This is VERY disturbing

This is VERY disturbing

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Stick to apehoop nigger. Hockey and baseball are the white man’s sports

Boreball is a dead sport walking

I thought baseball was about 50% spic, pretty surprising

Baseball and Hockey typically require the highest IQs to understand all the intricacies of. There's a lot of strategy that goes into even understanding why a certain pitch is thrown or why you'd match up your 4th line with the opponent's 1st line.

So likewise it has the fewest but most dedicated fans.

it's funny, i always thought baseball and hockey were the best american sports. makes sense now.

this is viewership demographics, not player. White people love watching Mexicans play sports.

It is a bit less than that, but not necessarily the groups that have large populations in the US.

The vast majority of football and basketball fans have no clue what's going on strategically either.

Still mainly white

Attached: ethnic-makeup-of-players-in-major-league-baseball-GIF-mlb-demographics-ethnicity-chart-visme.gif (1360x1100, 489K)

>Analyzing the strategy of 5 seconds of playtime
I mean, if that was my job I'd do it, but american football is pretty fucking retarded so go fuck yourself.

i'm black and love baseball, wish i could talk about it irl without being called an 'oreo'.

That's why they're appealing to lower IQ individuals. You can enjoy the game without understanding why coaches or players are making certain decisions.

Whereas with baseball if you don't understand when the steal is on or why a pitcher is picking off the runner at first, all you hear is "Hurr boreball. Hurr game take 3 hours. Hurr need more homeruns."

Many beans now identify as white.

I never got this, it's like yeah you showed some stats that "prove" white men watch a sport, good for you here's a gold star. What do you want to do about it, have MLB and NHL owners force announcers to include wacky references about the minority demographics?

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but why are you black

You didn't even realize that you outed yourself with a post that shows how little you know.

Run along m8. Actual sports fans are talking

because my black ass parents had sex in 1986 at an air force base. fuck ups happen

No one watches football for the actual sport, its all about the other things like tailgating or food or hell even commercials.

If you think it takes high IQ to understand any sport, you're probably dim yourself. You can understand hockey and probably baseball just fine without understanding intricacies. Lmao

why are americans so obsessed with race ?

Condolences he didn't use a condom.


Because we didn't outsource our slavery, and the shit yurup just started dealing with has been problematic for 150 years here.

Baseball is objectively more enjoyable when you're aware of the little things happening in each game.

Agreed. Doesn't make it impossible to enjoy otherwise. And lumping hockey in with it was just full blown retarded

>American reading comprehension
I never meant to seem knowledgeable about a shit sport.

Have a good day friend.

What happened in the 90s

Bullshit, football takes as much strategy/intricacies, if not more.

Castro dumped all his unwanted on our shores

NBA got popular in the 80s and 90s so black people went there.

Lose weight.

This just proves how nhl and mlb are the ultimate boomer leagues. nba is for zoomers

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>this entire post

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hockey is just like any other ball game with a goal at each end

dude just be big and crash into everyone along the boards lmao

Why zoomers hate baseball all of sudden?

So Baseball being for boomers is not a meme

Baseball is a national pasttime of course zoomers don't understand the greatness of the sport.

Finally an opportunity to post this again:

In the United States, the NFL has:
- the largest overall audience
- the most diverse audience in terms of race, age and income

The NBA has:
- the youngest audience (40% of the viewers are younger than 35)
- the blackest audience (42% of the viewers are black)
- the least white audience (only 39% of the viewers are white)
- the most male and least female audience (74% of the viewers are males, only 26% are females)

The MLB has
- the oldest audience (51% of the viewers are older than 55 and 79% of the viewers are older than 35)

The NHL has
- the richest audience (29% of the viewers earn more than $100,000 a year)
- the least Hispanic audience (only 1% of the viewers are Hispanic)

- the most white audience (94% of the viewers are white)
- the most female audience (36% of the viewers are females)
- the least black audience (only 2% of the viewers are black)

The NCAA has
- the most middle class audience (54% of the viewers earn $40,000 to $100,000 a year)

The MLS has
- the most Hispanic audience (32% of the viewers are Hispanic)
- the poorest audience (36% of the viewers earn less than $40,000 a year)

kek, smash your head off the nearest table corner

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>if you see an American flag posting about soccer there is a 1/3 chance it's a poor Mexican

this post was hilarious and useful

It’s incredible, despite being 4% of the population and based mostly in cities with emgrained baseball cultures, coming somewhat from Baseball countries Asians don’t make up anything

too busy being doctors and computer scientists and shit

NFL: Our footy
NBA: Girls think black lanklets aren’t the hottest, good game to smoke weed to
MLB: Bad marketing to Adderall generation
NHL: People between Boston and Toronto usually have more money to pay the higher remt
NCAA: Farmers make a middle class existence cause farm bill
NASCAR: Rumrunners become Methrunners become passed out on them pills

Spics are white now

What's IndyCar?