If women and men are equal, why football has no mixed sex teams ?

if women and men are equal, why football has no mixed sex teams ?

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if anyone replies "have sex" i will hang myself

We had a girl playing in one of our youth sunday league teams.

But everyone was shit so it didnt really make a difference.

Unironically have sex

because raep

There's no rule barring a woman from playing in a non women's league, they just aren't good enough to make the cut.

Unavoidable physical differences that no one denies.


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Inferior athletes, definitely. Who denies this?

have sex

Wow thanks for the arrow but since I'm not a woman I don't need everything explained to me haha

Obviously there's a big difference in physical prowess between male and female athletes, who the fuck argues against that ?

amkes ya think

inferior athletes
inferior minds
inferior entertaiment creators(writers, gamedev, cinema, football)

yeah you are rite

The strawomen in OP's head.

Have gay sex mericon

What are they superior at exactly though

>there's no rule barring a woman from playing in a non women's league
yes there is.

>no one denies
You ever met a hardcore feminist or sjw?

Almost all feminists agree that men are physically stronger and have a higher athletic potential han women. That's why the sports are divided along the lines of sex.
It's actually moderate/liberal feminists that are undermining this due to trans women wanting to enter women's sports. The radical feminists are vehemently against that.

Sexism, men keeping da women down. Now you see why we need Feminism?

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>team should be mixed
>5 females and 5 men
>and we switch of gk after each period

i love when peoples who hate football give their opinion on twitter

I dunno, giving birth?

Have YOU (in real life)?