Do you think we care about apehoop? LMAO Oakland is Raiders and A's country. Enjoy your irrelevant sport Canada

Do you think we care about apehoop? LMAO Oakland is Raiders and A's country. Enjoy your irrelevant sport Canada.

Attached: grillraidersfan.jpg (2208x1656, 465K)

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I dont even know which sport you're talking about seething commie.
Ball is the only american sport that's relevant.

Attendance: 9,883


>"Do you think we care about apehoop?"
Raiders are also leaving, we only have the A's now

>A's country
Yeah the team that averages less than 10k a game. Faggot.


>We only care about teams who have been at the bottom of their league for decades


What an embarrassment of a city.

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Oakland is a crime-ridden shithole.

But aren't both those teams leaving?

And they're moving to Vegas.

Um, your QB is a Carr. They're like a Manning, only suckier. The A's havent been relevant in over 30 years. Kys nog.

Oakland is 90% niggers and spcis and its a liberal hellscape.

>unironically living in the nigger-infested shithole known as Jokeland
Enjoy being Detroit West

The Las Vegas raiders and a team that gets 10000 attendance are your top 2. That is bleak.

>Yankees introduce new 3B, Matt Chapman
A-a's c-country!

Whatever helps you to cope

WITHOUT BEING RACIST can someone explain why Oakland is such a shithole while SF and San Jose actually have prosperity?

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Oakland is more like Baltimore imo

Like raw sewage, all the shit washes downstream in Commifornia.

Sacramento > The Entire Hellscape known as the Gay Area

Yea Forums cis???

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San Fran is nice. The People and prices aren't

>Team moving next year
>Team such a shitshow it didn't even know where it was playing this season
>Hired Jon Gruden for $100m for 10 fucking years
>Roster of literal whos and the niggest in the league

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But the answer is literally "niggers."

I meannn

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>Having as many franchise moves as Lombardis

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Oakland is containment for the worst of the worst, usually

Nice when there's literal shit on the streets almost everywhere you go. Sacramento and Portland are better alternatives.

The A's at least got a 3peat, unlike the warriors.

>A's Swept by the Blue Jays this season

San Jose is a shit hole, it's like one big mall, at least Oakland has a great night life, and a thriving art scene, which means plenty of art hoes and fun to be had

>at least Oakland has a great night life, and a thriving art scene, which means plenty of art hoes and fun to be had

Some anons found her Instagram, she’s fucking hideous with a tweaker face

Sacramento sucks, not a god damn thing to do, plenty shitty people just like Oakland(I'm looking at you South Sacramento), and you travel 5 minutes out Sacramento you are surrounded by people literally fucking livestock. I did go to a pretty nice brewery last year in Sac, trying to remember her where that was.

I cant wait until the NBA finally goes international and your shitty team moves to mexico city

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that can happen in any major city in the United States, and even outside of major cities stupid shit like that happens. I got a gun pulled out on me by some tweaker when I was in downtown Santa Cruz


Aren't the A's leaving too?

Pretty sure they were leaving for Fremont, but who gives a shit about boreball

also did you not read the rest of the article, the same shit happened in LA not too long ago


ummm, no sweetie