What the absolute fuck. Is he the most ultimate athlete ever?

What the absolute fuck. Is he the most ultimate athlete ever?

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>le odd body shape man

not drowning is not a sport

COPE swimlets

He's the best modern olympian of all time

easy to win lots of medals when there are like 200 different disciplines


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>Is he the most ultimate athlete ever?

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Swimming is not a sport


>be the best dude at archery
>get one gold
>be the best swimmer
>get like 6 medals

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Archery is not a sport.

Usain Bolt is the ultimate athlete

Same can be said for other swimmers and also runners but nobody is even close to him.

she cute

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they could have like a thousand different archery events if they wanted, from different distances, using different types of bows, even team events with cumulative scores

but archery is boring and nobody cares so they don't. theyre lucky to have the one event and thats cause archery was popular in the ancient games

Or is it him?

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>15bi for chariot racing

>those two silvers
bet he's seething about those

>De Gaius

>implying he's just good at one thing called "swimming"
Swimming butterfly and croll are completely different techniques, for example. The dude is just fucking great in all of them.

It's one silver, pal.

Sydney 2000
Omsk 1987


yeah, but how many world records does he have?

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Why is the medal record table different than the list? What a shit article.

>gaius wins lol

The unfairness is that swimming at 50m and 100m have their own gold medals, even when there is a little difference {pacing} between them. I would respect more if the golds are from different events, i.e: wrestling and beach volleyball.

Multiple strokes in swimming is the biggest fucking bullshit meme ever. It should just be the 50m, 100, 200, 400 etc in whatever stroke you think is most efficient and then the relays. Including nonsense like the backstroke is like having a 100m backwards jog or crab walk competition in track.

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Fuck off. I call bullshit. This isn't it real. It's crap. It's bullcrap.


you would have to be a commie to have a chance with her.

an horse doing all the work as usual


He is the Caster Semenya of swimming. Prove me wrong.

Backstroke is better than fucking butterfly

>bet he's seething about those
He is too civilized and easy going person to be seething about anything.
>“I have not gotten over it. However, I don’t live in captivity of that event. Life goes on…”
Man was undefeated from 1988 to 2000. It is eternity in wrestling.

National level events aren't relevant enough.

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