What will be your reaction when USA undeniably wins the Women's World Cup?

Can't wait for France to be smashed desu, Don't want to see people starting to compare Male and Woman's Team. I want us to lose so bad.

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Fuck you. I want us to lose, I'm pulling for France.

Fuck off, you guys are sissies enough to be so strong at female Football, You stay the world champion in a competition nobody cares. You Don't realize how SJW and Feminism will Skyrocket here if we somehow win.

Just eliminate us already.

Reluctantly wishing for a loss. I really want them to win, but if we have to suffer another 6 months of post-WC "equal pay" shitstorms in the media then fuck it.

>but if we have to suffer another 6 months of post-WC "equal pay" shitstorms in the media then fuck it.

It's not like the USMNT is developped for them to get more payed than USWNT. Your MNT is imcompetent compared to your WNT.

That being said… Here? oh boi, we would Promote and asking for retarded things while Female Football on the average isn't even the same level as French's Male 6th division except Olympique Lyonnais, Paris SG and Montpellier HSC female teams that are descent.

twitter.com/SenGillibrand/status/1138551389783810049 (presidential candidade for 2020)

So we basically have the same issue. We're simply trying to avoid the politicized shitfest that a WC victory inevitably becomes.


Who is this qt

Whatever it ends up being, it will be well after the fact because I shan't be watching.

>women STILL don't understand that athletes only get paid based on TV revenue
Women: the original meme

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I wouldn't care either way but if they did win I can shitpost about it

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The women's world cup is the consolation prize of consolation prizes. Scoring 13 goals on hobbyists made me hate them

>13 goals

I don't think I'll notice

should we all be rooting for Japan then?

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Deal. Nadeshiko are Based

i want us to win. i want us to win big and celebrate even more. i want everyone else to take the time out of their lives to tell us how much they don't care.
i don't want germany to win. fuck those nazi cunts.

>two months straight of muh pay equality
I hope they lose to Sweden again

Imagine hating women so much it makes you root against your own country. Not really surprising considering the flag though

fucking commie traitors

>You Don't realize how SJW and Feminism will Skyrocket here if we somehow win.
your country is already cucked giving the women's Roland Garos champions equal prize to Nadal
At least we pay the women shit because they lose to 13 year old boys, if they keep winning this world cup the feminism will hit your cuck levels.

Those roasties don’t even like the country

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Please leave us alone

Basedboy soccer cuckold

Disgusting. Hopefully Sammy Kerry bullies this cunt when we meet in the finals

Not surprising the unability comprehension.
Idgaf about them winning. Cool.
What i'm scared and getting mad at is how they will take THIS victory to talk MAD shit to the men's team every fucking time they lose. It already started when we lost to Turkey and they won the opener.
The Average French Normalfag is a fucking bandwagoner: Before 1998-2003, no one gave a shit about Football. Then all of a sudden everybody was a Football Expert. Even worse, they started disrespecting every supporter from other countries that were back then bigger Football countries than us.
In case of a Female NT win, it will be even worse. Instead of uniting Frenchh, it will divide us even more because of the negative arrogance those women will get, supported by ALL feminist Söyboys and SJWs that have ZERO knowledge about the sport and will judge because of the sex and not the actual skill abilities, which is HUGE between men and women here, but STILL ask for equality or even rate women as superior than Men's NT.

dubs for roast it

I don't know how I would feel when literally who beats literally who to win the literally what. Oh actually I do, I'll be comfy eblnjoying the break from football with my /trans/ lads.

I really could not care less. In fact, I hope every teams plane crashes with no one left living.

>U.S presidential candidate doesn’t understand middle school economics
What the fuck...

i will continue not giving a shit.

Doesn't France have some blood diamond nigresses from one of thier colonies they can slap some unis on?

Women’s sports belong on Yea Forums

There's a women's world cup now?

She looks like a quality goalkeeper. I guess she can't be exposed?

Pls fuckme hard

Me too. This womans team is such an insufferable group of entitled cunts. Hope they lose soon.

Letting women play sports is communism

Goddamn Hope Solo has top-shelf american slag aesthetics I'd fucking eat her sweaty roasty pussy for dinner like a starving zimbwean. Just that pic in the op and I'm diamonds.

Every time I see her, I think of something else. Why's that?


im thinking you should show us what do you think when you see Hope Solo.

God, I'm so hungry!

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Who did she even send her vag pic to?

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If they win the USA win. If they lose International Football wins. Will indeed shitpost either way.

Literally no reaction. Not even worth faking interest in it just for the sake of shitposting.

Ill be glad its over, getting tired of this constant shit fest, both by the incels hating on woman football for no reason other that they cant get any pussy, and the incels whiteknighting it and talking about it in an annonymous Cambodian stop motion animation blog as if it was the Best thing to ever happen to sports thinking that Will bring them some pussy

POST IT fagolas


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fucking savage of you

Yep, she’s really cute. I bet she’s an innie.

Nobody but women and homos care

Such cringe. Even niggas in NFL stopped doing it. All real niggas know Ye and Trump are homies.

Only virgins with porn addictions or homos wouldn't fuck that

wow this guy did it
he posted it guys

I stared into the void and it queefed at me.

Honestly, Hope Solo is cute, in a deli style sort of way.

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I would have a cherry soda after lick that

I like to imagine she’s calling me a little bitch as she prepares to pee on face

>What will be your reaction

imagine a world in which a normal person follows womens sports whatsoever

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yeah shes so much better than our current keeper. hopefully it wont matter.

i think i would lads. SO HORNY AND LONELY

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>Implying USA will win.

this guy gets it. pussy and blowies feel good but other than that bitches are overrated and borderline useless.

Imagine sticking your tongue up in there haha

yawn, shut the fuck up you boring shit

I love watching the women's cup. It's really the only time soccer holds my undivided attention.