>removed from FIFA 20 cover
>mastercard suspended sponsorship deal
Is there a more JUST player in world football right now?
>removed from FIFA 20 cover
>mastercard suspended sponsorship deal
Is there a more JUST player in world football right now?
Wait what happened? (Besides shagging his sister)
>believing in a female that not even her (3) lawyers believed
Top kek
he's a rapist
More like a good excuse to stop giving him money because his market value has been declining since he left Messi FC
This rape bullshit has literally been the best move for his image since the start of his career.
People who can't stand the play acting prick are even on his side because of how much this chick tried to fuck him over, he couldn't buy this kind of good publicity even if he wanted it.
Who cares if a couple of faggy American companies pussy out of sponsoring him to appease the soi crowd, the guy's still making in excess of 100m a year.
This rape thing is such horseshit that it's not even on his wiki kek.
>This rape thing is such horseshit that it's not even on his wiki kek
NeymarPedia is a thing? that probably has more to do with the fact that only his most hardcore fans care to update that crap
He's making shit tons of money and has only played like 20 matches in the last few years
Sorry I just meant his Wikipedia page, lel.
Considering Tsuu has a hefty paragraph about his 'rape' I found it interesting.
ah ok, I should have guessed lol
>raking in mad dosh without overtraining
neymar is literally the smartest athlete in history. prove me wrong
He should sue his accuser to recover lost earnings.
This is what being with a woman does you these days. Don't fall for the woman meme.
Bitch is poor as fuck, the whole reason she pulled this shit was because she had like 3 outstanding debts and was about to get evicted.
>I used to be the future ballon d'or you know
The girl is about to drop the case though.
Police already said that she lied on her testimony and then she accused the policed of being on someones payroll.
>tfw Adriano is somewhere in a favela right now giving that same exact story
lose weight
it's not about the money he could receive, it's to have her condemned for her obvious lies.
He's still rich tho.
He choose to go back to favela.
when will these dumb athletes realize that these girls just see them as walking pots of gold. you keeping baning random thots and its only a matter of time before one tries to pull some shit.
I unironically believe that neymar is guilty, even more with the video, she wanted tro trap him so he does it again but her anger got the best of it, he doesn't deny when she says why she is hitting him. don't think that's a real rape, he was just violent towards her.
This. These companies dont give a fuck about that. They care about their image and about wasting money on "has-been" superstars.
Don Ramon?
Good thing our laws arent written based on what you "feel" Pierre. If that was you being accused of rape and you had no proof to defend yourself, you wouldnt be spouting this shit.
Innocent until proven guilty.
>mastercard suspended sponsorship deal
you now remember this shit
I'm not saying he deserved to go to jail, proofs be used and so far he has everything in his hand to discredit her. still I'd bet he did it
you must be a shit at betting
>still I'd bet he did it
You underestimate biology. A woman getting to fuck Neymar would be begging him to not wear a condom. This story doesnt add up. Its a blatant lie to get money.
And in case you didnt know.
This is how it went down:
>woman gets flown in to fuck Neymar
>she has 3 debts that are about to default
>after fucking Neymar she claims to have been ASSAULTED by Neymar
>their lawyers meet
>they are going to settle
>suddenly the deal is off
>a week later she changes her story from assault to RAPE
>the media is now blasting this shit 24/7
>shes probably making money off the interviews etc.
Youre a child if you believe this shit. Women use sex as a weapon. One way or the other.
I'm actually good
you first
She says that there's a 2nd video on her tables, but the said tablet was stolen in her house...
post proofs or shut up
the condom part is a lie for me, the bad treatment is real imo.
Never, this kind of athletes (poor past) are not the smartest people
nobody cares about opinons, you state it with proofs, how is it complicated to understand ?
based Neymar gets injured on purpose to starve children
Then send him to jail, dissolve his sponsorships and kick him from the national team. Based on "HE RAPED ME".
I'mnot denying I'm talking about "muh feels" here, I know the proofs justice has go against the girl
The girl threatened her apartment's concierge because the guy let investigators inside the building.
Rape is just a social construct
hot desu
Will real Madrid buy him and save him next year ?
He is wasted at psg
unfortunately the only solution is to date a woman who is also rich and famous who will always prioritize their brand over you. the days of indiscriminately running through groupies is over.
Who /PES/ here
>Bomessi on the cover since everyone else is either shit or charged with rape
Based Messi
pheepha is utter shieet
has anyone been as consistently BTFO as this smug motherfucker?
That’s fucking surreal, dystopian sf shit right here
A girl falsely accused hom of rape and then released a video of her hitting him claiming its proof. Then she precedes to accuse 2 of her lawyers of harrassment.