Why does he do this stuff?
Can I get a quick rundown on Messi's special cup?
>you lived long enough to witness Messi turn into some gay bear shit
if messi was smart he'd get whatever company does those meme drinks and get a sponsor with some custom made cup or something
>Messi will never watch you sleep
Why even live?
you can see he already has
notice his children's names in relief on the rim
he has a custom made cup with the names of his family members
but he wouldn't drop the cup is waifu designed and offered him to some shit sponsored cup user
>whatever company does those meme drinks
Do you even understand /mate/?
does messi understand english? i thought he only spoke spanish
shit i didnt knew the sons name i was wondering why this autist stole some poor mateo's cup while hes a fucking millionare. Goddamn it
>Yes, I drink mate too, got a problem with it, monsieur?
Why did he choose France over Uruguay bros
Why does he always drink that fucking coconut?!??
he must speak/understand some basic English (enough to communicate with the referee in Champions League games). But if you are asking for the image, although the text is in English, that's a Spanish TV series, so he almost surely watches it in Spanish
It's like Prison Break with women
>he doesn't know
this is cultural appropiation
Everyone understands English if you say it loud enough and slow enough
i never noticed his ears. holy shit he is a LITERAL elf.
pqp kkkkk esse bixo é autista demais
Is sharing your mate bottle with your bro a bit gay?
why is Aguero naked?
>red beard
>pointy ears
he's a leprechaun
it's an after sex selfie
Whats your favourite mate sp?
For me, its CBSé hierbas serranas
>aguero spent all night playing fortnite
do you guys drink iced mate, or only hot?
for me it's Rosamonte Plus® Ultra™
based autist
what with griezzmann hair
>have all the money in the world
>still drink of one of the most horrendous drinks ever
soul of negro villero
Wait, what?
what would you call this haircut?
The 90s Mikkel Beck
Only hot, but there is a cold version of Mate wich is called Terere and is mostly drinken in Paraguay
Hot like you mom
>Messi’a facial expression
What is this called?
here, take a (you) for the effort
ayyy lmao
I bought cold mate at 7-11 once
for an american, everything is owned by a company like coca cola
is that Pavard in the image?
Playadito, of course.
For me is Doña Javiera tradicional.
>ywn be best bros with aguero
bad feel lads
He earn about 100M a year
to an american, if you're not selling every single minute of your life and every cm of space you own for one more dollar then you're just wasting it. please be tolerant of cultural differences
>he doesn't sleep naked
>making money is bad
only south america
A custom mate's are sold for like 60pesos ($1,40) and he añready has one.
Also there are dofens of different kinds of mates, the one he has is oneade out of a kind of pumpkin. There are others made of glass, ceramic, orange, plastic, leather, and even cows or goat hooves.
>tfw no special autism cup
He can but he refuses to speak it
What? No, it one of the most important uses of mates, to be shared between friends, companions and even with a group of people you are meeting
Cheta del Nordelta, what are you doing here? Do you still hate dogs?
You can get mate in tea bags here, why haven't you guys adopted this revolutionary technology?
what does mate taste like?
Salty bags of coins
>Why does he always drink that fucking coconut?!??
it's a cultural thing in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay something that you will never understand what mate time mean with family, friends and co-worker because USA has 0 culture other than capeshit and onions wars
why doesn't messi put his name on some packaged mate and sell it? surely people will buy something with messi branding on it
this is best kind m8
have you ever been to America?
if your beverage is on shelves nationwide, coca-cola will make you rich. every meme bottled beverage company gets purchased once you secure distribution.
right now in atlanta at coca-cola headquarters there is a team of harvard MBAs figuring out how to monetize mate. it's the american way.
>USA has 0 culture
you're like a fish trying to understand water.
Custom mates cost way more than that, Messi's mate probably costs 10/12 dollars
Can confirm, there's no simple tradition, it's all materialistic as fuck up there.
>mate time
you mean like going to the coffee shop? it's basically all this shit is
Mate is unironically becoming a hipster drink on college campuses in Ireland. I often see the 'trendy type', with mate cups in the side of their bags.
Now with all the soccer players drinking it, what are the chances it will become the new vaping, and all the zoomer kids will be drinking it?
I fucking hate the mate meme
If I ever play professional football abroad I swear I will carry a paella around out of spite
That'd be great, paella is god-tier
Messi doesn't speak english for shit, don't delude yourself. he could barely construct a coherent sentence in Spanish until recently.
it is referees that tend to speak a fuckload of languages or at least have a basic knowledge of a handful of them
He's not a jew unlike a known underwear merchant
messi looks fun to hangout with desu
he has jewish sympathies.
why is there a pic of literally every famous person at that stupid fucking wall
literally somewhat like tea, you can even buy mate on bags, the same as tea bags, but that is for pussies. And if you are even a bigger pussy you can put sugar on them to make it even more enjoyable for little girls, babies and foreigners
it all depends on where and what quality you buy, I'm sure Messi's set was a bit expensie, but it isn't impossible to find somes that are under 100 pesos
>whatever company does those meme drinks
Messi sucks
try to find one with TSU, I dare you
I probably wont find it because tsu is a based portugese nationalist
Cold drinks>hot drinks
Most hot drinks suck, especially boiling hot grass that gives you cancer while you drink it out of gourd