Any other Leafs out there who want the Raptors to choke? Seriously fuck Toronto and everyone and everything about that shithole of a city. Toronto doesn't care about the rest of the county why the fuck should we care about their apehoop squad? And no you are not "Canada's team" because your're a pajeet satellite state or Muslim caliphate depending on where you are in Torontistan. I will get no better pleasure then to see that city suffer and the Toronto centric media commit suicide on air. Eat shit. Warriors in 7.
Any other Leafs out there who want the Raptors to choke...
fuck off montreal
I don't care either way, good for them if they win, but I really don't see why they're being called canada's team when it's a bunch of american players in a city most canadians don't like
awfully underage thread tbqhwyf
I live in Toronto and I want them to lose so the retards here burn down the city. Fuck this shithole
Maple leafs, eh?
I want them to win so basketball will go away faster.
What is Toronto like
Please use details
Smelly, soulless, and full of shitskins
not him but another toronto user. It's just a ring of brown and asian suburbs with rich white metrosexuals in the middle. not that different from any other major north american city
most american suburbs are white
its probably the most american canadian city. You notice a difference when you leave the city cause everyone is nice to you.
yes every white canadian is still in a deep state of mourning now that the hockey season is over. a profound depression has set over the country as they will now prepare to hibernate for the summer only to appear in the fall when hockey begins again
only the chinks and pakis and nigs actually care about apehoop
>blue jays
nah calgary is the most american canadian city, it's like texas in canada
>implying any of your plastic cities in north America are any different from each other
yeah I agree, what I mean is you can tell when you leave toronto. It just doesn't feel Canadian.
yes. it brings me incredible happiness seeing morontoians get btfo.
Vancouver is not very personable
>Any other Leafs out there who want the Raptors to choke?
That's everyone outside toronto. All the footage of other cities rooting for them is fake news made to boost ratings.
full of brown "people"
calgarians desperately want to be american. torontonians already are american, they just won't admit it
Wheres your leaf?
Is it true that most people in Quebec don't care about the NBA?
most people outside of the toronto area don't, aside from occasional enclaves in major cities
Yes I agree
I have a friend in toronto, it's awful.
Vancouver here. Fuck everything Toronto.
based BC fren
t. irrelevant flyover hick
rent free, faggot
ye I want Toronto to lose. Like I care about the brownies in the East larping as if they are Canadian.
"We're all immigrants" ... yes, yes indeed Sanjeet and LaQuisha, whatever you say.
Nobody in the West except the mormons care about basketball.