A literal G league developmental team beat out a "Professional" soccer team, why does the MLS exist again?
A literal G league developmental team beat out a "Professional" soccer team, why does the MLS exist again?
The Magic of Cup
New Mexico United plays in the USL Championship which is the second tier of US soccer.
Please watch your leagues.
>Second tier
>not junior league
Happens in FA cup all the time. Why does the EPL exist again?
>caring about BASEDcer
Have sex
New Mexico plays in the second tier.
Also, when a premier league team loses to a lower tier team in the FA cup, you don't judge the entire premier league. And then take into account that teams care less about the Open Cup than the FA cup, especially MLS teams.
based and fuckMLSpilled
go home, newfriend
Reminder that USL is based and ELITE
Yeah miss me with this semen slurping gay shit
>doesnt know how to read
the absolute state of this post
dam some Brazilian shit right here. funny how slow they are tho
The pace of this is like watching slow motion. I've been spoiled by Messi.
you mean spoiled by wider camera angles
The fact that the talent pool is closing the gap between USL and MLS is a good thing.
It's actually getting wider. There's always an upset or two in the Open Cup, this isn't new.
MLS is plastic and cringey
ASL is full of soul and heart
What's ASL?
Do these guys even play for the NT?
45 is James Chambers, 32 year old Irishman. He had a couple caps for the Irish youth nt.
21 is Anthony Fontana. He's 19, and played on the US u-20 team last year.
The last guy, 35, is Faris Pemi Moumbagna. He's an 18 year old from Cameroon. I don't know if he's played for their national team at any level.
>tfw when local team isn't even league two