Accused of RAPE. What would you say in your defense, if you were him?

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Neymar looks hot af in this pic. I’m straight btw but holy fuck he’s so hot

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>i did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Favelina

Probably head over to my sister and never come back to Europe or any place with an extradition treaty

Claim to be gay

>impossible. there's no way I could've been involved in such a physical encounter without getting injured

Isn't it his ex-wife or ex-girlfriend accusing him of rape, from when they were still together? That seems sort of sketchy. Not saying marital rape can't happen, but if there's no hard evidence other than "they had sex" then I'm not buying it.


>the only pussy I enter is the one I came out from.

Even on a date he can't avoid taking a dive

wasn't me lol

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roastie btfo

hoes mad


Just test me and you will know I'm a virgin

No means yes
Yes means anal

Sexual emergency, if I don't have sex for 48 hours I go insane

"I only fuck my sister and mom"

if you find him hot then your not that straight the way you think.

this. he dindu nuffin.

blame it on the russians

"i am one of the richest sportsmen on the planet;
i can get consensual pussy and ass whenever i want; even my mom is a MILF and lets me spank her on the ass. why would i have to rape some low-rank whore?"

Im the Neymar. Im the biggest prospect in the game. Everybody knows me. I do not need to rape to have sex, that's incel mentaility. Maybe you're the incel here, judge...

Look at this *pulls the phone out and shows his whatsapp texts*

>don't blame me, blame society

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she raped ME
[proceeds to request VAR]

"But judge, she's not even my sister."

>I'd like to plead gay, your honor

We truly live in a society

Based retard