NHL is done Thank God

Well now that the extremely unpopular sport championship is over, let's focus on the real finals series going on right now.

Tell me, Yea Forums, TOR in 6, TOR in 7, or GSW in 7, and why?

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I have yet to see anyone come up with a convincing reason for how Golden State wins tomorrow. All I've seen is "their heart is in it" or "they are going to do it for Oracle" or some meme shit like that.

/our analyst/ Nate Silver has Toronto as a lock in

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Out of the top5 why are the two best sports also the least popular in US?

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14.8% patrician checking in

Actually they did pretty well without KD when they had a rested Klay and Iguodala, I think Klay might be at 70% tomorrow and Iggy at 100% so that is my thoughts perhaps they can get the 6th at home if Curry is at all hot.

Game 7 will see Klay at 90% if nobody gets injured it could be pretty scary.

best is subjective but understand that soccer and football are basically impossible to be compatible with eachbother

>appeal to popularity
>americans highly susceptible to degeneracy
>probably afraid of the athletes most likely to beat the shit out of anyone from any other league then fuck their wives in front of them
wew, absolute insecurity here

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Floor squeak is irrelevant and retarded. It’s a sport for poor niggers played by poor niggers. Eat shit

They won by a single point and have been BTFO the rest of the series without Durant aside from the first half of the 3rd quarter in game 2. It’s ogre for the Larriors, they’re just totally outmatched without KD

soccer players are the weakest athletes though

it would feel more assuring if this wasnt from a Canadian

If you watched the games you’d know what I’m saying is true. If Boogie reverts back to being unplayable (like he did in the 4th in game 5 - but Retard Nurse didn’t capitalize on it with a T/O before the last possession) Warriors are going to get swept on their home floor

I don't understand why hockey doesn't have a larger viewer base.
It's way more interesting than watching a bunch of niggers stand for 2 hours with an hour of actual game thrown in like football. And infinitely more interesting than watching a bunch of lanky ayylmao looking niggers shoot a ball into a hoop

Sports are more popular where they're more playable
Hockey isnt feasibly playable in most of the US

haha dude you sound like a smart fellow

>this basic-bitch irony
go back to chapo faggot

Sports fans usually follow what they played, even casually played in the backyard and driveway. Ice hockey is definitely the hardest to get a proper pick up game going if you're not from a cold weather state, even for street hockey, since that requires every kid to have their own sticks. Basketball, football you only need one ball.

Kids grow up watching sports they play. Hockey is really fucking expensive to play.

>more buzzwords

NBA and NFL are losing market share to MLB and NHL right now and they seem to think it's because they haven't gone woke enough yet. The NBA could realistically be the #5 league in our lifetimes.

Yeah I guess that's true. As somebody who's never really like sports I just find hockey be way more interesting then the majority of what's out there.
It's just a lot more exciting sport to watch

NHL has the best playoffs but the reason the NFL will always be #1 is because it's so much easier to follow
16 games
90% of them are on the same day when nothing else happens

Dude, it's game 6

Watch any regular season game without your team and you’ll notice how boring hockey is to watch if you don’t care which team wins. It’s really not that exciting. same thing with soccer

How is Hockey more expensive than NFL? Ice isn't that expensive.


The water required to create ice is though. America struggles to afford clean water for all its citizens and you can't skate on brown michigan ice without being laughed at.

It's more about what you can easily play on the schoolyard or in the neighborhood. You can play football with just one ball. No need for pads since you can play touch football or even tackle. Basketball, one ball and a hoop. Even other equipment heavy sports like baseball are easy to play since kids can share a bat. For hockey, every kid needs a stick. Yeah, it's not expensive to buy a 20.00 stick, but most American kids won't have one on hand since American kids in non hockey states don't really play it.

38.8% or Americans identify as gay? Honestly thought it was only around 10%, or was this survey taken at a pride rally?

It is about 10 percent. Notice which sport is closest to that percentage :^)

Nephew tears his ACL in the 1st, Raptors fall apart and Warriors win in 7