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Gay Area isn't America
They're subhuman STD ridden retards
>breaks two TVs
>probably just some bandwagon Warriors fan
Fucking retard. Nice way to waste a thousand dollars breaking your own shit.
Omg some actual passion? I didn't know Americans were capable of this
Did he steal that chair from school? By that I mean did he go to a school and steal a chair, not that he attends school and stole a chair from there.
it's only bandwagoners who get angry. I've seen enough losses that I can just laugh it off.
You are aware that 95% of the country was pulling for Toronto?..
In the video he says he lost money betting LMAO
>FunnyMike aka 22 Savage
It's an IG Comedian/YouTuber
I think this guy bet his life savings on the Warriors thinking it was an easy pay out.
>why are niggers so poor?
They are rich and clearly don't give a fuck about breaking few things in their house.
>beating on GS with no Durant
He deserves 0 sympathy then
Literally worked by the books
fucking LOL he doesn't know
This guy is rich and probably made a lot just making this video
the sad thing is these are upper class nigs, judging by the size of that playroom
just goes to show you can take a monkey out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of a monkey
Rage fits don't give you exploitable clout. He'll just become another person black twitter mocks
>someone recorded the whole thing
>it's probably 100% authentic
>not click-bait at all
I'll admit I have chimped out before but not to the extent of the gentleman in the OP
Must be all the European blood within me
>Youtuber breaks some "expensive" shit on camera (that actually costs like $300 at most)
>Uploads the video with some eye catching title like "ZANY MIKE SMASHES HIS NEW iPHONE"
>Gets views, collects adbux, works dummies into a shoot
Works every time
vegas always wins
go easy he doesn't have a father
Did you calm down by loading up your favorite BLACKED.com video?
He'd need millions of views. Fag.
This. It's like 300$ of tvs at most.
Actually, I had a BLACKED.COM shoot right after, [spoiler]on the receiving end
but why was he recording
Seeing Warriors "fans" seethe is hilarious
nice culture you got there, "west"
Man that does suck. Those last two meaningless free throws would had me tilted too.
The rest of Cali hates those fags also
Coming from a fake country full of people that can't drive
>your own shit
Putting money on a game gets you 100 times more heated about it. I lost $5 on a UFC fight that seemed like a sure thing and it honestly ruined my day. This video is probably fake though.
Can confirm. The only people who like that shithole are those who live there, and even they don't love it.
If you actually think this is real you are a fucking brainlet. Recording was planned, broke old TVs, and they will go viral to rake in the money from other retards who will watch. It’s even more obvious when the other guys says it’s just a game.
>real talk
do niggers really say that unironically in the everyday talk?
this you fucking marks. literally nothing on the internet is real.
They do. It's to signify that they are telling the truth in that instance, rather than their normal lies.
these little 130lb niggers walk around in wife-beaters everywhere
depends on how much money he put down on the game. tv's are pretty cheap now anyways
jesus, always thought it was a rappers' meme and world star shit
Everyone is full of shit though not just black folks. If you told the truth 24/7 to everyone they would murder you. White lies and what not.
These. Literally a shithole. SJW infested, Drug Positivity, and Proud Gay Cucks is what the Bay Area is.
>niggers are playing 4D chess and not just chimping out
where's his father to discipline him?
>A fucking leaf made him do this
I mean if I stole a tv then I wouldn't care if I broke it either.
>We should abolish slavery
Ever heard of KSI you retard? This is literally YouTuber's 95% way of making views and cash, Niggering around or autistic prank... So stupid zoomers watch and go like "OMFGLMAOLOL xdddd"
is he acting like this because he's disabled or is it because he's black.
Just for the record, that’s an instagram comedian, @funnymike. Canadians on suicide watch
>fuck you curry bitch
desu I don't care because he successfully created a meme that makes warriors fans look like bitches
>buh-buh it's staged
is about as useful to me as
>buh-buh dey was injured
lol who cares fag, go tell it to that site that starts with an r and see how many upvotes you get for your amazing insights
This seems to be a problem similar to the "gun problem" It's not the guns that are the problem.
Ah, so this is the famous intelligent American "comedy" I've been hearing about.
>successfully created a meme that makes warriors fans look like bitches
But all the whining about the injuries and how the win doesn't count is doing that far better than some instagram attention whore ever could. Gay area eternally shook. What abouts for everybody.
theyre not mutually exclusive
Why does that nigger hate other niggers?
Do you know how retardedly little money literal who youtubers make to go around breaking TVs?
Fuck off retard
This house and chairs are worth more than any maths professor in eastern europe will do in 20 years of career
unfair or fair? what is a fairness? why for the ps4 only costs like a weekly salary and for us like a 7-weeks salary?
it's all about securing a passive income strategy
That's capitalism for ya. The math professor could smash his TV on youtube or drive an uber on his off time if he wants to be "rich" like Americans.
Ofc there was some bet involved. Like do you really care if, basically some mercineries, who have nothing to do with your city/ state loses?
You would be upset but never go berserkers mode, now would you?
He has 4M+ followers on Instagram. He's not making millions but with that kind of following he should at least be making an ok living through live bookings and sponsored posting. Furthermore, a shitty used flatscreen is like $150.
>Like do you really care if, basically some mercineries, who have nothing to do with your city/ state loses?
I do, but I feel like I have a good reason for it. I could watch news channels, get angry, and yell at the screen too. That shit is important and has consequences. After getting pissed off and letting off some steam, possibly making some furious shitposts on Yea Forums, I can't tell myself that was just a game. Because it's not. Those people are making decisions that impact my life. Getting wrapped up in sports and letting it have an effect on you emotionally is fun because there's no harm in it. Besides looking like a dumbass on the internet. I'm not going to smash my TV but I will furiously shitpost. Because it's fun. Because I can feel these emotions and say horrible things without people doxing me or harassing me for it. Because when it's all done and I calm down and think rationally I don't need to feel dead inside. No matter how bad of a shit show "my" team put on display.
>People believe this shit
This is what normies do now, e-whore attention piggybacking on big events using social media and viralism. It's somehow found it's way here and you dumb fucks lap it right up, go straight to his insta, Facebook, snap.
>he lost money betting
>OMG he did a second TV, he a mad nibba
You fucking dumbfucks facilitate this retarded culture
I knew it was bullshit since it was already being record anyways that's 22 savage, he's famous with blacks and they'll know it's fake as fuck.
Stop projecting you zoomer nigger cuck. Anyone that posts here isn't going to scrape this monkey's social media for updates. We just ridicule, shitpost and and move to the next thread.
>OMG you guyz fell for it he wuz acting all along!!! XD
Stfu dummy
underage b&
this. that House looks expensive as fuck
He bashed his friends head into the door
It's definitely real
>Smashes a second tv too
>Hits his friends head against a wall
Dude's crazy
look, how they don't care about that [they just lose] sport
This timeline was a mistake. Can we go back to people not being sure where their next meal would come from unless they were subsistence farming as a full time job? Niggers are a joke.
>implying he didn't loot that shit in a riot
This looks fake as fuck. I guarantee you this isn't their house. They broke into some whitey's house to watch the game.
>ladder in the background
the owners are probably having work done on the house
Hes the one looking at him funny with his feet up
Didnt you know that the left's kids run the house once theyre 12?
Meanwhile I work 40 hours/week and live with my grandparents in a household of 9 people
>nice hardwood floors
>no felt pads under metal chair legs
>repeatedly smashes tv into the floor
>nice hardwood floor is now permanently damaged
but it's racist to not want to rent your property to dindus
>"I lost too much money on this shit"
>Proceeds to lose more money
I knew I recognized this guy from instagram.
Clearly just a publicity stunt. And it worked I guess.
whoever's house that is is going to be pissed when they get home.
>Eastern Europe
Now do you realize Communism was such a huge fucking mistake that you can't even outearn nogs in non-communist countries 25+ years after it ended?
Meanwhile in bongland
this made me feel nostalgic for vice city
i think that word does not mean what you think it means
Both cute. What's the problem?
The Based God himself would approve though.
Yeah they could both get the dick without any hesitation.
two VERY lickable buttholes
pls fuck yourself and your burger larping
they did great w/o Durant, have you been watching?
>Literal chimp behaviour
no problem, they're just chuckling at the clickbait guy in OP's webm
Yeah but he probably fucked his flooring pretty badly
Literally me except I'm white and wouldn't damage my tv but other things like tearing off doors
>talking about idiots on 4chin
Kek he got the mimics of an ape when angry
Get a better job then, I’m from Eastern Europe and could buy a PS4 right now if I wanted to.
>black people
>paying for tvs
i feel like i've seen her somewhere
she's one of those racists who don't go near black people, right?
At least they're white
It takes a select type of person to purposely break a $600 machine for sweet YouTube views and retweets
It's okay. They'll just buy some more TVs with their """disability""" money that they get from us tax payers :>)
literally fake and gay
ya played yoself. the urban comedian thanks you for your (you)s and adbucks
>i got too much money on this game dawg
>voluntarily loses even more money
niggers, everyone
me on the right
not gonna watch. is this another break the rent-a-center tv episode?
The TV is an inanimate object
*the absolute state of negroes
nah you can tell when a freakouts real
the way he grabs his borther by the neck n pushes him tells you its real. If it was fake you'd see more reactions from the family too
Sacramento here, nothing makes me happier than this. All those Bay Area transplants here wearing Curry jerseys can go fuck themselves
It’s our time to shine brother
I'd rather not have a brand new tv that I don't really need than live in the USA and not have free universities and hospitals and get shot by some guy on the street just because he's a victim of vulture capitalism
>Yea Forums infested with such shit for brains posters now that it doesn't even check and see it's a YT/IG comedian
Remember when Yea Forums was good?
rewind on the dvr and create an epic reaction for views with shit acting
why else would he have the camera out?
>a Bog is currently playing in the NBA
when does it get activated?
Fuck, and I hope he got some tiny little glass shards in his feet for that
>remember when spuh was good
2006? Now, that was a good wc and owl
Staged for views. Break a 300 dollar tv, get a few k in ad revenue.
This was uploaded on a monetized Youtube channel first, wasn't it?
>Betting on GS
bit overdone by now
Can confirm, I live in the b*y area, and I have come to increasingly dislike it over the years.
>skee ball
>mrs pacman
>a bunch of loveseats they don’t even use
>multiple flat screen TVs
>sitting on a barstool when there’s clearly no bar around
Why do black people waste so much money on shit they don’t need?
The craziest part is that that isn't even his tv, or his house. Just some place he broke into to rob.
you guys do realize that’s an ig comedian right
it’s fake