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Why did he jinx his own team?
why is this dumb chimp calling achilles surgery "easy money"?
I'm too white to understand this
he ded
press F
I kind of want one of those hospital beds. The automatic adjustments, heating, cooling. It's comfy.
>Already won two rings due to joining the best team since the 90s Bulls
>Unironically risk an injury players rarely come back from 100% because you know deep you're an insecure bitch
The man simply needed an active and responsible father in his life. His insecurity is rather insufferable.
Webm of the injury as it happened?
get a craftmatic adjustable bed
god damn this sacrifice is gonna push warriors to win isn't it. raptors gonna choke
Not a chance. Even if the Warriors somehow win game six, Green will pick up his 7th tech and get suspended for game seven. They’ll have no hope without him.
this. honestly i can't hate on him though because alot of other guys in his position beat and abuse women and end up doing other shady shit. KD is never in the news other than him bitching about social media
no one asked faggot
thats a bad injury takes almost a year to come back from
he's getting oxygen for an achilles surgery? What the fuck?
Fucking daramatized social media posting.
for post surgery you idiot
I'm a nurse in a unit that focuses on abdominal surgery, 90% of the patients don't need oxygen post surgery and the vast majority of them is in their late 50's, early 60's, you're telling me one of the best athletes in the world does at 30 yr old?
You don't even get full anesthesia and you're supposed to go home the same day, this is f bullshit.
lol you're a male italian nurse how gay can one person be
post feet
Yeah man, making 40% more than the average local wage and working with a shitload of horny and stressed out women in their early 20's (including nigh-shifts when you're locked into the unit with at least one if not 2 of them), while you're one of the very few male co-workers around sure is gay.
He's more likely a janitor there larping as a nurse
That way they can bill him more
Even more ridiculous
to be fair he survived an injury that killed the original achilles
>easy money
what did he mean by this?
so, are your collegeus promiscious?
are they good looking? how long to study to become a nurse? a doctor?
>40% more than the average local wage
about 3500 euro for 40hrs/week?
He's out injured for a year so he gets paid to sit around doing nothing instead of playing. Easy money.
3 years with about 700-1000 hours of apprenticeships, depending on your university. Not as hard as med school but fairly challenging and not for the faint of stomach.
Yeah, most of them are fucking hot and you spend so much time in the unit on such an erratic schedule, sometimes you don't really get to spend time with your partner, so sex with colleagues is a somewhat common occurrence.
also nope, I make 2000/month and work about 155 hrs but I work in the top hospital in my city and getting in wasn't easy.
this is one of the best ball players in the world. you get oxygen because he fucking can. imagine if cr7 rolled into your shitty hospital to get a surgery and you deny him oxygen you'd be fired on the spot
KD got shot with an arrow?
>you now remember when the crocodile tears GM implied KD didn't "earn" it
>"That was different. Stephanie earned it"
Wonder how much KD is going to "earn" in the upcoming malpractice suit desu
black man speak
Achiles man get paid
it doesn't work like that, you don't administer stuff the patient doesn't need.
This is dramatized bs.
Funny thing is, I actually live in Turin.
metaphorically yes
his teammate draythug plays the role of african paris
how do you even survive with 2000 euros a month
>sex with colleagues is a somewhat common
Marco, I'm jelly
Money = success
Easy success, didn’t sweat the injury or surgery
>so sex with colleagues is a somewhat common occurrence.
post stories
Now he'll get the rest of the money out of his contract while lying in bed. Pretty easy.
to be fair athletes of his caliber can get anything they want
have fun user
is LuRant, dare i say it, the good guy??
KD is a bitch ass snake but I never wish injury on a player. Fuck the warriors for making him play and treating him like a slave nigga in doing so