When skip bayless takes a shit a pointless country

>when skip bayless takes a shit a pointless country

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>complaining that the Warriors would have won if they only had their full stack of the best players in the entire league

>you don't get to state an obvious fact because people don't like that your team is stacked
fucking typical leaf post


Seething skippy

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Don’t matter. We unFucked the league for years to come and Kawhi is a slayer of dynasties

Get fucked

Why do they not see the irony in bringing up injuries affecting a title win when defending the team that can only win titles when they injure the star players of their opposing teams?

lame victories itt?

1988 Lakers title tainted because Zeke's injury
1989 Pistons title tainted because Magic's injury
1991 Bulls title tainted because Worthy and Scott injury

>if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike
Does he seriously make these tweets?

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2014 GS title tainted because Love and Kyrie injury

*slayer of a dynasty's practice squad (barely)

Is their 2015 title tainted too then?

thompson+durant>>>love+kyrie (not to mention gs was winning when kyrie left)

Damn. He's had weeks to come to terms with this and he still can't cope. Learn from this manlet.

Kawaii Lenny and the Literal Whos just beat

>Steph Curry
>Klay Thompson
>Drayboon Green
>Demarcus Cousins
>Andy Iguana

That's literally a tier above the Giants beating the Brady/Moss patriots

Board man don't get injured

kek. this level of cope.

retards itt falling for the skip b8

how is it not obvious for any user that he's just the average Yea Forums poster irl. He just wants those (you)'s and he's damn good at getting them but you niggas should see through this shit.

The man is Yea Forums's analyst. Our irl shitposter

He's honestly a world class guy at riling people up, every time someone talks about his dumb opinions, he wins
genius really

Wrong series fucking mongoloid

2010 Lakers title tainted because Garnett's injury

this but unironically

Maybe the warriors should have had more depth. Its their fault they cant recover from a couple of injuries. Maybe they should stop being so fragile


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>This level of cope

He's not wrong. The KD thing is a bit of a stretch though, since he was never in the right condition to enter the series.

u mean 09 moron. 10 was when perkins got hurt in gamwe 7. 09 took garnett out for the whole playoffs

What does Toronto win if Kawhi had gone down?

Look at this salty ass cracker.

>be Warriors
>rig the game
>make finals every year
>wind up playing too many games because of all the deep postseason runs
>everybody's legs explode

their plan both worked and backfired

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If Chris Paul didn't go down last year, Rockets would have won in 6. What's this douche's point?

Not sure but Kawhi wasn't even that good today. Lowry and freddy were on the ball

>t. Skip Buttblasted

Damn he's mad

holy shit this damage control lmao
warriors are a joke, meme team that relies on lucky 3s. they got exposed by toronto, a team built the right way no super team bullshit, no gimmicks, just hard nosed basketball the way it's meant to be played and a team built honestly. fuck the warriors. this is a win for the good guys and they earned it 100%. golden state couldn't get it done, fuck them. i hope they never win another title, they had their fun and it's time for them to go back to where they belong.

Didn't hear him call the 2015 warriors title tainted. Also klay played most of the games. Keep crying.

>lose every game this season vs raptor when full strength
>lost more than won this series with klay and curry playing
>they obviously would have won Stephen a Smith said so aren't I so intelligent
These flopping faggots were totally outmatched, the only tragedy is you bay area homos weren't nuked off the face of the earth when the clock struck zero

>no depth
>refs doing everything they can to keep you in it
>including magically putting (((0.9))) back on the clock
>still lose
that tripping call on Curry was one of the worst I've seen too

>if only things happened a different way I'd be right
when is this cunt going to die

That no call on the kawhi 3 was egregious considering the soft as touch calls they were giving klay.

Players from the Toronto development system won the Championship too

wait are you fucking serios thompson played 4.5 games out of 6. love played zero

Also, giving that basket to Draymond even though half of the ball was above the cylinder.

Why does anyone give a shit about Skip Bayless.? He's like the national enquirer of sports personalities. Is there anyone who ACTUALLY watches sports that gives a shit about what he says?

Glad I'm not the only one who wondered how TF the foul on Leonard could defy time itself


He literally gets less views than a daytime show on a different channel that just airs clips of puppies doing cute things. not even joking.

>Tripping Foul on Curry
I would've broken Curry's legs there and then. I get mad at that shit on Divegrass and I get LIVID seeing that shit on the court. He deserves to fade into irrelevancy.