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Wtf I hate my Rapties now

/pol/ btfo


sorry boys, that's a real punch in the gut. if it makes you feel any better just look at the names of our congressmen

Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam. The Raptors Won the NBA Finals. Vimiru Amen.


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Rooting for Hamas to pay them a visit when they're there


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I thought Canada was an Islamic country?

based leafs

We are. The Muzzie fanbase won’t like this kek


that guy back there is doing something suspicious

>I hate Israel, Free Palestine!!

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>Gods plan

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>Why yes, I do look forward to the Jewish Bankers addition to the NBA in 2023.

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>God let the raptures win

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kike alert

G*d and his chosen people willed this

better than white house mcdonalds meals

Nah that sounds based. They have to visit Israel AND Trudeau

Instead of going to the white house they’re going straight to the source lol


/pol/ is a kike worshipping shithole

find me a non-jewish owner in the nba
i'll wait

Danny going to bring the gas to Israel

fuck zionism
free palestine
israel is an illegetimate ethnofascist state

Fuck that's pretty accurate

Raptors arent owned by a person....

unironically this

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Based. God bless Israel

The Jews are the ones bringing them in just like in Europe

Plane was booked months ago no doubt