So when will Kevin Durant return?

In 6 months in 12 months or never?

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He'll most likely end up playing in China.

That webm very much looked like an achilles rupture.

He just announced his retirement

he will play in game 6. Limited Minutes and then drop bombs in game 7 for the inevitable redemption story. You do know NBA is more scripted than WWE, right? This shit is such a work. I will mark out regardless though because fuck the Raptors.

He's going to be eating dog food along with John Wall in a few years

He’s got a 2% chance at a Dominique Wilkins style recovery. Depending on how hard he works in rehabilitation. He certainly won’t be as dominant a player as he was before but he could recover into a top 19 guy if he adapts his game. He’s a freak of nature so there’s no precedent for a guy of his body type

thats because it was, they dont want to talk about it because they want the raptors to prepare for KD

He's literally dead, there's no coming back from that any time soon.

>He’s a freak of nature so there’s no precedent for a guy of his body type
Talent wise, yes. But his body is frail as shit, this was bound to happen.


He is like bambi on ice! I knew this was going to happen! I would have ended the season on my call when I first got injured! Not for nothing but good he's hurt!

Suffer now!

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He would be the New God there even with one leg.

Fucked. Should've never been soft and listened to (((his owner))) or the (((GM))). He's just another goy to them, he should've pulled an /ourguy/ and gotten a second opinion.

Golden State Jewrriors.

15 months.


Warrior staff destroyed the career of one of the greatest NBA players in history. It's so awful.

How bad is achilles tendon rapture? Fuck I thought it was like a bicep tear which basically becomes almost complete healed in like 3-4 months

>one of the greatest NBA players in history
barely top 500

>comparing muscles to tendons
based retard

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As if they don't already know

bicep tear refers to bicep tendon snapping you fucking drooling autist

>bicep tear refers to bicep tendon
just stop

did he blow all his cash?

There is barely no caves muscle in his legs. Injury will cause more atrophy and make things even more complicated.

You are a complete idiot. It can refer to the muscle or the tendon.

>You are a complete idiot. It can refer to the muscle or the tendon.
thanks for proving my point, dumbass

1 year for full recovery

>full recovery

yes user, full recovery. from the healing to the physically fit to play games at elite level.

Hopefully he ends up exiled to China after ruining the NBA for nearly 3 years. I am not eager about the forthcoming redemption storylines that his agents and ESPN are already cooking up to transform his trashed reputation. KD should never be seen as anything other than a ring-chasing snake.

at least 1 year

He's never going to be the same again

he always was a slow lanklet, he'll be fine