Team wins championship

>team wins championship
>for many it may happen maybe once a lifetime
>a lifetime of watching sports, going to games, paying for tickets, jerseys, etc.
>get nothing in return financially
>all to win a championship that has no tangible impact on your life whatsoever
>brings 2 minutes of fake, forced joy that you realize has nothing to do with you and you made many men millionaires for playing with a ball

Is there anything more pathetic than sportsball fans?

If you aren't making money on sports like betting, you are a bread and circus pleb.

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Yeah well my local supermarket now sells blue popcorn so fuck you.

Boston fans are really this mad huh

nice bait

yeah, for me it's 2 minutes of fake, forced joy at a hollywood trailer that makes men men millionaires for making mindrotting propaganda

Stay poor and stupid

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What's your favorite culture?

I get off work and get to go to a rockin' parade downtown for a day


rootless cosmopolitan asphalt culture


>randomly guessing the outcome of a game and losing/gaining money
Might as well buy scratch offs

>gamblingfag calls other people plebs
Enjoy literally throwing your money away retard.

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>current year + 4
>/pol/ is a pure Reddit colony
>the cancer is spreading to Yea Forums and Yea Forums like no fucking tomorrow
>still hasn't been nuked for good
Sure, sure, OP. I'm all for joining in your cringe race war larp in the name of Kekistan.

This argument applies to literally every single form of entertainment.

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>Pay shitton for alcohol bcz it's a form of entertainment
>what you get back is a dead liver by 40

>Pay for sports as a means of entertainment
>If your team doesn't win a trophy it's money not well spent.


>for many it may happen maybe once a lifetime
I mean you get used to it.
In my case Germany won the WC, Bayern won multiple times the league and once i witnessed them winning the CL. Last night the Blues one...and so on

>I'm poor and stupid, therefore everhyone is

What level of cope is this?

>sports betting makes you rich and smart
kek get a load of this moron


Back to cheering for your favorite negro in tights player as you wear your xxxl Jersey and stuff your triple chin face with cheetos

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Even better. Imagine the millions of losers who dump their money and lives into trash teams who never win in their lifetime. Dedicating your life to watch garbage
