Try to watch Hockey

>Try to watch Hockey
>Can't even see the puck

Why is this sport popular again?

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retards can't watch football, the only sport there is

imagine being an eyelet

are you fucking blind? i just tuned in for the first time in my life, and could follow everything. fuck off, and don't try again.

fuck you you piece of shit

unironically this

>Why is this sport popular again?
it's not

>watch ape hoop
>don’t watch actual playing just an hour of time outs for the last 2 minutes

>Why is this sport popular again?
Cuz is only for white

take a time machine back to 1997 and watch hockey on FOX

This is really hockey? A more boring version of football Tbh, but instead of being global personalities they are a bunch of canadian rednecks that nobody knows or cares about.


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That particular footage is of the All-Star game. Not even the players themselves care about it. And why, in any way, do 'global personalities' matter in sports? It's not the fucking Golden Globes.

> that nobody knows or cares about.
El Salvador

Yup. And top it off the playoffs are completely meaningless. Borderline teams that barely sneak in can make a championship run because hockey is 75% luck.

Soccer is shit too but hockey is the worst. Only sport worth watching right now is hoops.

How can it be more boring than football when the puck and players move twice as fast as things do in football? It's also more physical and there's way more scoring chances.

The sport might not be great but it has the best meme culture

Yeah, hockey is a much improved goal sport over Jog and Dive. Does everything soccer does but exponentially better.

Where are the scissor kicks, long shot screamers or the tricks and skills? Is there any hockey equivalent to that?

Explain the repeat winners and finalists of the last decade then, retard.

>A more boring version of football
is today opposite day?

I don't know if the canadian feed was better but jesus christ it's not that hard to follow

>Where are the scissor kicks, long shot screamers or the tricks and skills?
You mean events that happen in soccer about once every 20 matches? Most of the time is Paco and Mguhhggubu passing the ball around and missing scoring chances by 50 feet. Anyhow, skills are relative to their sports, and a hockey player firing a pinpoint slap shot into a 7" inch wide opening is just as impressive as a "long shot screamer."

The rolling in the grass and peeking to see if the refs called it?

Countries with black and white baby TVs

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Hockey will sadly soon die in its host country. Canada is basketball mad and they're falling in love with fagkick more and more every year in an effort to be more "worldly."

people watch for the big hits and the fistfights. nobody gives a shit about pucks

Hockey is for straight white people only, nigger faggot. Magic forbids you to try to find the puck, which is clearly visible on 4K television and in slow motion. But only if you're white, of course.

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You ever win a couple coin tosses in a row? It's like that. NHL Playoffs have the most variance apart from the NCAA tournament. Hockey and the NHL is in terminal decline. Enjoy your redneck sport while it lasts, or at least while a Jew rat can milk everything he can out of this bush league comedy.

Basketball fan?

The Blues were the best team in the regular season from January 1 onward.

That's an all star game. No one tries in those so it's basically people just loafing around

>says hockey is all about luck
>urged to explain how repeat winners can be considered 'luck'
>still basically replies with "it's luck"
You fucking retard. Go back to your beyond-scripted NBA.

>variance is bad in major sports
Not even good bait, Ahmed

it's not popular at all nigga chu talkin about

Salty >laffs fan probably

>you ever lose 52 coin flips in a row?


look at the player with the puck, not the puck it self

Imagine being such an eyelet and brainlet that you can't understand such a simple game. Fuck off retard.

Soccer and basketball are the two best sports going, which makes sense as they carry the widest international appeal. American football is a guilty pleasure because of Fantasy Football.

It objectively is the most chance-driven of the major sports. It's a fact you mongoloid.

Yeah, and they'll probably miss the playoffs next year. NHL is all luck and getting hot. To top it off it has the worst athletes of all of the major sports. Most of these Canadian dweebs should be plumbers in Orillia. They aren't able to crossover into other sports and have success because hockey is a gimmick sport.

Variance IS bad in major sports. It gives less meaning to championships.

>Soccer and basketball are the two best sports going, which makes sense as they carry the widest international appeal.
It's because they're cheap to play.

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back to your isolation chamber on leddit, faggot

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go back to shitting up streets in india gurdeep signh

>It objectively is the most chance-driven of the major sports. It's a fact you mongoloid.
That doesn't mean the sport is "luck based" in the same way gambling is luck based. I know which study/article you're referring to, and it'd be prudent to read the particulars instead of just going by that graph.

Hockey will be dead in 50 years. Can't wait until you white devils are a minority in Canada and you are all forced to abandon this shit-tier meme sport.

I guarantee any top talent in the NHL could play top-tier soccer, basketball or football in the same day even and still beat out low IQ retards out of the slums every time.


50-year olds have success in the NHL. That is impossible in other top-tier sports. The NHL is dominated by a shit-tier sporting nation (Canada) that pours money into what is essentially a welfare program for suburban whites.

A best of 7 SCF is less chance driven than a Super Bowl. A hockey season is less chance driven than football season.

Manlets with feminine bodies have success in soccer, so...

Boxing is probably the hardest sport and 50 year olds have won world titles.

Go to another country faggot

Either you're a troll, or a racist retard that judges sport quality by popularity and resorts to hyperbole and straight up lies. You're an absolute cocksucker of the highest order.

You're now remembering that when they brought hockey to the sun belt they had to shoop a fucking circle around the puck for eyelets

>Why is this sport popular again?
it's really not popular at all outside of like 3 snowfag nations. its like a 5th tier sport here in the states.

>50-year olds have success in the NHL
lol what? the only one even close to 50 was jagr and he sucked shit, he was only in the league because of his name - he was a draw for fans and sold a shitload of merchandise

Oh no, another small town Canadian redneck is mad that his shit-tier sport is in terminal decline. I will laugh when the NHL folds.

nhl is fucking abysmal when compared to nfl and nba

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it gets similar attendance and viewership as MLS. thats bad


Maybe you think anything else than being raped a Hurricane each year ain't a sport

wtf are you even trying to say? are you on drugs?

field or ice?

Shit up Americunt.

What are you gonna do ? Shoot up a high school ?

Im a talking to theses bahamas niggers.