Download torrent

>download torrent
>dont seed

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criminal scum

why would anyone ever seed torrents

Fuck all poor fags. If you can afford internet you can afford games and movies.

> paying for internet
> he doesn’t steal his neighbors

I had to choose and apparently I can't play videogames or watch blurays wtihout internet sooooooo

Based paypig. Thanks for keeping the industry alive for all the rest of us.

>tfw grown attached to your porn files and don't want to delete them, despite wanting to quit.



Stolen Laptop and using my neighbors wifi

and don't feed either

I subsist on 2GB per day for 84 days plan which costs around 5.75 US dollars.

So no, I will only torrent and watch tv shows at 360 Pixels.

leechers will be hanged on the day of the judgement

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>download torrent
>feed and seed

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most elite post on Yea Forums

>report my peers' IPs to their country's respective authorities, screenshot attached

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why are argies so fucking BASED?
i'm gonna tell your mum you're doing bad stuff on the internet

>le happy and proud corpirative cuck

Attached: 1560123599341.png (177x147, 64K)

>paying like 50€ for a game and 12€ for a movie
nice try schlomo

>people torrent because they're poor

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como loco

Have sex

Fuck up Josh


>copying 1's and 0's is stealing

doesn't matter how many times you say it retard, no one is falling for that shit.

You really think its a good use of government resources to enforce copyrights on movies and music? How about you just get a job?

>my favourite band made what are widely accepted as some of the very best produced studio albums with top musicians back when record companies had deep pockets
>so good they stopped touring and lived off the royalties
>decades later i fall in love and download their catalogue
>bottom falls out of the industry
>not enough money in studio albums
>they have to tour to make money (i will go see them every time they cross the pond)
>no more albums

what band

No more albums is unrelated to the rest



>>they have to tour to make money

So piracy means you get to see them live more often?

Sounds like a good deal

*thumbs up*
Named themselves after a fictional dildo... music are lyrics are ultra-high iq
It is completely related to everything i said. They aren't going to release a new album which would cost millions to make to their previous standard and not get a return
They were, like the Beatles, stopped touring and became studio only. Decades later they they started touring again and released two albums (15 years ago) along with some solo albums.

Anyway the point is it wouldn't be possible to make the great albums they made in the 70s today because the record companies would go bankrupt if they did. I'm aware of the irony of me having their back catalogue in 1s and 0s.

What sport is this?

Good goy