Will the streets of toronto be clogged. Will there be a parade tomorrow? I wanted to run some errands downtown but now it seems like I'll be fucked.
Will the streets of toronto be clogged. Will there be a parade tomorrow...
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god i was in downtown right now but im a loser who has no one to go with
Good luck.
What the fuck errands do you need to run downtown
drivers license
gotta pick up my mom at zanzibar for starters
my family there says there's a low hum all around the city of people screaming
hearty kek
>comfy watching the crowds from the living room on front st
somebody find out when they arrive home so we can meet them at Pearson?
I thought all you urban faggots just ride your bike or take the subway anyway.
I'm not going to wake up tomorrow if people don't stop with the incessant car honking.
god damn i live outside the fucking GTA and their are people honking like crazy. cant imagine how bad it is outside of toronto
damn not even upper brass?
from the tv footage, it appears as though the streets are clogged with pakis there
I'm downtown rn it's fucking crazy
god I wish I could go with you but I don't even live in fucking Toronto, let alone Ontario hahahaha
I'd love to see people lose their shit and run around naked
tell us what's happening
Send videos
My phone's shitty but it's crazy rn, was at YD there's mad people and fireworks, people climbing on shit and screaming errywhere
Who has work tomorrow?
ah fuck dude
can you at least record a vid and share it way later?
>Just realized its gay month
I garuntee you tdot niggas drake will hold somekind of celebratory shit so theres a second chance to get laid.
Massive orgies in downtown right now
The last minute killed a lot of the hype. People are losing their shit but it feels artificial.
does she at least make bank?
I'm not even close to downtown and there's a traffic jam on Yonge street. going both ways. and it's fucking midnight.
fucking rip lmao
Thats toronto for you
I'll try check twitter rn tho
People are already lighting fireworks off in the middle if the crowd. Its going to get out of control soon.
same dude. wtf these people are retarded.
>he's not downtown right now while shitposting
fair enough
god that place is a fucking rip off they don't even off hand jobs
Basketball is COMING HOME?
>being in toronto surrounded by chinks and niggers.
no thanks
yeah i'm sure your mothers basement in whatever flyover province you're from is far more enjoyable right now
nice fäm
thank you!
>being within 10 feet of a black and an arab
I’m not dying today, I’ll take my qt sister and meth
Subways are down, injury at track level. GO transit bus terminal also closed down on police order due to safety issues. Enjoy camping out overnight
Any cute girls?
hahahahahahaa holy shit
Is that a ttc bus?
backstory please?
>everyone watching two dudes fucking
But it's not til next week you faggots
imagine this city if the laffs win the cup
>will the streets be clogged
Where in Toronto do you live user? I'll celebrate with you :)
Go to sleep wagie Mr. Shekelberg is gonna be furious if you aren't at peak productivity on a Friday.
Two blocks from Dundas square. Pretty much accepted I’m not getting to sleep tonight.
imagine the smell
Fucking based
Its a decoy bus. The police shut the street down hours ago, it's suppossed to funnel the crowd a certain way. Same with the car in the lower corner. They are dummy cars.
I'm sure if your boss isn't a complete moron they can give you a little leeway. Hell they might be in the spirit.
holy fuck imagine being proud to be surrounded byu niggers and arabs
The entire game killed the hype
Ever since 9/11, events have to park large vehicles and set up solid barricades to deter vehicle attacks by allahu snackbars
You better cool it with the antisemitism before I report you
God damn nigger are you a Ryerson student or something? RIP
based. better than hooker harveys
not him, but kike
mississauga here, people fucking honking on small residential streets.
odds on riots or damage downtown?, wouldn't mind a good chuckle
Nope. Rich semi-boomer. Own a condo on Elm street. Also gotta be up early tomorrow for a meeting. That’ll be fun.
People live in Mississauga?
yes, boring as fuck but at least its not brampton
It 100% is more enjoyable than being where you are.
don't, you'll get stabbed by a pajeet or chinaman
We've probably walked by each other then, well best of luck tomorrow though I can't give you too much sympathy you rich fuck.
>this is something for them to build on
he gone
imagine this but a leafs cup win. double the crowds with less nigs and browns
sauganig here, hope downtown burns
And actually meaningful and worthy. Basketball is gay as fuck and rigged by refs.
It's Toronto, people get shot at Yonge/Dundas square
pretty high I wager.
It’s very possible. It’s cool, though. I don’t need sympathy. I have a jacuzzi.
what do you do, richfag?
Property management. We own a bunch of commercial buildings, mostly around the financial district and club district. Have a potential tenant to talk to tomorrow morning.
So many hot girls going crazy dt I can't handle it I wanna fig them boys
Calm down, Mohammed
>slum lord
The crowds are destroying the dummy vehicles as we speak. Police now have their excuse to move in they will slowly disperse the crowds from the outside in. Crowd control 101. This will be done in an hour or so.
pics or gtfo
disperse them where? yonge-dundas was completely packed
Nah, we’re commercial not residential. But close enough. Feels good man.
Here’s my jacuzzi.
Those were dummy vehicles? What the fuck they actually have those?
>flyover province seething
Do you really think the cops are dumb enough to leave single buses and cars parked where they know the crowd will convene
Wherever the fuck they came from. Send everyone packing in every direction. Thin the crowd slowly. The point is to let people have a little bit of fun, then take control before it gets out of hand.
parade is monday if no one has made a point ot say it yet
There was an incident two weeks ago after the Milwaukee win there 4 kids jumped on and damaged a cop car. Don't see why it would be different this time around.
family business?
why the fuck pick the beginning of the week
Everytime I got downtown I get overwhelmed by the amount of qt girls near the UofT area. Summer makes it even worse.
Makes me want to shoot myself
>Milk Story 4 ad
Fucking kek
why don't you try talking to one?
You could say that. “Family””business”.
Be glad you have qt girls in your area at least
who are you fooling, I went to UofT
it's all generic chinawomen speaking annoying as fuck cantonese
user works for a mob front property management company
Theyve already started hearding crowds have fun
I said no such thing. Those are outrageous allegations!
2 cop cars smashed up.... lol
people are still heading that way.
brings back memories of this
it wont thin out for a while yet
none of you asian leafs are getting any girls downtown even if you went relax
>"we're not done yet"
fuck outta here the Klaw is staying for at least 1 or 2 years
they don't speak Cantonese you fuckwit, you obviously didn't go to U of T.
>wholesome white crowds having a jolly good celebration
better days...
and that poor news van ;; why
I'd rather be at home instead of seeing girls I will never have
If you think UofT is full of chinese then you really have no clue how bad it is in other universities.
Only this Sunday I walked around Spadina in the area of UofT and OCAD and the amount of qt blonde girls riding their bicycles in short skirts was insane.
Mandarin whatever the fuck it is, it's annoying as shit
I don't honestly care about Chinaland
The van on Front street that they climbed the top and smashed?
>seething whiteboi
lmaoo stay mad burgertowner, girls are celebrating with torontos lin's tonight
>girls downtown now
brown girls you mean, no thanks
nice a canadian containment thread
dt toronto has a lot of rich white kids though
You heard ‘im, lads! Fan out!
>tfw use to live in T.O but had to move up north for work
>couldn't get time off work to visit this week
I'm living vicariously through all these party vids rn
Most white kids don't care about basketball though
White girls care about whatever’s popular at the moment.
every white girl in toronto has jumped on the raptors bandwagon atm.
t. recently graduated from dt highschool w rich white kids
Yeah, that’s what I was saying, they’re all super into basketball right now because it’s popular.
This white girls getting fucking PIPED by BVLLS tonight
Based and not on the pill
literally only seeing white girls with asians, indians and blacks tonight in dt toronto LOOOL
>tfw not a black stud
Alright Toronto boys, post dick pics so I can see if you guys are actually packing anything good
Pretty gay 2bqhfam
Just do it :)
got some bad news for you family
I’m a grill
>tfw no dt toronto hangout with your Yea Forums bros
In your dad's eyes, yes
The male reporter on cp24 is shook as fuck lol
No, that was cum.
pics or gtfo
No it was spit faglord
Can’t it be both?
>work in steel factory, afternoon shift
>everyone stops working to watch the 4th quarter
>all of the forklift drivers spend an hour honking in celebration
>lots of workers banging metal shit together
I've certainly had worse workdays
no because you couldn't handle my sexy cock meterosexual
Downtown wouldn't be any more crowded than it was tonight; but white boomer towns across Ontario would be very lively
cringed hard
How long until someone accidentally dies?
ya it would
Who gives a shit all I can think of are the leafs
Got to bed grandpa
She need to give me a dance
Two first
>take a break from writing my VN to watch Rapties win
>Rapties win
>stay up through the night browsing and working on VN
>do my actual job whenever I feel like it tomorrow because I work from home
Life is good lads.
whats the average length theyve all been fans? im thinking one-two months
>doing any actual work
pick one
Kate Beirness looked sexy as fuck drenched in champagne.
two hours
I'm cozy here on Georgian Bay
I'll start periodically checking open tabs at 2:30. Just want to keep browsing right now.
Bet shes getting double teamed right now
Yeah by me and Evanka Osmak.
>Yea Forums ever having hetro sex
I laffed
This is the only year you're ever going to experience this.
3x for me so far, i'm sure it won't be the last.
Back to your trough, little boonies cow
It's ironic you would use the term fly-over when there's a toll road that exists just so people can pay to avoid going anywhere near Toronto.
Happy for her honestly. She was actually a really great basketball player and had to retire early from a knee injury. She was no doubt a raps fan long before this.
Ya ok
We having an Yea Forums meetup on Monday for the parade, Leaf bros?
Yep where at
im down
Based and polepilled.