

Attached: ll.jpg (640x960, 400K)


my wife’s son

>memepiss dapoo

Fonte is like "out of my way little man, I don't want to step on you"

Attached: 1469745486524.png (830x770, 1.3M)

fucking manlets when will they learn?

Attached: 2313213.png (967x882, 919K)

What the fuck lmao.
Someone post that Valbuena pic.

It's photoshoped m8. It was made by a famous photoshop-meme-guy here in Portugal.

Chad move

Attached: lel.jpg (912x1024, 71K)

Reminder that everyone in this thread is a manlet LARPing as a tall chad
Over and out.

I'm 1.85m tho

current manlet cutoff line is 1.88

better get shoes with thick soles, knut

why is sandro wagner playing for portugal

Your entire country is made up of manlets then my guy

as a fellow 1.85 manlet I can tell you that in my friends group I'm the shortest guy

...Feel you. Doesn't help that I started getting more bulky since working out so now I look even shorter because of my width

You're all going to be sorry when us manlets rise up.

I'm 1.90 get fucked silver medal

when will they ever learn

Attached: 1546815852073.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

LMAO all this manlet COPE
If you're not 2m tall you're barely a human being

Jesus, and here I am at fucking 1.79 m. Kill me

Lmao who are these two people? What are their heights? Honestly, I would just tell her to stand up straight to take the photo. What he allowed screams insecurity lol

LMAO @ those 1.90m king of manlets
If you're not at least 1.95m tall you should fucking kill yourself

You can only reply to this post if your dick is bigger than 18cm
Get fucked

It's a movie

what movie nigg?

Mine is.
Still a manlet though.

It's called "learn to google" and it's about technophobes being redlined

How come history's biggest Chads have always been manlets?
>Julius Caesar

based asshole

they're trying to compensate, but in the end they still go down in the greatest men who were manlets list lmao

>still virgin

Attached: 1558109350719.jpg (182x276, 9K)

Napoleon wasnt a manlet he had normal height for his time, its all anglo lies.
The average height only increased sharply after industrialization

You must be ugly as FUCK

average height is a codeword for manlet senpai.
the nobles used to be taller than the common people so he passed for a manlet

Just imagine if Abe Lincoln had been born in this era. He would easily dominate the NBA with his 7'+ and no freed slaves to compete with him.

>tfw 1.75
should I kms?

Attached: 1556793223671.jpg (705x705, 45K)

Isn't that still above average where you from?

I'm 1.7m what should I do?

have sex

I'm 176 and never had trouble with women. Don't let virgins on Yea Forums who go full spaghetti when trying to ask a cutie on a date tell you otherwise.

Tfw 1.80m

Is 1.80 the manlet cut-off for metric the same way 6ft is for Americans? Did I barely just make it?

Is that the actress from BR 2049? McKenzie?

1.85 m is the cut off in 2019. Each year women expect men to be taller.

Napoleon wasn't a manlet. Neither was Hitler. 175cm wasn't manlet territory in first half of 20th century.

>You can only reply to this post if your dick is bigger than 18cm
>Get fucked
W.wil you be fucking me with your huge cock?

I'm 1.9 meters but still can't get any girl so jokes on me for being a Kevin Durant level autist

girls crave power

Who ordered the manlet platter?

Attached: manlet.jpg (570x447, 98K)

that pic is real unlike OP's tho

this is photoshopped, right?

your country is photoshopped lol

>powercreep is slowly setting in

18.8 cm checking in

>tfw 1.98m manlet and 20.5cm dicklet

Attached: 1557756706721.jpg (248x250, 7K)

so often the cup goes to the fountain, one day it's wing stays there.

which one la?

Attached: valbuenain4.png (555x406, 367K)

honestly trolling aside if youre under 5'10/180cm just become a trap, its your only chance of getting someone that will love you

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>tfw 1.93 master race
That sweet sweet cutoff where anything taller is freakish and everyone is a comparable manlet

Attached: C2BFD9F3-7C03-4248-B02A-259B7431CB7E.png (483x408, 270K)

Attached: valbuena the manlet.jpg (1024x805, 141K)

Napoleon was actually above average height for the time. Him being short is a meme that came about from a combination of his guards being very tall and mogging him, and British propaganda/political cartoons. And it's a meme that will live forever because of Napoleon Complex

Now post the shop

Attached: valbuenain3.jpg (510x745, 24K)


Attached: 1F436859-C564-4D23-A3AB-A97643762D0E.gif (200x200, 594K)

is this shopped?

yes they have to make him bigger so you could see the name

Attached: valbuenain2.png (600x467, 187K)

>killed himself like a rat in a dirty hole

what the fuck...