>first time two brothers win the nba
>they are not black
>they are not even american
>they are fucking catalan
the absolute state of amerimutts lmao
bow down to Catalonia
First time two brothers win the nba
I thought all blacks were brothers, though?
Based. I hope Barcelona win the treble next season. FUCK GAY AREA FUCK DURANT AND FUCK NlGGERS
Catalan u are Spanish breh, a country named Catalina doesn't exist.
No such thing.
low effort bait
so could you explain why tens of thousands of your countrymen are in a place that doewn't exist fighting for scraps and eating from trashcans?
so when are you coming back in?
imagine being proud that spain decided to keep catalonia instead of portugal
Franco would be proud
Franco would say basketball is freemasonry for niggers and commies and enemies of the state and have them fire squad'd.
>>first time two brothers win the nba
Based Catalonia.
How can I bow down to a country that does not exist?
t. ottoman province
Congratulations to all Catalans on winning the NBA Championship!
>checks flag
so catalans are spaniards
Why would somebody give a shit about which region you are outside this shithole
8 seconds
basat i roigpastillat
not all of them
Some of them are andorrans or French
what are you trying to get likes from manolos?
why not?
Aren't the Gasol brother proud Spanish cucks with ties to the royal family? Try harder Jordi
It does exists, the fact that it's not independent doesn't mean it doesn't exist, what a fucking stupid way of seeing things
Did Sweden stop existing during the kalmar union?
Does Luchestain exist more than Bavaria?
Does Puerto Rico exist acording to you?
Ties with the royal family? what are you on pal?
Marc was in favour of the referendum for example and even if he wasn't that doesnt mean he's not catalan
ty based Catalonia, we appreciate you
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why Yea Forums is so anti-Catalan and against their independence?
There is French Catalonia on the border. Also Andorra are Catalans.
You'll learn more from asking both sides.
Their names are Pau and Marc, not Pablo and Marcos
They are catalan, if they arent independentists doesn't matter, they still would be catalan, you dont need to be a nationalist or an independentist to be catalan, just like you don't need to be anticatalan independentism to be spanish
See, in Canada we understand that some places are better off as provinces (see quebec) and not 8 second memestates
But thanks Marco ur based af
Because we don't put bombs
did roman empire stop existing?
Country of Catalon doesn't exist, province does.
Both Bavaria and Lichtenstein exist, but you don't go around saying you're bavarian. It's common knowledge you identify with your country to outsiders, not your province.
their second name is Sáez and they grew up in L'Hospitalet though ;)
People from the UK don't always say they're United Kingdomians do they.
His name is not Marco and Quebec would do better being independent, the rest of Canada would too as they would be free to be who they are wich is a British dominion.
Riht now being Canadian only means paying taxes to Canada, a USA cultural colonya in wich Isis terrorists can be as canadian as Jaques Cartier descendands
Without Quebec you would still have the Red ensign and not that fucking leaf
Kevin Nash va ser violat en el calorós estiu de 1992 jajajaja puteta
Based portubro
Do you mean Croats didn't say and feel they were from Croats from Croatia when Croatia was just a province of Yugoslavia?
Also being a country doesn't imply being an independent political entity
Also I speak and think in catalan, not spanish/castillan, so it's not "just a province"
If people had always thought like you do, Croatia wouldn't exist
So why do you want to take that right from us?
how cuck can you be? prtogual was spain you baboon
Es una buena costumbre de esta península que cuando aparezca algún Catalán o Vasco el hilo se vuelva en /pol/. ¿Ya vale, no?
Català = Valenciano mal hablado
>but you don't go around saying you're bavarian.
>Where are you from?
all i'm saying is that people from the outside don't care. I get it, but you need to know how to identify.
My point is, if there was 100 inhabited planets I wouldn't say to aliens: OH I'M FROM CROATIA.
I'd say I'm from earth.
As much as I don't say I'm from slavonia.
Similar thing applies from inside the country. If a croat asks me where I'm from, I won't say: croatia, I'll say: slavonia. Simple as that
puto ignorante, si el valenciano es catalan con acento de Lerida y Tarragona, que es de donde vinieron los repobladores
Me puedes explicar por que Jaume I ya escribia en Valenciano antes de conquistar València, cuando nació en Monpeller?
so from now on you will say you are from the European union?
I really don't give a shit about their independence movement but they're fucking annoying as hell.
They're like vegans, you don't ever ask but they make sure to make you know they're Catalan separatists.
thank you based catalonia
does your family speak serbocroat or slavonian?
it's common cuck behaviour, not common knowledge
Im catalan first spanish second, and maybe European third
Thats how I feel and I don't care if you approve or not
Do you really think your ancestors said they were Austro-Hungarian? cmon pal, have some respect
If a king married or lost a war so what? It won't change who we are
>it's a scatalan "I'm not mad! you're mad!" thread
idiota, fins i tot el balear es més pur
t. manolo screaming in restaurants all over the world, using phone without headphones, smelling like fried cooking oil, crashing cars, screaming at statues, asking for gibs and assaulting people zith knives
you are much more noticeable friend
Yo llevo ignorando los hilos que tengan que ver con España durante un buen tiempo. Generalmente por esta razón
el balear? que també es una altre llengua? Puresa de que per cert, de llatí? Doccita?
>Inmmediate response to a complaint about is a t.manolo without a single argument
Like pottery, I don't give a shit about this country but I'll always think you're a bunch of entitled niggers
t. castellano nacido en valencia
does catalonia have their own government elected independently from that of spain? Does it have its own currency? Are there border checks between catalonia and the rest of spain?
both, but if you (a spaniard) ask me, serbocroat.
If a croat asks me, i'd say slavonian
hey retard, 90% of people don't know what catalonia is or where is it. It's just a common thing to say what people will know. I agree, but you're missing my point. I firstly identify with my family name, then with my village, then my town, then my province, then country, continent and planet. If you (a person from europe) ask me "where are you from" I'll say croatia and not kenđelovac, although i identify with the latter way more.
Contrarianism is what Yea Forums is all about.
a mi no me moleta la indapandansia eza pero no habley catalan, onions epañole vale? defended vuetra postura dede casa
votá partidos a favor de un referendu? no hombre no, pero amo, que a mi me da igual
we do have our own goberment yes, and our own laws in some cases and our own schools, radios, tv, etc
Now that we have the shengen area and the euro I hope no one ever dares to identify with their country ever again right? Common behaviour
>from Yugoslavia
are you a Serb?
We call niggers “brothas” over here because they spam that word
>implying we were ever a part of you
when the felipes started trying to absorve we fuck off and fucked you over, story of our wars really
no nos engañan
cataluña es españa
imagine being proud of losing nearly every battle you had with a vastly undermanned army
Identifying as a region of a country doesnt make you not part of that country. Saying marc and pau are catalan doesnt exclude them from being spanish. Independenyists are literal peasants who go in fucking buses from their shitass villages to make barcelona a mess of a city. You will always belong to spain. God bless.
hey retard, I was adressing the question. I don't say that since it doesn't exist. but when it existed.
yeah, you're clearly not an extreme right wing guy, clearly objective
t. virreinato del rio de la plata
Lusitania was part of Hispania as Portugal is part of Spain
Shtokavian is serbocroat and yids pushed for its standardization. Claiming we speak Croatian is one of the worst cases of denial.
why arent you spanish then nueva granada?
based Jhon Jairo knows what's up
you are the one that said if you don't have borders and currency you shouldn't identify with that, I dont think french and german people say they are european when they go abroad but hey, maybe they should, you should tell em
independentists making a mess? it's you fucking southamericans and the rest of spaniards and moroccans ruining it you fucking panchi
The croat you're replying to is a well known turbo-autist from his days on krautchan and Yea Forums's /int/-/his/. Don't mind him, he's mentally ill.
>letting canadians win your own league
kek the absolute state of Amerilanders
french and german invented the euro and borders, others who accepted that are their vassals.
što? nego što pričamo nego hrvatski? Ne razumijem što si ovime htio reći?
who are you again?
Yo onions chileno, canadiense, catalán y negro
Because we have been portrayed as peaceloving hippies in the media so of course Yea Forums is against it, if we were runing over spanish people with trucks everyone would call us based here
Also the most vicious attacks are always from former commie countries. Apparently us having some commies in Barcelona during the Civil War is a biggest sin that them being full on comunism, it's their way of coping I guess
When Yugoslavia existed if you tell me you're from Croatia I imagine it's some fantasy land you male up in your head and I feel sorry for you because you're gentle but crazy. Reality is I'm just ignorant for not knowing what Croatia is.
If you're from Croatia but not Croatian you can tell people that, and have a conversation since they asked the question. If you're going to just give very broad general answers you're being boring and possibly avoiding having to interact with your fellow man.
why did you write catalan 4 times?
>Lusitania was part of Hispania as Portugal is part of Spain
When are you becoming a part of Italy again, then?
great, from now on I'll go around saying I'm from kenđelovac. If you don't know what that is you're a fucking idiot.
I don't care for that shit, but whenever someone says they're from a region and specifically does that 5 times in a post, yeah... i hate him.
for example if you said you were from REPUBLIC of ireland, i'd probably think you're an autist killing people in the name of your country. If you say ireland i'd be okay. Since 90% of people can't name 3 things that differentiate northern ireland and republic (apart from obvious unimportant things). similarly you can't differentiate me from a serb living in croatia.
Catalonia is not a country, do you know all the provinces in croatia today? also, croatia was a republic during yugoslavia "socijalna federativna REPUBLIKA Hrvatska" and catalonia is not a republic.
I mean it's like saying you're from brčko, since brčko is very similar to catalonia, an autonomous province. Or saying you're from "republika srpska". only autist would say stuff like that. I bet you didn't know of brčko until now, but i know you'll lie anyway
we never wer part of Italy, in fact, Southern Italy was part of Spain
Of course Marc and Pau are spanish they are natural winners unlike that smelly catalan Robredo who is a serial choker.
Croatia population: 4'1 milions
Catalonia population: 7'6 milions
now shut your fucking trap
why should population matter retard? there are at least 10 cities in china larger than your stupid non-country and very few people outside of china know of it. Also, why does it say "spain" when i hover over your flag?
basically because they whine and complain and play the victim all the time, like fans of a certain football team in England
I don't know about brčko, but do you see you're proving my point we can be friends now. Are you from brčko?
>we never wer part of Italy
Rome conquered Italy
because we are spanish? that doesn't mean that we are not catalan
no, i'm not. i thought that proved my point. My point being that people don't really know provinces of foreign countries and as such it's best to identify with a country. but idk, who cares
that's the Roman empire monkey
Implying those chinese citizens know about Croatia lmao
you really are an autist
>that's the Roman empire monkey
Hmm. So Spain was never part of Italy but Portugal was part of Spain? lmao the hypocrisy
well a lot of people know about catalonia now, everyone itt for example wich kind of defeats your point
read a book pal, Portugal part of visigothic spain and then a county of Leon
>go to Yea Forums
>site redirecta me to /int/
based portugal bringing the bantz
>visigothic spain
Kingdom of the Visigoths*. Not Spain.
> and then a county of Leon
Leon, not Spain.
And by the way, before you try to say more retarded shit: the Crown of Castile wasn't Spain, and the crown of Aragon wasn't Spain. Quit being a hypocritical faggot.
>Implying those chinese citizens know about Croatia lmao
you really are an autist
implying i'd tell them i was a croat and not european. See that's EXACTLY my point. If they asked "where in europe" i'd say croatia.
CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT you friggin retardos (or is retardos spanish, you're retardo my bad)
sure and if you asked them if this guy or that guy is catalan or spanish they wouldn't know. it's really not a separate identity from spain. I bet that if you asked 90% of toronto fans where was gasol from they'd say spain. Prior to this post i don't think a lot of people were aware that he was catalon.
was just in Barcelona, guys the independence and yellow ribbon thing is really cringey
half of your dual language signs look the same, even we Balkan folk know how embarrassing that is
give it a rest
have six
Thread got derailed. It should be the story of how two brothers from Catalonia made it to the NBA Championship, and won.
Potential discussion could be about basketball in Catalonia, basketball in the rest of Spain, brothers in the same team.
Instead, we are learning about regional Yugoslavia, what to say if you meet aliens, and history of Iberia.
Marc>Pau desu famalam
Utterly based
>prtogual was spain
Prove it.
the Iberian union was though
when you become Yugoslavia again or part of austria we will rest, deal?
you speak galician pal, you are not spain because UK decided a unified peninsula would be too powerful
bruh, we beat your sissy ass like 600 years ago
still catalan
>you speak galician pal
Galicians speak bastardized Portuguese. Keep coping.
If he didn't say that his home would be assaulted and a judge would jail him for tax evasion
did you even watch the video???
Bull shit.
Some more from "Catalan Heroes"
Only homosexuals like Pep are separatists.
portugal comes from porto, Galícia doesnt come from portugal, you are the son not the father
those two were in favour of the independence referendum pal, seriously stop
Only to then vote "No"
You know, I was a fan of your independence. Now you are just being rude
how do you know? not having a referendum is already a no
who are you talking to
I thought the Gasols were spanish?
I doesn't come from Spain either you brainlet.
All you Spaniards
I love to see the butthurt we Catalans cause. More than 4 centuries of the French and the Spanish trying to erase our identity, our language and our people in general. And here we are still, causing butthurt both in Spain and elsewhere. Makes me proud to be a Catalan. Felicitats per la victòria, companys!
it's mostly countries that got their independence in the last two centuries, it's like they feel adding another country makes them worth less or something
also they hope to get more yous from spanish posters calling them based but they don't know that most Yea Forums spanish posters are catalans because the rest of spain can't into speaking other languages
>implying anyone outside of spain knows what catamarans are
you seem to do, and have been assblasted enough to respond to my post
Never forget that it was Galician, Castilian, and Catalan brothers, fighting side by side to expel the Moorish scum from the Peninsula in the holiest of all Reconquistas.
Viva los Reyes Catolicos! (although I'm sure this offends atheist communists Catalans)
yes it was catalans that destroyed the cordoba caliphate and also catalans that conquered Mallorca and València,
But, the catholic king Fernando was expelled for being an old catalan when Isabel died
From that point our union with spain was corrupted, we entered as equal partners but we were cheated
We got cheated from the American exploitation even though we helped a lot in the conquering
We could only begin to ommerce with America when we also lost our own laws and goberment with the coming of the Borbons
We could feel spanish as the rest but castillans had other plans unfortunately
tragically underrated post
no it wasn't lol
>The Habsburg king was the only element of connection between the multiple kingdoms and territories, who ruled by six separate government councils of Castile, Aragon, Portugal, Italy, Flanders and the Indies. The governments, institutions, and legal traditions of each kingdom remained independent of each other.
>conquer the whole british isles
>expand their borders to natural barriers
>Unite whole peninsula
loool what a failure nation... couldn't even unite a peninsula (god basically helped you with geography but you failed) lmao
like dude... just eradicate regional identities.. it's not hard.. just beat the children.. ahahahjaja OH NONONNO
you are a regional identity though
Fuck Catalonian faggot separatists, you need to be subjugated
Are you aware of South American geography? Is there a gigantic mountain chain separating Castilla from Cataluña?
This goes to prove that a little cruelty and repression hundreds of years ago would've spared us this autism.
not and yet we speak different languages unlike you fucks, spaniards in denial
you are named after a pigeon pal
agrre, we shouldve killed every damn American native
you couldn't have even if you tried
kek, implying the Spanish haven't done that for centuries. The problem is that the Spanish and all their mutt spawns, like you, are completely useless. The French succeeded in their projects of cultural genocide, while the Spanish, as in everything else, failed
there are rivers
>it's another re-run of Castilians vs Catalans
I fucking missed these threads
plenty other Catalan sportsmen have been way more clear about their separatist pretensions or their """""right""""" to self-determination and have suffered zilch consequences for it, stop playing the victim card
in that video Gasol goes as far as to call Catalonia a region (in separatist lingo Catalonia is always to be referred as a country within the larger Spanish state, if that makes any sense) and states the majority of Catalans feel Spanish, something actual separatists like Pep or uppity catalans such as Xavi would never dare admit. so if I had to guess I'd say Gasol does not sympathise with the separatist movement in the slightest
> a fucking leaf
Lads what i do if i have 1/8 Castill*n ancestry?
I'm not a catalan pure blood, i think i will kill myself
I can speak for myself. Most of the so-called catalan independists are descendant of spanish immigrants (charnegos) who larp as some kind nationalists. They only wish independence to create a communist multiculti uthopia
If real ethnic Catalans were in charge of independce than even I would support it.
I'm a real ethnic Catalan and i support catalan independence.
so what?
>>first time two brothers win the nba
gasol and ibaka are brothers? I heard they are both spanish but don't look alike
LOL you hit him with a nail
Only retards support catalan independence.
kek, this. stop stealing farms in my town, you copperniggers.
Per què parles en la llengua de l'Imperi?
Hahahaha ass blasted moore rape rabies
Being an Iberian Valencian-speaking patriot who shits on Qatarlans is the patrician choice
Catalunya es España
why is he holding a bong?
why is the bong water red?
Reminder you're southern Galicia and changing your name to Pootugal won't change that fact.
>mfw >we cucked the balkans and greeks so hard they made us a folk monster in their culture out of spite.
>all these held up grudges from 100s of years
and here I thought Arabs and muslims were pathetic
Isnt the country called Spain? Why choose to call them catalonian? What about the neighbourhood they were born insted? Or the hospital? Or the street?
How all these niggas speaking English hahahaha, suck my dick.
Then why dont u use catalan flag to post here?
>claims other flags are spanish while posting under spanish flag claiming he isnt spanish
Is there an option to choose a different flag on Yea Forums? I can't find it but I'm phoneposter maybe desktop it's possible?
We won the war, you haven't even bothered starting one, that's the reason.
>Isabel died young
This still fucking hurts lads. She was perfect...
Gasol family are Espanyol fans and support Spain, you are the one cucked jordi.
Seeing Spanish politics and history being discussed in Yea Forums and the usual Catashart's delusion of every single user responding to him being a Castillian is disgusting. FUCK OFF TO /his/ OR /pol/
holy shit you retards really are indoctrinated
You mean Spanish, right? Catalonia isn’t a country
stop believing all you read in pol, you dont know shit, pal
try disproving what I daid
You guys are independent because of the Napoleonic invasion and having a fucking ocean in between protecting you
And I wouldn't be so proud about being independent if my country was a shithole
At least we still have a chance, on the other hand you've already proved your independence was a mistake
Also if you like Spain so much why don't you come here, oh wait, you are already doing that because your independent nations are worthless