*passes the ball in the final seconds*
*passes the ball in the final seconds*
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He got doubled. I wouldn't blame him for that loss.
he got doubled, blame vanshit for being too pussy to go hard to the rim and lowry for getting blocked
big time players step up in big games, this guy just hides
He got doubled, it's way worse that the best look they could get was lowry hitting the fucking backboard from the baseline 3
OP is a retard
these games are so obviously fixed lol
he could have drawn a foul
Of course, they had to set up the most ridiculous 3 when they only needed 2 to win
You think ending the series at game 5 and missing out in game 6 and 7 bucks was in the script?
He's a fun guy
Come on, admit it, you prematurely celebrated No. 2 winning the championship and Finals MVP, didn't you? I guarantee you Shannon Sharpe did.
Kobe would take the shot if he was quadrupled.
He put up 8 points in 3 possessions to put them up, what more do you want lol
Not his fault.
But Nick Nurse fucked up. Should have had Ibaka, Pascal, and Gasol near the paint for an easy bucket to take advantage of the manlet warriors.
He played like shit
Michael Jordan
Elite players can score on a double team. Ask KD.
>user take the shot!
Kobe and MJ would have taken that shot double or not. Damian Lillard takes that shot 40 feet away. It's the finals.
refs are shit. they’d have nabbed kawhi on a phantom offensive foul.
And miss it.
Steady Freddy was where he should've been
Kwal Lonerd ain't no Kobe.
Kawhi isn't Kobe or Jordan you idiot
Then he's not a superstar or going to be the #1 guy on a championship team.
>Elite players can score on a double team. Ask KD.
Not from the locker room he can't.
>10 seconds left
>you have the ball
>it's the NBA finals
>you are down by 1
>all you need is a single basket
Name 1 fucking super star that passes the ball away here. You can't. This guy is a fucking beta weakmind who doesn't have the BALLS to shoot from when his team is down
Lebron to Kyrie
Lebron. Absolutely Lebron.
bitch pls. he literally carried the geriatric spurs in 2014. he already was the number one guy on a championship team
Newfag to basketball: What's a "double"?
Great job, number two.
being guarded by 2 people
hes going to eat this nigga alive tomorrow
that spurs team was so well rounded. there was an argument that Boris Diaw should have been MVP.
There was a whole meme about lebron passing off the final shot when he was on miami
Two burgers on one bun. It's pretty good, friend.
You too
he has rocks for brains. This whole playoff run he was saying that Kawhi has no finish or clutch gene because he wouldn't put up great numbers in the 4th quarter, then in this game he didn't put up great numbers for most of the game but scored 8 points to put them ahead by a mile. But no, he's going to say that he's shit this time because he had an off night. The only way he will appease this orangesicle man is if he puts up 50 points and hits a dagger 3 to close the series. He was trash talking Curry when he put up 47 with a good FG%, he's a fucking retard.
>Shits the bed all game offensively
>goes terminator mode for 3 minutes and puts his team up by 6 on a legendary series of offensive plays.
>Faggot coach calls timeout
>goes back to shitting the bed
>Faggot coach calls timeout
What were they thinking here, this was a retard move lmao
SKIEEEEUP gonna roast this mental midget hard tomorrow cant wait
>the only reason why the team could hope for a win in the 4th
>gets shit on
Fuck off
na he would kick it out to fisher for the clean rainbow jumper
if smush was on his team then yes he'd shoot it
Amateur hour...
Tom Brady would have taken the shot, Kahwi is a fraud.
Shades of Pippen.
Nick Nurse calls a for a fucking timeout when Kawhi is torching the Warriors
Doesn't call a timeout to setup a play to get a bucket
Went full retard
But the key is he wouldn’t pass it unless the whole other team sagged onto him and he had a very good look for his teammate. Every other time he’s shooting it... living and dying by his own hand.
>being this new
he's a character. he profits from saying stupid things so people talk about him.
>Memechucking isn't working
>Refball isn't enough to stop the raps
>brings in injured player out of desperation
>gets injured even harder
>win by won
lmao just lmao, is it going to be worth it memeiors, when you lose in 6 and Durant is chronically injured??
That 5 minute stretch where he suddenly turned it own, I got shades of Jordan... then the timeout came and it was like he totally disappeared again. Is this what autism does?
Kyrie would've sunk that shoot, who the fuck would pass it to Lowery?
i thought that was really odd
raptors are steamrolling the warriors, who look tired, beaten, almost given up
kawhi is unconscious, can't miss, they have ALL the momentum, crowd is going delirious, 3 minutes left, and nick nurse...
calls timeout?
Gasoline hot basically mugged by Boogie a few seconds before, and they called nothing. Refs rarely call fouls in the closing seconds of a playoff game.
Does he have to spell it out for you every time? He said it himself, he doesn't play heroball.
If he gets doubled, then he will pass to the open man. He couldn't care less if you think he isn't superstar material because of it, he did what he thinks is the best play to do to win, unselfishly passing to the open man. If you can't respect that you're just imposing your views on someone who is magnitudes better at the sport than you, which is pathetic.
its almost like steve kerr got to talk to his players and implement a better plan defensively against him
>Craps fan knows his team lost their chance at winning the series coping this hard
>yfw Skip Bayless was right all along
Number 2 can never be the number 1. Kobe would take that shot.
Warriors unironically got lucky.
Pippen used to do that to, as long as it wasn't on the line he could turn it on and just go on a tear on both ends of the floor, but end of the game he defers.
finish. the. job.
Jordan literally won a title swinging the ball to an open Kerr when Stockton doubled him. Yes Jordan made big shots, but at times you need to pass it to the open man.
He would've tried for a 2 if he didn't get double teamed
I don't get why his team decided to chill outside the arc when they're down 1
>win by won
are they going to win by losing?
It’s like a boxer knocking a man down for a long count then switching to defensive
he also won by paxson shooting against the suns. people on Yea Forums are retards
kobe would take that shot from half court quad teamed with a torn acl
But Lowry wasn't open...
Michael Jordan to Steve Kerr
>t-they double teamed him!
kawhi is a fucking coward...
Yes you dumb redditt spic
These stars dont realize the fans would rather see them jack up a buzzer beater triple teamed than pass it out to a role player
Nip trips of truth
yes dude, skip bayless is an insulated 4channel meme
they'll unironically get lucky two more times cuz raps fucked up by not winning tonight
he literally hit a buzzer beater in a game 7 a few weeks ago you fucking mong
Tom Brady would have taken that shot, kawai is just a pussy
>”I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot…and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
Kawhi heart pump koolaid
Reminder that Raptors were literally one basket shot away from winning the championship. They will win next game no matter what.
#2 played like #2 tonight.
As if they haven't won two at the Oracle and now KD is confirmed to be fucked.
That’s it bros, I’ve officially taking the Skeeuppill. I am ashamed that I once rooted for No. 2, but now it’s clear he’s a coward just like lebitch
The dude is a professional troll. If you used to watch him try to get Stephen A. Smith mad as fuck it's incredibly obvious how hard he leans into opinions even he knows are ridiculous.
They are both trolls that fall for each others obvious bait.
I'm gonna have to watch Undisputed tomorrow now. Skip is gonna go in so hard on Kawhi. The SKEEEUP will be at an all time high.
He wasn't wrong about Tom Brady tho
hello bronsexuals. you do realize whoever wins will confirm ur floppy queen is a fraud right?
Kawhi is MVP, shut the fuck up retard
I'd argue he's actually really smart. Most, if not all, of his opinions sound so dumbfuck stupid because he knows that that's what gets people to tune in. He doesn't believe anything he says. He's just doing it for money.
Mexibros I fear the same
I also believe in competition. I think there could be an upset even if it was fixed. Imagine if some cucks had rigged the warrior's victory and it blew up in their faces.
>Based nip professes the blessed 888 truths
Who knew the wisdom would come from nip land
Good times they come and they go
Never going to know
What fate is going to blow
Your way just hope that it feels right
He didn't pass it to lowry
it was blocked by draymond
Maybe it was fixed to ensure it wasn't a 5 game series? I dunno what the limits of control are.
why did lowry call that timeout?
He said it was tipped by Draymond, but I've watched replays in slow motion, and I don't think he touched it.
>Hornacek screens across. Malone to the post. Malone...stripped by Michael, to the floor, stolen by MJ! Michael the steal! 16 seconds left, Bulls down one...Michael against Russell, 12 seconds...11...10. Jordan, Jordan, a drive, hangs...fires...SCORES! HE SCORES! The Bulls lead 87-86 with five and two-tenths left, and now they're one stop away! Oh my goodness...oh, my goodness!
Holy fukin BASED
No Mamba mentality
ok now that i saw it again i realized he was trying to do the exact play from game 7 philly series and the warriors knew it. coach nurse you fucking hack
no lowry fucked up big time he moved himself to the 3 point line when they didn't need a 3. if he would have flashed mid when the double team came it would have been an easy 2. because the guy guarding gasol would have had to make a choice to either close out or stick on his man
>Danny Green wide open with 3 seconds
mid range shot or if the guy front gasol closes you pass to gasol for an easy dunk. an no you never want to pass to danny green in a pressure situation
he shouldn't
Lol you can see the muslim raptor guy grab the basketball and consider keeping it then he throws it once he realizes what a terrible loss that was lmao
is canada and us a nation
>Danny Green who has shot 1/11 from 3 on wide open shots in the past 2 games
He missed free throws and other uncontested shots so yes the loss was all his fault
Bryant passed to Horry, LeBron passed to Kyrie, Jordan passed to Kerr.
... and proceed to brick it. Most missed shots in NBA history.
>that's it mr. leshannon sharpe, I've had it with your uppity antics