What should the United States have done differently against Thailand?
Strawpoll please
no one cares
Lose weight.
Why do you always say this to us?
he's jealous because we have food and he is a starving favelamonkey
>stop scoring
this semen slurping sport ain't for me
Stop scoring after 8. Don't leave out the important part fucker. At 8 they more than enough. They chose selfishness over classiness.
It exists, although you won't find it anywhere near Yea Forums.
Bitch, they set themselves up to win the remaining of the games without trying and only having to win by 1 or a draw.
Don't get favela'd and we'll think about it. Deal?
If you seriously need to win by gaining all your points on the shittiest fucking team that exists you don't deserve to win the cup.
Honestly fuck the US team. I will be in Thailand for a week in a few months and those dykes are probably going to cost me money. Ladyboys are going to charge extra out of spite. Fucking bullshit motherfucking soccer faggots.
What should they have done after 8? Sit on the field and let Thailand pass it around?
>soccer seen as a sport only women play in the US
>best women's national team in the world
Makes you think, doesn't it?
At least let them get one and then go back to whooping their ass. Most of those goals came at the tail end of the game also when Thailand had basically said fuck it. They didn't totally give up bit it's obviously they couldn't have cared less at any point. They were just standing there. Poor goalie fucking sucked too. There are tactical ways to handle a situation like that and if you seriously lack the imagination on how to do it you suck.
That's not how sports are supposed to work. I don't think the Thai players would want the Americans to give them mercy goals either. The bouncing around after every goal was just as pathetic as the Thailand skill but you never stop playing
>let them get one
imagine being such a spineless cuck. If you want to score, then earn it. If you don't want them to score, then stop them. Maybe you can argue they should make the celebrations a little more low-key once they're up 10 goals but "let them score" is a fucking embarrassing opinion.
Have sex.
I never said for them to stop playing. They were so fucking good they could have switched back to "kick the shit out of them easily" mode if Thailand got more than one goal. They had nothing to be scared of. They had nothing to prove in this game. It was already over at half time.
Well, I'm not saying they were wrong in not letting them score. That is something I would have liked to see because I'm compassionate but I don't think they're messed up for not doing that. But goddamn, if they let them score once I would disregard their stupid celebration antics. But they didn't do these girls a favor by letting them get one and they still acted like immature scum by doing the fucking conga line. If they knew they were going to score this much in advance they probably would have had fucking pyrotechnics set up ready to blow.
you've never played a competitive sport before, have you?
>pic related, its you
nothing about this match was competitive
>At least let them get one
I didn't see an option for taking the celebrating even further and begin to actively taunt the opposing players, but that takes my vote.
Its the fucking womens world cup. Its a competitive event regardless of the quality of the teams.
He's not talking about the nature of the technical rules and nature of the game dumb shit. He's talking about the fact that the opponents were unmatched. You'd probably like to see a lightweight be thrown into a ring with a heavyweight and get put into a coma but it's not a fair match.
73% possession and 40 shots lel, might as well have been playing against cones
well that just fuckin sucks, huh? Its not the team's fault their opponents are shitters. Nobody feels bad for Estonia that they got raped like 9-0 today by Germany. Nobody feels bad for the low-tier Euro nations that have no chance to ever qualify for the WC ever and get trains ran on them every single WC qualifying campaign. Nobody felt bad for Brazil when they got 7-1'd at home in the WC. Why should they be required to let the other team score just because they're shit?
Lightweight and heavyweight have nothing to do this. The only comparison there is if Thailand were playing like England men or something and they just absolutely ran a train on them. Shitty lightweight boxers fight really good lightweight boxers and get knocked out all the time, its the nature of the sport. In order for there to be good teams there have to be teams of lower quality to differentiate them. That's just the way it is.
One team being much better than the other doesn't make it not "fair". You could say something about their celebrating up 10 already but its not their fault their opponents are trash.
Never said it was U.S. team's fault that Thailand wasn't good. All I'm saying is simple but that one thing I'm saying is VERY fucking important. Never leave your humbleness at home. I mean you either know this or you don't. Not surprised if a lot of younger people under thirty haven't gotten this piece of wisdom yet but as a national soccer team this kind of class/training should be a fucking pre-requisite. You should wear this dignity as if it was a piece of your uniform. Not sure how the fucking coach was there and allowed this to go on. I guess she got so wrapped up and forgot hers at home that she joined in. I can see why they don't have it.
>let them
Sweetie are you new here?
Also goal differential, who's to say Sweden isn't going to pound them too?
>that thai goalkeeper
Lmao never seen so shitty goalkeeping in my life. She has absolutely 0 reflexes and her height isn't helping much either. Why is she even in the team?
>Americans genuinely don’t understand how to entire rest of the world thinks
learn English
>America Male team loses
>Yea Forums laughs
>American female team beats a team
>Yea Forums seeths
Have sex.