This one's for you. Rest in power, King

This one's for you. Rest in power, King.

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keepem warm for us when we get there

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Didn't even remember this guy was dead. Damn

too based for this world




based and redpilled

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RIP fat man


RIP to the pussy eatin' demon with vanilla flavored semen. We did it.


He voted against building the Raptors a new practice facility. Fuck this fat retard lmao

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my cousin sold this guy meth lmao


Dilate you seething tranny. The Fords are based

When Doug is PM he’s going to put you creatures in concentration camps

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uhh explain this

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miss you steve

Scheer is Steve 2.0, he’ll be in office in a few months bro


Didn't know the coke mayor died

BASED somali gangster

>tfw Trudeau is mere months away from being BTFO

I've seen the polls, he's about to be assraped.

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>spending tax payer dollars on a multi million dollar basket ball facility.
This is what the Ford Bros campaigned against, the gravy train.

>trusting polls ever

lol scheer is arguably disliked as much as trudeau

desu this is our far left party's chance to win but they keep having absolutely milktoast motherfuckers as leaders

Ford was old school. He wanted the Raptors to know the value of sacrifice in order to win. Voting to not build it was his statement to build a fire in the Raptors' belly. This is Rob Ford's championship.


He’s historically unlikeable. He has a lower approval rating than Trump, but the media never brings that up. It’s going to be a slaughter

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>far left party
i shudder at the thought
how many somalians they want per year?


>taxpayers should fund a billion dollar profit corporation

fuck the NDP and anyone who actually votes for those faggots. Everyone on the left needs to be gassed


NDP stupid enough to put a towel-head in charge when most of their seats are in religiosity-hating Quebec. You deserve to get btfo. The conflict between traditional union support and the modern NDP wanting to flood the country with cheap foreign workers means the party is doomed.

It was already paid for you fucking retard, read the tweet

Harper was a way less faggy Robot


RIP Robbie

Rest in power sounds like a nig thing to say

RIP World's Most Inappropriate Man

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Ford Bros are all about city budget saving.


I just wanted maxime Bernier to win

He was perfect in every way

yee boi

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Ending the gravy train. Rob was a drunk but he actually cared about politics.

they do, the CBC
--oh, you said "profit"

>lol scheer is arguably disliked as much as trudeau
Greens will never go anywhere with Elizabeth "Omar Khadr is claasier than Harper" May leading them to oblivion


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Also this