Ask me if i really care about hockey. does st lewis even have a basketball or football team?

ask me if i really care about hockey. does st lewis even have a basketball or football team?

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If it did they would beat yours too


>boston """""""fans"""""""" cant even remember what team their first superbowl came against

so this is the power of new england education

>one team has more championships than your whole city
Cope harder

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>Caring about basketball
True sign of a sore loser.

funny user you failed to mention their baseball team, I wonder why that is

imagine being so salty you post such pathetic cope

Deflatriots are a Foxborough team

Nothing beats laughing at Boston


>leafs in charge of NFL scores

fuck boston lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

NY is always better and you fuckers are gonna regress back to shit. You dirty fucking micks are like philly but if you took anything interesting away from that shitheap

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Just masturbate to your photo of Orr again. It will help you cope

forgot 2009

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Does Boston have a football team? I thought it was New England

>can't spell name of major u.s. city
>bragging about 100 year old chimpsports titles
>literally crying, seething, coping

Go riot or something you little crackbaby

boston is a shithole
I never hear any fmgood things about the city or it’s people

Hmmmm.... much butthurt I sense in you.

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STL has won 1 NBA final, 1 Superbowl, 1 Stanley Cup, and 11 World Series.

Fuck you faggot, your city fucking lost!
Fucking Bostonian fucking idiot


Marathon Bomber should've been better at his one job

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I have never met someone from Boston who is not a total asshole. That's good odds.

As someone from Maine nothing is more beautiful than seeing Massholes SEETHING

Remove the Bruins banners from that graphic...if you actually don't care