Who would win?

Who would win?

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Wait, what's the story here?

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Biebz really aged like milk

looks like james franco now

fucking Americans can't even speak English

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he's a leaf

Must be some kind of promo thing. Pic still related

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We try to keep quiet about that. He's been an honorary burger for years now anyway.

The most relevant Canadian
> is American

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Tom Cruise KO's him in under 15 seconds

Nobody knows why.
He just randomly tweeted this.

This is either some PR stunt where both are in on it or Bieber watched Mission Impossible on acid or something and just tweeted while high

The age difference is too large. Not a fair fight

yeah thanks for drake and nickelback too faggot

why bieber looking like shit

tom cruise is jacked and completely crazy he would strangle bieber to death for lord xenu


cruise is fucking insane

beibers a limp wristed nook

Tom would unironically kill this little boy. Old man strength is real and it’s terrifying.

looks like me irl and im a dirty hippy

why is griezmann fighting topgun?



1. Keanu Reeves
2. pre-crazy Jim Carrey
3. Bryan Adams
4. Mike Myers
5. Ryan Reynolds
6. Michael Fox
7. Elisha Cuthbert
8. Shania Twain
9. Evangeline Lilly
10. Matthew Perry
11. Shania Twain
12. Ryan Gosling
13. Pamela Anderson
14. Celine Dion
9001. Crazy Jim Carrey
9002. Ellen Page
9000001. Drake
9000000001. Justin Trudeau
9000000000000001. Justin Bieber
900000000000000000000001. Seth Rogen

oh fuck, got Shania Twain twice

Replace 11. then with let's say William Shatner, he's okay I guess even though I was never a Star Trek nerd

The Shatman is incredibly based.

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Young Tom MOGS him everywhere
Why is this even a competition,fuck this lil attention whore

the best Canadian is Joni Mitchell
and Alanis Morissette should be between Anderson and Dion

1. Norm macdonald

Good selection. He should be in a tie with Phil Hartman

where the fuck is Leslie Nielsen

justin would get his boipucci raped

>ryan "reddit tier humour actor" reynolds


gotta be honest, forgetting alanis morissette and joni mitchell is a big no no from me

put the meth pipe down justin

shatty is usually over on Yea Forums and /x/

>Leslie Nielsen
he transferred his loyalty to arizona. he's a legend in the valley.

john candy is one of my favourite canadian actors to have lived. sarah gadon just for being qt too.