They talk about social justice then they shit on asian women

Attached: fuckwhitewomen.png (748x788, 465K)

international players dont get paid for appearances anyway, so whats the whole argument about?

>and with that extra point, Alabama goes up 73-6 on The Citidel while Nick Saban is leading a chorus line on the sidelines


Blacks get so uppity when they perceive that they aren’t the ones being oppressed.

>they are starting to eat eachother

Attached: descarga (5).jpg (259x194, 7K)

It's true i mean how fuck is it fair that they get to play against people that have half the rights they do?

>SJW's starting to turn on one another

Attached: 1474243207096.png (600x600, 702K)

White "people" disgust me.

I, for one, am all for equality. Every match should end in a draw, and it does not matter if one team is much worse than the other.

No one cares. She should stop going out of her to find things to be offended about.

Attached: oops.png (333x463, 144K)

You're white though, Russia

This looks like a bad Russian agitprop account



Hell yeah GET HER ASS

This spam might be the most obnoxios one in years. Americans are so mentally ill.

We are the honorary mix of great mongolian conquesterians and great greek settlers. We are not white and we are proud of it.

>gib money
>money is worthless
Damn satan

I can't tell whether this is a troll account or an actual nigger doing nigger things.

I hate anytime americants are involved in a major international tournament every thing becomes so political or race/gender related

and it comes to other countries soon after, fucking hate it

I don’t think even Haitian blacks know about Dessalines at this point.

who? can i get a quick rundown?


Lmao what? Soccer is literally the cheapest sport you can possibly play. You need a round ball and two rocks or sticks or something that can function as a goal line.

I mean fuck, it's not like Honduras and Cameroon are out here fielding competitive hockey teams.

why do Americans have to politicise sports every time they are able

Politics have managed to infiltrate their sports and general entertainment media and so EVERYTHING is now being discussed with an eye on politics over there.

Americans are obsessed about being "woke"

"Black Americans" is all that is needed to sum up the tweet bro.

I wish we had our own versios on Vox/Vice/HuffPost, the same poetic slam style, but anti-sjw. Not like dailystorme, breitbart but like Vox or HuffPost itself, just with certain words reversed.

Some black French officer who went native and declared himself emperor of Haiti
Killed all the wypipo then got stabbed in the head by his own comrades who then desecrated his corpse and left it in a public square.
With national heroes like that, it's amazing that Haiti isn't doing too well.

imagine being american

>blacks are socialist by nature
bling bling nigga gibs me dem neetbux

Attached: nigger IQ.jpg (500x700, 66K)

Jews literally

Attached: Historical Jewish Expulsion.png (928x8840, 1.22M)

KEK after all the feminists whining that it was sexist to hold the USWNT to the same standards male athletes are, I was waiting for this.
I love it when SJWs try to out-SJW each other

Number of the Beast is 616, not 666. Learn scripture pls.

Thats a nice booty

Attached: gay nigs.jpg (540x554, 59K)

is basketball a showcase of black priviledge

Not fully true. He did that but he allowed white Poles to live. He called them, quite hilariously, the 'White Negroes Of Europe'. Which is quite strange because he was OK with the mass rape and torture of white women and children who had supported their independence attempts. Which is exactly what the Poles did and they were allowed to avoid retribution. Still makes me chuckle because Leclerc, got his arse beat by the blacks in Haiti even with a French, white, army.

What a cucked name

Attached: IMG_20170810_075915.jpg (655x598, 55K)

See not ALL the white people.

Was about to post this

Attached: 1531354508888.jpg (250x250, 6K)

Bašed anti haiti aruba poster

I kind of agree, it's such a bad stereotype no one can really take it seriously

If you really want to agitate Haitians there are like 10 instant convo-enders as well desu

If the US women's team beats a non-White team, it's racist!

Relax and eat your beet soup, comrade

Are they also demanding that male beach volleyball players be paid the same as female beach volleyball players?