Boston is the worst of the worst...

Boston is the worst of the worst. Bostonfags are the ones who push the flyover meme despite living in the worst coastal city. They believe they are the best thing in the world while also having the biggest inferiority complex. Take away the Bruins, Celtics, and Red Sox and they have nothing of value. They produce no food that is done in the flyovers, the weather is shitty, they are essentially a fiefdom of New York, even their shitty claim to seafood is beaten by almost every other coast city. Boston is the Flyover City of the Coast.

Attached: costanza.jpg (200x200, 9K)

Boston is garbage and their accent is one of the worst things ever. Fuck Boston.

ultra based

You forgot the Patriots, the greatest dynasty in US sports history

foxboro is not boston you fat subhuman fuck
go get shot

The Patriots are a Providence team

boston is pretty cool city

jew york is a degenerate cesspool

>gifted several rings by a corrupt league
>greatest dynasty
go pahk yo cahr in hahvad yahd bootlicker

This Tbh

Yes , yes, well done Patriots, well done, however. You play in Foxboro not Boston so I must award the Greatest NFL dynasty to Foxboro, New England.

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I like Boston, I think their accents are cool. Why all this seething when actually Bruins lost?

The whole country has a chip on its shoulder towards Boston because of the past few years of NFL domination.

>Boston Celtics
>Boston Red Sox
>Boston Bruins
>New England Patriots
Something is wrong here.

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So are the Red Sox but no one says they aren't from Boston

This bu t it's probably just general Boston fatigue from winning basically everything. The only team that hasn't been uterlly dominant is the Cs and obviously they still have more titles than any other team.
It's been an amazing run tbqhwy.

Boston is a funny name

Sounds like the Portuguese word for Crap, which is Bosta

I always smile when thinking of Boston

Fuck off. If you live anywhere in MA you basically regard anything east of Worcester as being metropolitan Boston.

thank you based Portugal

Boston fans counting patriots championships is like Los Angeles fans that say Vegas is a suburb of LA

Reminder that out of all the cities where this was done, only Boston freaked out and thought it was a terrorist attack.

Attached: terrorism.jpg (750x600, 61K)

>"The New England Patriots are a professional American football team based in the Greater Boston area."
/sp niggers eternally btfo but what else is new

>greatest anything