this around so much? do you realize that pretty much everything people ever do and say is virtue signaling
e.g. hitler virtue signaled about racial superiority and power, among other things

telling us that you're above other people because you don't care about sportsmanship but care about god instead is virtue signaling

NBA needs a Shaw back to regulate in the worst way

Arguing with Americans is like going into a nursery school playground and beating the shit out of all the kids. Sure, it's easy and fun but you're not really accomplishing much and some might even consider it cruel.

the sad thing is that even ylilauta got ruined after people went on a long enough peterson and shapiro spree on youtube
literally everyone is a phd political philosopher nowadays and people make fun shitposts less and less, americans have spread this shit like cancer

Did you really just ask why people often use a term that describes something that happens all the time? You basically answered your own question.

I get that you mostly wanted to signal your disdain for a certain group of people, but you really could have done this more intelligently.

you missed the mark there
it's a fine critique if you're not doing the exact thing you're trying to critique while making your case, which happens 99,9% of the time

>that is dangerous and actively hurts players

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>A bunch of degenerates who would ruin the lives of another for laughs are lecturing OP about morals, virtue and ethics

we've been out of the headlines for years now. have we lost our touch phillybros?

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>edge signaling

>ethics, morals
Is flopping ethical and moral because that's how he got hurt in the first place. Anybody not happy to see him go down is a soi brained faggot.

It would be different if it was some overachieving underdog working hard to win who got hurt. Here you have a star player on the nba's dynasty team trying to game the system against an underdog opponent. Hope his career is ruined and everyone who feels sorry for him is conquered by Genghis Khan and boiled alive.

>Why is it "bad" to cheer when a player gets injured?

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