Is this the most useless midfield in 2019?

Attached: midfield.png (558x438, 74K)

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Henderson captained a Champions League-winning squad not even two weeks ago

not good post

Well, you won't go far with dead people

wow such usefulness

I'd rather have Reyes than Alexis

Even now?

LMAO u fkin scrub

madre mía willy

Why do people still doubt and hate based Hendo?
He's been transformed under klopp

Calm down Jordi

He really hasn't. He just is lucky as fuck he fits Klopp's system perfectly. I've watched Henderson's whole Liverpool career. The guy cannot strike the ball with his laces explain that? Also he's always screaming not stop so he can play up le passion bullshit

Leave Tiote alone
only hendo lads

Don't know what you mean but that was clearly a curler with the inside of his foot.

ManU would probably be happier if Alexis died in a car crash and insurances paid for the rest of his contract

>throwing Reyes' body on the field is free
>playing Alexis costs you millions
>both are equally useful
I think the choice is obvious

Henderson is top tier, literally the best player of the Champions League winners

fuck you

Replace Henderson with Xhaka.

Attached: I+am+grateful+for+this+obscurely+themed+yet+satisfying+cat+_4829a2bdaf1edefcede0d25a962c7cc0.jpg (303x326, 15K)

If you don't rate Henderson you have no fucking idea