What's next for him?

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Vice Sultan of Canada

Expansion into the US.

Find another bandwagon

fleeing when the race war starts

The guy has been to every game since 95'
He is the fucking train

Selling cars in the u.s.

Stumping for Justin Trudeau this summer, letting JT suck his dick on stage while all the Libtards scream in joy.


Doesn't wipe his ass for 3 weeks

getting drunk and falling asleep

guy looks like he’s in his mid-40s it’s not like he can go too hard

Trying to meme the maple laffs to a playoff win aka career suicide.

>wealthy south asian capitalist
he's probably a conservative and votes blue

Rap career. Gonna be the middle eastern Drake.


god I miss my cute ex indian gf I thought I could get better and now I want to fuckign die and the only lesson I've learned is that you can't learn lessons

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Think again americuck

im happy for nav, absolute ledge

Andrew Scheer sucking his dick then, while all the media creams themselves at the sight of a white man in his proper place servicing a PoC?

Is he a billionaire or something? How does he have so much money to go to every game with front row seats?


He owns like 5 car dealerships.

At this point they're probably giving him free tickets.

hes like a mascot

calling us cucks while u cheer and suck off a towel wrapped brown

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He's going to nationalize his car dealership business

Seriously why am I still a Christian when the Sikh religion exists? I oftentimes wonder this.

Drake should give that ambassador seat to Nav.


you mean 711

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what do you mean? he's gonna enjoy the off season and renew his season tickets, like he does every summer

Acres of Canadian pusy

You joke but his endorsement could flip GTA

If it makes you feel better I have one thats going to become a doctor. I can be a neet with her doctor money and fug her every night :D

Moisturize his beard before a satisfying night of sleep.

Fucking this. As someone who used to have a long beard, I can't stand people who don't understand you need to oil it. Chin flakes are fucking gross

nigga he looks 60

Your fetish is an Old Sikh getting sucked off by Canadian politicians?
What the fuck?

So the man knows how to avoid deportation well done.
Oh wait its leaf country.
Nevermind my bad.

That's dried cum not dandruff on your chin retard.

this dude is the exact opposite of a bandwagoner

yeah ok virgin

/pol/ called, they want you back

That's actually pretty hot

nice comeback

You are a bigger cuck than canadia.
Only reason your country is not in news is because it is not relevant if it was then you all would come out as even bigger cucks than sweden.

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He's a Sikh, dumbass.

if it's brown, flush it down

Can't wait for Drake's championship freestyle to drop

Superpower 2020
Super triggered

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He'll get a TV show, will be featured in a rap video by the raptors PR team and will do meme commentary on some barstool or BR video series

Even your natives are bunch of faggots, there is no hope for your country.

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What's always been next for him, driving very nice cars bought with money from selling shit cars

hopefully wiping his ass

>implying our gangs aren't just showboating so dumb cops dont bust their meth operations

Worry about your own country faggot, its clearly going down the shitter

>indian and new zealander quarreling

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>showboating to mourn bunch of inbreds

Yes exactly I also agree with your inbred statement

Recently reported he's worth over 75 million. He has about half a dozen car dealerships for decades now.


>what's next for him
Possibly letting the team have a free car from any one of his dealerships.