FACT: I was the cutest baby on spee

FACT: I was the cutest baby on spee

Attached: literally me.jpg (2048x1158, 258K)

mere MINUTES before getting molested by gypsies

Attached: smug grill.jpg (450x302, 30K)

cute flex but ok

Hideous sofa tbqhwy

>negative canthal tilt

It's over for you boyo

haha qtttt

aw user

Zack Bowen

Third world looking house

Gypos FEAR my Big Dick Energy
So is ur mom LMAO
What are you even talking about you fucking dork
Not from chille, sorry
Thanks, bby

Attached: IMAG0993.png (831x1061, 1.27M)

Are you the user who posted your dog the other day?

8.5/10 pretty cute

He posted it today too but jannies hate fun.

Probably the only cake in all of Eastern Europe.

Attached: 1501535271225.png (396x544, 96K)

Too white for a native Hungarian

the only place in the world where it's normal to an adult to eat four cakes a day is usa

Mama mia, thanks Luigi

learn how to take a picture

Probably, amerifats are the rest
Lose weight

Attached: rolando.png (964x508, 535K)

I forget sometimes that all you guys I post with were also little toddlers too once

hahahahahaahahaha your country has a lot of starving people thats fucking hilarious

Tells you a lot about the society we live in, doesn't it...

Just curious, are you the same Hungarian posting the sleeping perro?

No, my argentinian friend