
fuck hes leaving bros

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He was always leaving. It's truly a miracle you guys got a ring out of this season

He's like the Littlest Hobo. He helped out and now he's leaving to help someone else.


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Fuck, forgot my pic.

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Why would the Raptors hate him?

He always wanted to be in LA, him giving them their first and probably only title they should be worshipping his feet.

why wouldnt he stay? toronto is going to offer him the greatest contract of all time after this

It should be fine by us Raps fans now, both Kawhi and Masai.

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I doubt Toronto cares right now. They got their banner

Maybe he doesn't like the Six.

I literally don't care if he leaves. Thanks for the chip Kawhi.

sauce on pic plz leafbro

yeah and it will be a mistake. he really wasnt that spectacular most of the playoffs. good but not near steph/kd/lebron level.

honestly it's better for both him and the raptors if he leaves amicably instead of sticking along for the inevitable down periods

when will we find out the verdict

it's too cold there, he's not going to live in the same LA as you and I. Kawhi will live in a paradise.

yea plus he wear new balances, kawhi really isn't that good. Not like KD, or any other big name

damn does toronto really suck that bad? Ive always heard it was a pretty nice city

Who gives a fuck? We goddamn won.

He stuck it in Steph Curry's faggot fucking face.

se queda


Thread theme:

>He want to join the Lakers
Watch the (((Silver))) stack the Lelkers so hard with him & AD.

>Kawhi will live in a paradise.

Man it hurt to read this. I can't cope with the feel that I'll never reach that level of success.

Fuck this shit man.

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he's literally, indisputably the best player in the world

lakers cant afford him because they have AD and legod

Is this shit-starting bitch quoting his post-game ESPN interview? Because if she is, he immediately followed up that statement with "this is something WE can build on." Fuck Twitter instigators.

It's a pretty good city, but the winters are undeniably horrific and longer than any other NBA city. Black people hate winter so it's simple math, really.

An Elite athlete like Kawaii... he's going to AEW.

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>it's simple math, really.

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not if they first sign kawhi then trade for ad
it be like that

If I were him, I see no reason to leave. You gelled well with your teammates, they're dependable, good coach, good organization, etc. And maybe another free agent might come to join you. He shouldn't leave.


this. masai is literally the greatest GM in the league right now

Toronto is objectively a pretty terrible place to live when LA and NYC are on the table, though

plus canadian taxes are cucked

The only teams that are well led and team oriented are Clippers and Celtics. Celtics are stacked, he won't go there. If he were to leave, the Clippers are the smartest choice. I hope he doesn't go to circus shows such as the Lakers and Knicks and I hope he doesn't team up with Kyrie because Kyrie is shot.

no free agent is EVER joining the raptors to take a 30% pay cut from commie provincial taxes

Wizards are going to make Masai the godfather offer. Kawhi is going to the Clippers. Congrats on the championship though.

on the upside unlike LA no one here ever killed his dad

>40 years old

the only active NBA player who was born before this aired is Vince Carter

the world has many paradises, LA is just harder to conquer

Well that sucks but hey, he got paid. He paid us. I’ll be praying for him in the name of the Carter, the Drake and the Holy Masai Ujiri, amen

idc if he leaves. he accomplished everything a fan couldve hoped for. we are kind of fucked though now, cause had we not won a championship, some top talent might have seen that as a benefit now but we are no longer virgins unfortunately our appeal is wearing thin this fan base is diluted as fuck and most of them can eat my whole ass

He'll be back in 3 years to take down the next dynasty

lakers can afford anything. Going over the cap and paying the tax doesn't phase them

they only have to pay federal income tax which is lower than most states

He had the best stats in almost every category in the Finals what are you smoking on?

literally what else could he have possibly given us after being traded to a team he didn't ask to be traded to
if he leaves in the summer best of luck to him and thanks for the championship

>they the north

canadian taxes are too high, he'll end up making less even with max pay


they get paid in us currency and have dual citizenship, it works different for them


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With KD ded staying in Toronto is his best option left desu but he can do whatever he wants now and I wouldn't hold it against him.

wrong dumfk

Learn how to hunt and how to build, and you can live almost anywhere you want.


maybe so, I read a lot of nba players even in the US have special tax scenarios because they 'work' in multiple states. Doesn't matter because if the canadian government wanted to step in and offer kawhi tax cuts in exchange for staying they could

retard leafs dont even comprehend how hard their're cucked

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Kawhi will leave and it will still be a Bucks vs Raptors conference finals. Fuck the east is trash.

>Durant: career finished
>Klay: leg shattered
>Curry: exposed as soft/ not clutch
>Draymond: exposed as a generally not good basketball player

His mission has been accomplished. He should retire and the raptors should disband

holy cope
we just won and you just LOST
suck on this L and my big canadian cock while you're at it, bitch boy

we're actually living in the best timeline i cant even believe it

To your point.

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Better than the complete garbage in the West. even the team that steamrolled everyone out there was no match for the Eastern conference champs. West is so fucking bad.

i won 35k on the series faggot

>Lebron sets up his Empire in the West
>KD wants New York
>Kawhi basically has the option to own all of Canada. The literal North is his if he wants it.
Who’d own the south?

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At full strength the Warriors are the 4th best team in the league


sure ya did bud
keep seething

who cares, no one individual needs $30 million

theme song webm with OPUS audio if you want it

If everyone was gifted 4 million, the world would be a better place

>Hayward is paid more than Harden

Cant be worse than LA

>giving a fuck about taxes if you're making that much money

c'mon, son

Kawhi is from LA...he should go to LA to represent.