"Womens" world cup

"Womens" world cup

Attached: south africa women.webm (1200x675, 2.82M)

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I'm pretty sure I've seen some of these guys in my local favela selling drugs

what an ugly people

Attached: chinawomen.webm (1200x675, 2.95M)

Attached: 651a1s15.png (289x477, 365K)

they legit look like male asians

are you fucking kidding me

Come on now

>me at 0:21

there is no way that 4th person is female

Or 6 and 7

>Dyke Football CLub

Attached: a.png (4928x4504, 3.43M)

imagine being 2nd chink in the showers after the game

New Edition' got back together?

this guy looks like a north korean servant

Attached: 1509336832472.png (1212x981, 366K)

For me, it's Semenya

They're all lesbians

thats all female athletes

If it weren't China I would give them benefit of the doubt

Yeah, like the African countries could just be a case of masculine looking black women.

But I wouldn't put it past China

it's probably true, even the qt in norway turned out to be a lesbian

Not gonna lie, would bang everyone of them

>i wanna like her tomboy puss puss
she cute

have sex

Without braids or extensions African women look like that.

Which one you rec?

now I'm wondering
can someone shoop some braids onto them please

Holy shit this is gold

Attached: large.jpg (461x461, 34K)

They look like insects


They all look horrified that the camera is on them during the anthem, probably afraid Chairman Poo and the party will kill them later for not singing with enough passion and vigor.

16 is super cute

they can't keep getting away with it

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this webm wouldnt be so funny without the premise behind this thread

truly meme magic

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Gotta protect the mons.