If you could steal a smooch from any of the ladies at the WC, who would it be?

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>you will NEVER date alex morgan

Wouldn’t mind getting knuckles deep in hope solos roast beef sandwich

When is Alex going to show her cooze?

i like that mulatto one bet she’s a straight up freak in the sack
this bish

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what the hell is a WC, Wahoo's Cantina?


Anything other than "Alex Morgan" is objectively fucking incorrect.

Last time I injected meth and stayed up for 4 days I got into a state I could only describe as a state of "a priori"... my mind felt blank. I was incapable of formulating higher-level reasoning. Only "synthetic a prior" was possible. I was zombified.

This catatonic state lasted 1-2 hours I got up to take a shower. Walking seemed like it required an operator's manual. Reading plain English was difficult. I could hardly recognize the word "detergent". It was like a new foreign language.

After finishing I went to bed naked, held the blankets up to my chin and tried to close my eyes which seemed impossible so I laid in silence without blinking for a prolonged period of time until it got pitch dark... during which I was having "wakeful dreams" with my eyes open... those dreams I remember. They were like a comedy sketch of me dying and re-spawning angry and frustrated as hell because I kept dying.
It was the funniest well-written shit I have ever seen. I started cackling out loud in the middle of the night with the manic laughter of a demented man.

I slept for an unknown period of time. I woke up and remembered last night's dreams and started laughing again. That brought over newfound wave of happiness & joy that were missing during the previous week depressiveness.

I had a little bit of meth left (150mg). I injected that and went outside walking in the sun happy as a child... went back to my apartment and cleaned up until I got tired (ran out of meth) and went into withdrawal.

for me, it's melanie leupolz

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She's a cute negress . Not enough of those.

I may go for a bite...

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mina from Korea

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Please no. Just for once, don’t fucking do it

Are you sure user? I'm feeling Arby's...

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The roastie thing is a meme.

It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that.

My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia

Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin

Same as the "uncut dicks smell and taste weird thing

I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells and tastes fine.

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Fucking faggot

you deserve at least one (You)

I would christian press her pussy

>forearm tattoo
Nice, she is easy.

high quality post

No it isn't you fucking leaf sucking twat.

don't @ me bro

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>and tastes fine

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KEK i doubt anybody else is autistic AND smart enough to decode that

Pic related

Underrated post

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lmao XD simply epic

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holy fuck

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A man of culture.

SAm Kerr

Not all of us are into skank hos

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The one time I did meth I ended up fucking a tranny. Luckily I sobered up and ran away before it came


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>american are the worst post-



>hai guise, let's fawn all over these shitty lesbian soccer players, won't that b fun guise......guise?
Fuck off with your beta fawning cancer.

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the right choice

... nice

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>this was posted 12 hours ago

still up

kek. mods do your job

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>US flag

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yeah alright you've granted americans an opinion on /spuh/ for 36 hours with that post
use it wisely

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based to be quite honest

Does Gabby Logan count?

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Bsed, include me in the screencap

alex is like the ultimate stacy from high school you'd drag your dick through a mile of broken glass for just to see her smile and hug you

easy pick

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This, only interdimensionally.

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>US flag
>describes the vaginas of his family and the smell of his dick to Yea Forums
Toppest of keks

she cute

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would unironically french kiss her asshole


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why would I ever hang around the women's bathroom?


das rite

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I'm a chill guy

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Have Americans finally overtaken their northern cousins or is a Canadian holidaying in the US?

Holy shit she hit the wall bad

For me, it's #2 +10

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fake players dont count

>nobody recognizing this as old pasta
I guess I'm the last oldfag on Yea Forums

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No one cares grandpa.


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No Yea Forums fag is an oldfag because Yea Forums is a newer board. Anyway, I’d fuck one of the short stack Asians. Someone post a short stack jap for me, I’m on mobile at the bar.

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True, so i go for that

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One hot lesbian

Come on buddy, you can do better! Have some pride

So much to unpack here.

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Wow, they must look pretty nice for you to speak of them in such glowing terms

She's a married to a Chicano...

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A man of culture

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>I guess I'm the last oldfag on Yea Forums
so what do you want? a medal?

>Yea Forums is a newer board

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this is why you never go full retard user

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>never smells and tastes fine.

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how do so many posters fall for that stale copy pasta.. you retarded faggots