How many of you guys have or had sex actually?

How many of you guys have or had sex actually?

Me,4 months ago.

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FIVE _____ ago

not me

Yeah I had sex with my girlfriend in her pusy

Not me, handjob was the best I got so far.


I fuck a different whore every weekend

you had actually sex five poos ago?

I have a gf so I have sex almost every day

i have a lot of sex in all kind different positions. 69, dogystyle, blowjobs.. you name it.

Somehow got chlamydia confirmed today so gotta go on fucking antibiotics for a week

I've had sex 1000's of times. Been with my wife for like 20 years.

You must have a very large family.

4 years ago with a woman
few weeks ago with a guy

25 yo virgin here

sex outside of marriage is haram punishable by stoning or 100 lashes

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This. Takbir!

10 days ago

yesterday with my wife

Sex overally?
I'd say close to thousand times.

Number of girls I've been with?

i'm a kissless virgin

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Based my muslimbros.

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>sex outside of marriage is haram punishable by stoning or 100 lashes
worth it

Based and halalpilled

Have sex

repeat after me
All women are whores

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except my mam

Last night. It was good

Are you thinking to get married soon?

Did you make him come?


based. muslims are bros

I can’t have sex with my gf until August, when she gets on birth control.

>s*x outside of marriage

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Based Quatari Owner

Can I start using this excuse too?

Go back faggot. Yea Forums is a wholesome board.

Nip male having sex. You must be in the top 5%

Me and my qt Italian gf 2 days ago she's pregnant with my kid I'm a piece of shit and she should've dumped me long ago idk why she still with me, pussy is fire feelsgoodman