
*just another MUHNDES edition*

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who's making these shit tier OPs? might aswell post a turd and call it schundes s m d h

she looks like my möm

hello /bundes/
>no footie until like late July
>last match was almost a month ago

a cow haha

I didn't know cows had internet in Brazil

na biste mett?

Ehm >we follow the WWC and U21 EM starts on Monday

>we follow the WWC
>U21 EM

What about international matches

Reminder that the U21 EC features the /bundes/ group: Germany, Austria, Denmark, Serbia

>Boarn Minga
is this real? how do you say football club in bavarian?


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will there be frauenfooty tonight?

why is that american mutt made of glass?

South Africa vs China *yawns*

lmao this is what professional journalism looks like


>the state of this Nele

It's his muscles. Dortmund pushed him too hard and too early.
Götze and Dembele also have frequent muscle tears.

I was talking about Adams

>greentexting links

Attached: 23-cringey-stories-that-will-make-you-want-to-.jpg (625x415, 26K)

believe it or not: I didn't at first but I didn't pass the spam filter. somehow it worked with a meme arrow

what's wrong with grrentexting links?


whats up with that clock tho

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hob gschissn

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>Der ZDF-Reporter hatte sich bereits für das Interview bedankt, als Marta auf Brasilianisch auf ihn einredete. Dabei verstand er nur das Wort "Klose" und guckte verdutzt in Richtung seines Übersetzers, den Marta mit einem lauten Lachen noch aufforderte, das doch bitte auch zu übersetzen. Er klärte auf: "Sie hat am Ende noch gesagt: 'Mein Gott, wie konntet ihr das vergessen. Ich habe jetzt auch 16 Tore geschossen, genau wie euer Klose. Das hättet ihr auch mal fragen können'." Mit ihrem Elfmetertor hatte Marta tatsächlich Geschichte geschrieben

alter ist das eigentlich deren ernst? diese fotzen sind so unfassbar ignorant. was soll das. es reicht mir, frauen zurück an den herd.

shall i autosage: y/n

uplandbazi pls go

Attached: doggo telling you off.webm (426x236, 344K)

>Muuhssa Diaby

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do what you want as long as you fuck off, tom

I've scored 16 goals in my backyard too, in a single day even. Guess I'm the record holder now.

OK who the hell is Tom? Is the fatty tom or the alpine nigger Tom? Are there two Toms?

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Everyone is Tom during the Women's World Cup

that one faggot obsessed with women """soccer"""


pls watch Copa America

yes and be sure not to mix up tom and webm user
t. webm user

Sometimes we're all Tom

speak for yourself ösi

t. "not Tom"

is this your post?

Attached: Screenshot-2019-6-13 sp - Germany vs Spain WWC Match Thread - Sports - 4chan.png (911x731, 417K)

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Mate please don't confuse further. I'm begging you.

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based and bundespilled

>Eine Sage ist eine zunächst auf mündlicher Überlieferung basierende, kurze Erzählung von fantastischen, die Wirklichkeit übersteigenden, Ereignissen.
Tell me more user!

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pls be in Wien


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>prostitute's bag

>tfw i didnt look at the linked thread and thought it was the new /bundes/ for real
i feel stupid now, but the point still stands, see

jz gedünsteter Lachs mit Kartoffeln und grünen Bohnen

was ist pasirt

