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JANNY!!!!!!! There's a faggot on my board!!!!!

Way to out yourself

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I haven't watched the WWE for years. Is Sheamus still the champion/relevant? He was the most forced champion ever. I stopped watching WWE because of him.

Ya seethe leaf



Reported not sports

For me, it's Chyna

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Well youll be happy to know he got spinal stenosus and is now out again with a back injury. Depending on when you left he might have been on his last main push. Hes been in a tag team for a while because of his diagnosis.

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But the IIconics are the best wrestling tag team in all of history

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>what kind of gimmick do you want senpai
>Yea Forums australian shitposters


Is there a better gimmick

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holy cringe

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reminder that lexi is pure and not for sexuals

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