/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Pre Race Edition

>Countdown to Canada GP:
(Scroll down for all session times)

>/f1/-approved series calendar

>Other racing on each week, pick your poison

>Previous Thread:
>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

>WDC Standings
L. Hamilton 137
V. Bottas 120
S. Vettel 82
M. Verstappen 78
C. Leclerc 57

>WCC Standings
Mercedes 257
Ferrari 139
Red Bull 110
McLaren 30
Racing Point 17

>Nico Hülkenberg F1 races without ever scoring a podium:
162 (165 entries)

>Max Verstappen F1 races without ever EVER scoring a pole-position:

>Hund status:
Lewis P zwei and Bottas P funf means ze rot car is clearly schneller

Grosjean: "I'm really unlucky"
Teams pushing for tyre change is "opportunistic" says Mercedes
Pirelli pissed that teams want to change tyres

Attached: RicciStretching.png (1195x1069, 1.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:


dubs and ricc takes out ham

Hamilton? Sure, he's my favourite how could you tell.

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Attached: Carrie_slut_drop.webm (640x1136, 534K)

Give me wide gimis I lost my collection

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Dear God please let checo get some points today

he won't


absolute state of the previous thread

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jos verstappen is the kind of father that when you're having a problem with a boy in primary school and fight him, jos goes to the boys house and demands to fight the child.

>Vell, for sure are de underdogs again
>No rain. Drier than your wifes pussy

Attached: 1552718304114.jpg (900x1200, 181K)

or the kind of guy who breaks a man's skull at a kart track
it's the ultimate case of karting dad, no? and the stakes are much higher when you're a failed f1 driver...

Attached: verstappen wife's pet frog.png (680x432, 452K)

does that sorta thing happen in the UK

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dunno, I saw it on tv once

Will the Vettee redemption arc start tonight?

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bottas dnf
vettee dnf
title game is over

Dubs and meme podium

yes yes yes yes yes

I'm really bad with digits lately

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Slut will be driving soon


Leading McLaren has managed to fuck everything up.

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i will bear witness

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I can tell

vettel wdc 2019+2020

Nah, sadly
I wrote 2019 off in Monaco.

Stay alert /f1/

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Sweat and Axe body spray don't blend well

Sup guys
Missed quali yesterday, where can I watch it ?

Attached: you will refrain from posting.png (1887x1017, 559K)

AMX > Sharl

Simple as


>you now remember when the HIDF tried to become the HIAF

>spraying it on sweat
yikes lad

Bear witness to a comeback unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

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Attached: Patricija_stretching.webm (640x1136, 813K)

Dubs and vettee wins tonight

>Thread limit reached time ago
>I was still replying
Am I, I dare to say, retard?

Dubs and Kvyat wins

>Fagg has a drive through

She will be 9th

Attached: Patricija_pasties.webm (640x1136, 587K)

This day

Mclel 1-2
Screencap this

Okay retrying,
Digits and LuLu crashes with Retardo somehow

Digits and Big John kills Son of Chub

Attached: 1556980466724.jpg (750x734, 306K)

Ham takes out Vettee,
somehow Max wins this.

Hulkenberg to be denied yet again.

>Finished 8th
>Podium in the junior class


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if it doesn't fuck this ejaculate gulping sport

>Ricci will have a Renault podium before Hulk does
best timeline

>he has to wörk on Pfingstmontag
All I'm going to do tomorrow is watch nice old aircraft

you all realize vettel's pole is just so that we all have a sliver of hope in which mercedes proceeds to destroy this semen sluping faggotry harder, right?

For me, its comfy 9 pm races

>My Canada GP Predictions
Vettel Wins
The race will be a Clusterfuck
Ricciardo and Norris get a Podium
Double DNF for Mercedes
Kubica will score a Point

Of course.
But I will hold on to that hope regardless

post betslip

Chances of a Merc engine blow?

Yeah, Vettel seemed apprehensive about their race pace, which means Ferrari will use one of the speciale stragettis and fuck up a pit stop again

friendly remind that gimi lose to the nazi gio
wide gimi not that wide after been outqualified by his teamboi

the frog been even froggier after been outqualified by his teamboi

she'll can start stretching my team foreskindia and progress on that if you're mom knows what i mean
(i mean my penis's foreskin)

imagine nulkenberg fan's face

Attached: images.jpg (272x185, 6K)

>Ricciardo and Norris get a Podium
>Kubica will score a Point
tall asks brah

death to carrie.

race predictions:
1) mercedes 1 2
2) 1 SC because of Kubica
3) no points for Kvyat
4) points for Grojean
5) Gasley gets a team order to let Max pass

Attached: Excel_Saga_by_NamidaInka.jpg (600x800, 351K)

man, i fucking hate russians

>merc blow up and kill bottas
>hamilel run out the car act like he's trying to save bottas

I'm GP lagged user, I just had the 2 hours sunday GP nap guys without the GP,
Let's go for some pronostic:
- mechanical failure for Ric
- Gio the nazi will bin into the wall of champion
- super super max or mag will crash into someone
- Vettel won't win

>Gasley gets a team order to let Max pass
lmao team orders to help max fight for 3rd in the championship. Truly these MWL times are dire indeed.

I can see Grosjean causing the SC. Kubica has been a very safe driver in races this year.

When will the FIA finally trick some poor souls in to starting an F1 team again?

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Well Gasly clearly doesn’t deserve his seat so who cares.


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It's easy to be safe when you're lapped by everyone at least once. Just veer off the racing line so others can pass

>tfw you will never lick that seat

Palmer would make a good dog

>man, i fucking hate russians
and that's why you trying to make our reproduction difficult by became a faggot

>mfw national holiday tomorrow and I can get totally drunk while watching comfy evening F1
Could life be any better?

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Dream scenario
>toto pisses off half the team with some weird controversy
>some top member fucks off with the pissed off half to make their own team
>this weakens mercedes enough that they get on level with ferrari an rb
>the new team is competent enough to also be on par with them
>now have 4 teams fighting for the win

>Licking that seat
I really want to smell her Overall after the Race

>how does a Renault engine explode?

Attached: 1559775419776.jpg (640x640, 61K)

No one in Merc have enough money to split from Merc, let alone being competent

Dubs and Leclerc does a Villeneuve, goes mental at turn 1 and eliminates Vettel and Hamilton to see Ricciardo lead in a Renault for a couple of meme laps until Gasly takes over for the win because Max torpedo'd Bottas.

any acestream?


Attached: sdadsa.jpg (993x559, 34K)

>still V6 hybrid engines
Nope. Never again.

Say it happened right at a time where a big constructor was looking at joining the sport

still 2 hours to go , gfuck you americans

nah, they've fixed initial reliability issues


it's still a masterclass effort from Sebastchan V'telle

>There was a time where a team like Williams could dominate the sport

can i g et a stream link

must be comfy in vancouver

They find someone to Bankroll it. Maybe Chinese, maybe some Saudies

off down the shop to pick up my race snacks - anyone want anything?

Attached: file.png (640x427, 783K)

no thanks

having to do a lance stroll feature for his home gp

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Biz idea
This car as a prototype for 2021

Attached: Car.jpg (1599x896, 79K)



Don't pretend Williams wasn't one of the best backed teams (both financially and technologically) when they dominated

*flexes mercedes nibbas*

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what does that mean I don't speak zoomer

can i has some of these?

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>you live in a time where a jew can be a leaf.

looks interesting

acestream 29cac4cb93c9d8391133757c17d9280964484c48

it will switch to sky f1 30 mins before the start of the session

Its going to be MWL again, isn't it? And if it isn't, we'll never hear the end of "See, Mercedes really are the underdogs".

>tfw ferrari 1-2 out of turn 2

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Don't bully ballerina, he's a pure soul

Yeah..... Nah, F1 is only for tax evaders and money launderers.

was there a hockey match this year?

Attached: bot kvy hoc.jpg (644x429, 43K)

>tfw ferrari 4-5 after strategy with RIC on the podium

Attached: IMG_2824.jpg (666x1137, 57K)

>race snacks
mfw can't eat chocolate anymore because dentists are too expensive

Attached: 1559034692953.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

>tfw Ricciardo jumps Hamilton as well

Attached: arrivabene 5.jpg (1000x562, 91K)


why does seb do isis finger?

>Ferrari 1-2 after turn one. Vet 1st, Lec 2nd
>Leclerc holds back Hamilton

Attached: 1522351053450.png (1318x2048, 2.75M)

I guess stroll was playing hockey

>Hamilton pits one lap earlier than ferraris
>w-why did you put me on this tyre bono, I don't think I'm going to make it, will have to wish for a miracle


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Mercedes is facing a last-minute drama ahead of the Canadian Grand Prix after the team discovered an hydraulic leak on Lewis Hamilton's car.

Hamilton had qualified second for the race in Montreal, with Ferrari rival Sebastian Vettel having taken pole position.

But the team found itself needing some extra work to get to the bottom of an hydraulic leak on the car that it discovered on Saturday night.

As Giorgio Piola's exclusive photograph shows, the team had to remove Hamilton's engine and floor on Sunday morning to try to find the cause of the leak so it can be fixed ahead of the race start.

Although parc ferme conditions exist, if Mercedes is able to fix the leak without changing specification of parts then Hamilton will be able to take up his second spot on the grid.

A Mercedes spokesman said: "We have diagnosed the source after the car came out of parc ferme and are now putting the car back together. We plan to be ready [for the race]."


new mercedes crap engine blows up
vet will shit himself

ric gas and lec on podium

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fucking hydrolics, man

Attached: hamtyres.png (680x383, 244K)


>Hulk 4th

Why is there no stream of the comfy Ferrari challenge race

post yfw Ricciardo gets a podium today to completely expose nopodiumberg

Attached: smug.jpg (850x674, 84K)

*why does isis do seb finger
seb did it first

Attached: vettel finger.jpg (259x194, 9K)

I'm running low on cigars, can you get something decent from the Dominican Republic or Cuba? Thanks lad.

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Why fixing hydro when he'll clearly cry about tires trying to assasinate him

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Digits and Ricci starts in reverse gear and kills Bottas in the process.

have a few romeo y julieta no 2 in the humidor lad - you want one?

is the boat race uploaded anywhere on youtube?

repeating digits and mercedes gets exposed

Attached: sock and sandal.png (400x397, 81K)

for me, it's Sebastien Vettee

Attached: vettel sebastien vettee.png (1024x576, 613K)

You mean "Race mode"

I miss him lads.

>seb did it first

Attached: first.jpg (800x532, 158K)

Digits says what lap will Hamiltons engine explodes

Leclerc will fuck everything trying to overtake Vettel. Dubs confirm



>that french

>crashes out at T1

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oh christ look at his glasses lmao what a fag

70th, when he's +10 secs behind Charlie in 3rd

Hulk's race number

Seb leclerc 5-6

>No Lance! Don't give away dose shirts! Da goyim should be paying money for those!

Attached: stroll schwitzing.png (406x435, 329K)


Our faith in Ferrari strategy will be rewarded

RIC will win

bag o' bbq crisps and a deck of rothmans golds thanks mate


I only care about the misfortune for negro senna

if you're buying lad, some vaseline, two organic cucumbers and a packet of condoms
cheers, you're a lifesaver

Suggest a tv show for me to watch between now and LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY WE GO!

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It's not raining, Lewis, you utter

Still, he'll rise

Stroll is da best omg

Digits say you are a retard

Sounds nice, bring it over.

digits say i fucked your daddy

embarrassing bodies

ojisan to marshmallow

HAM in trouble with that car

>TFW my local broadcaster chose to bump the race for a fucking pride parade

I hate having potato internet that can't stream.


Attached: f1-belgian-gp-2017-cyril-abiteboul-renault-sport-f1-managing-director.jpg (533x800, 87K)


Kill la kill yourself


did she get naked because the rb9 is on the screen? i fucking would

Attached: vettel - india 2013 1.jpg (1600x900, 123K)

digits and it's a borefest

Chernobyl is pretty kino

Attached: Северное сияние.png (570x586, 288K)

ha fucking gay

Oh ffs

Attached: joey jo joe jnr... shabadoo.jpg (894x894, 58K)

digits say you are a nigger and death to carrie

Fucking attention seeking whore

digits confirm that your daddy sucks a mean dick

slurped and spermpilled

I know right? Fucking Commiefornia man. If I wasn't stuck here I'd nuke it off of the damn map.

Finally found a stream link that works and a place that can broadcast it in HD, so...


Attached: 879860a6f426a33fe15d5598608381d8-180x200-crop.png (180x200, 44K)

who dis?

Comrade dyatlov, i'm central committee
Why do i see graphite on the roof?

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I hope Cuckass dies today

Why hasn't Bottas knocked up Emilia?

Does he not want to have a huge brood of little Bottases?

Attached: goddess.jpg (1600x2400, 851K)

You didn't see graphite

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Her uterus is non-functioning.
Her tubes clogged with horse semen.

Attached: Emilia_scratch_lewd.webm (640x1136, 925K)


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Rustlers and a four pack of Skol please kid

Are there any documentaries on F1 logistics? Like how they get the teams from continent to continent?

Madison ivy

>and with HAM dubs to boot

Imagine my shock. Mercedes will win every race this season.

Attached: 023.png (680x680, 221K)

they use planes mate

Which ones?

I come from the future. Charles will be given the Gimi overcut strategy and will take Hamilton out of the race

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big ones

big ones


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albon's a Buddhist? Do you think he'll be reincarnated as a good driver one day?

lads i can't find the ABC channel on the directv website. hook a brother up with a stream pls?

A small price to pay for P1

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How does a Renault engine explode?

If you don't know just don't answer.

Here you go

the only thing she went down on was my dick tho

Reminder Ricciardo is unexposable

No there is precedent for this.

3.6 engines failures every 6 months. It's not great, but it's not horrifying.

Attached: you are delusional.png (2786x1436, 3.99M)

>boss took me to qualifying yesterday
>had a blast
>got a painful sunburn on my arms
>boss invited me to come to the race today
>hurts too much to go outside

Attached: 1462475844919.jpg (540x296, 18K)

>karun's X legs

its good to have him back this weekend bros

Attached: file.png (810x450, 408K)

Weakling leaf

Go with him and sneak into the pitlane during the race

wear long sleeves dumbass

thank you

digits and gio the nazi will somehow holocaust strullovich the jewboi

best digits so far

Oh boy

aloe vera on it and remember to slip, slop, slap next time, you dumb nigger

3 a.m. in the land of hentai kill me

Attached: ImMEdAmLbh8dpAx4xTY4EzvIxvZBvc2PAdBRoPFwnss.jpg (576x768, 105K)

Was the Indycar race last night any good?

Might watch the highlights later

fuck him


is [redacted] safe?

Attached: 1528563425852.jpg (514x635, 254K)

Same time zone :3

no I am using it to mine bitcoin on your PC :)


>white "people"

did you just see that guy taking a pic of the girl in black's ass


Attached: 1763988434137.jpg (2044x2048, 770K)

hey yo feggets, who's gonna win today?



Based. My GPU processing power is yours.

I wish to tongue punch her anus

Also rollan

Why don't street cars have flared fenders? There is little downside to a wider track on cars.

>Those digits
VETTE for sure

all of us because we get to watch some great racing

It was 28 degees out, I wasn't going to wear a long sleeve the fuck are you talking about
Literally what I've been doing all day, next time I'll bring sun block

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the number of my digits

Best blowjob lips on the grid

Attached: Carlos_Sainz11111111111111111-700x367.jpg (700x367, 29K)


>8bins: "I think Italy is still attractive. We have good pasta"

W-Was he memeing?

I too am bald. Do you think growing a goatee would help offset it?

>white people

Why aren’t you drowning your sorrows in liquor and drugs over the fact you’ll never be an F1 driver.

don't shave your head you don't want to get sunburn there as well

>It's on ABC
Oh shit there's gonna be ads aren't there?

>shitty bum fluff beard
redditor soiboi found

how do you know I'm not?


*has an engine failure on the formation lap*

Attached: ricciardo exposed.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

>implying im going to watch another episode of HWL instead of the Nations League final

Attached: schalke.gif (320x240, 427K)

Attached: Valt.jpg (924x1061, 226K)


Attached: 51jh-BmYlgL._SL1000_.jpg (1000x861, 52K)

We do have good pasta




Because that would mean that you're posting with a VPN, and all F1 drivers are literal brainlets who could never understand how to use a VPN.

can you buy good pasta or do you have to make it yourself?


ok lads im here!!! When is the race?

drugs and piss need no vpn

40 bings

get on the floor rapist

finished 15 minutes ago

Lap 1

Attached: 1558793424180.jpg (1920x1080, 346K)

Digits determine who gets WALLED today

Attached: 132_365_may11-5.jpg (800x536, 184K)

so do we lad

Attached: file.png (640x480, 564K)


Homemade is better, certain brands are fine aswell

fuck off lawrence

who won?

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Leclerc bins it

Apparently Kubica judging from your repeated numerals


Nico Rosberg looks pretty hot on that poster

dubs for Mercedes dominance for the next 10 years

fuck yeah!! Happy for him!!!

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stroll 2nd

This picture is giving me stomach acidity

did they fix that shitty paint? is the track gonna start peeling up next?




didn't know crofty was so fat


dubs and a groundhog wipes out choco senna


Based Bernd on RTL

Attached: Man who always leads.jpg (275x183, 10K)

digits and Lecute takes a marmot to the face and ruins his cute

>no one took screenshot of that girl

impressed lads



Attached: D8onaqyXsAA98Ri.jpg (1024x768, 186K)

Why is she posed like that?



Attached: Croftys benis rages.jpg (1280x720, 185K)

It's obviously going to be LeClerc

christian danner is the only reason i still have RTL on but i could live without heiko "AUS DEUTSCHER SICHT" waßer

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ricciardo exposed....
as THE BEST driver in history

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the absolute state of the UK


>Russian flag
Shut it down

who the fuck is this little niglet?

>inb4 RIC retirement

This is quality content.

This is quality content.

When does the god-damn race start?

>This Lewis kid interview
cute as hell

I'm just using it because why the hell should I search some Russian pirate stream if I can have the race in HD?

some little fag who BTFO lewis yesterday commenting how he has a fake american accent. L*wis started panicking and came up with some lame excuse how it was because he liked american music.


the future of the UK

Magnussen, again.

F1TV servers shitting themself as usual

music for this feel

>this pre race

Attached: 1551063038003.jpg (720x575, 26K)

This 9 year old comes up to you and slaps your gf's bum
What do you do?

Attached: 3392509_8172053.jpg (720x960, 138K)

Wow is this always the crap they play before a race?

30 mins

Last two digits of my post determine which lap we get a Safety Car. If higher than the number of laps there won't be a safety car.

Bring me some salmiakki.

Attached: iu.jpg (500x500, 52K)

this interview is making me cringe

Attached: 1549421576365.jpg (1305x1272, 169K)

HRT shitters

Why would you spoonfed such basic info?

It already exploded lining up on the grid

hang him
what else

how the fuck would anything think it's even a fake american accent, let a lone an actual one? he sounds british as fuck


why? It's cute

What are you snacking on during the race, /f1/?

Attached: norf food.jpg (720x960, 82K)


I'm not sure I understand this.

Sort of, Sky are fucking shit.

Ay my chain now

>taking a pic with an ipad

Attached: mpv-shot0019.jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

they are just trying to make them seem more human, come to Baltimore and see how they really are.


A lot of the time he doesn't, especially when you hear him speak when it's not an F1 related interview, little mutt blew him the fuck out.

>listening to kpop
>they keep calling me nigga
wtf bros?

Attached: c07.png (644x942, 97K)

Ham, bouncing back and taking out bottas

can they end this interview already?

Attached: 1551737734425.jpg (500x334, 23K)


k m8

Don't know why it posted twice desu

Why does this little nig get to do interviews?

Are there not any privileged white guys available?

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Send the nigglet packing back home in ngubu village

aaaaaand he's dead

He stands next to a fuel door.
I'll shoot it and watch him explode together with the car (the 206 is hideous anyway)

the present of America


nah m8, phones just got big

future epl prospect


Attached: 54277721_334291720771822_8539654144198021433_n.jpg (1080x1350, 82K)

>not knowing what 'niga' means

Nuggets, fries, bepis and beer please.

Who the hell is this

twennyfive bings y'all

only in the cities. you have the power to stop it, I was born with it already here

Steak, twister fries and feta salad.


>button btfo vetlol in 2011
>hamlel crash in 2008

All you deserve is Surströmming

Home made paella

it was a joke you ninny

Should I update the or is it just a meaningless thing?

Attached: Untitled.png (300x62, 2K)


>the 206 is hideous anyway

Attached: 1493895405301.jpg (600x456, 29K)

you make terrible jokes

>Salty liquorice or hard liquorice, is a variety of liquorice flavoured with ammonium chloride, common in the Nordic countries, Benelux, and northern Germany. Ammonium chloride gives salty liquorice an astringent, salty taste, which has been described as "tongue-numbing" and "almost-stinging".

Attached: 1554924816934.jpg (255x253, 9K)

have you guys noticed how almost all commercials have interracial couples in them?

is hamilton the iverson of f1

Checking myself, Hamilton dies in lap 66.

Attached: sei_37306393-f46f.jpg (644x460, 33K)

yes update it
it has an auto-refresh now so you don't have to reopen it to check for live session

cheap beer, I am drinking away my hangover from last night. Im going to be so fucked up tomorrow

Attached: 1556305098994.png (300x250, 38K)

can someone provide whole morningstream copypaste with links?


niggers are 3% of UK's population but 52% of UK ads have niggers in them, a recent study found

uh can we talk about how hamilton's car is fucked
seems like worth talking about?

How does it work anyway? Is F1TV not encrypting anything?

trips of truth

only racists notice this
what are you, racist?

>hamlel crash because of brake failure.
Calling it

shouldnt you go outside to catch some HIV or a hurricane or something

>what are you, racist?
yeah, and?

Lewis BTFO!

uh oh
HWL not looking too good

>Lewis's car's nose is off with a bunch of concerned looking mechanics standing around it
Shame it's probably nothing.

Haha same here, but I'm going to do it with wine, not beer.

>tfw already two strong vodka club sodas in
blackout time

confirmed for nothing, just bleeding brakes

1. VET
2. BOT
3. VER


What did google mean by this?

Attached: file.png (350x138, 28K)

>not racist

absolutely BOILING

>was Lewis complaining about it on the way to the grid?

>was Lewis complaining?
Surprised he doesn't just take that for granted by now.

>ricky billy-bob



>lewis loses
>these brakes mate i was fighting them all race

Dammit. I was hopeful despite myself.

>Kizuna Ai
Because of you Ferrari will fuck up today and Stroll will finish behind the Williams, I hope that you are proud of yourself.

That does seem a tad meaningless to me.

Only weird thing I noticed is that there is no commentator audio from sky but I assume that's just F1TV themselves.

why are you racist if you notice someone or something trying to change your culture?

What would happen if the halo is the direct cause of hamiltons death

How could they fuck it up so bad?

Attached: mercedes.jpg (600x600, 17K)

Natasha Aughey. /fit/girl

Attached: leUvvlH.jpg (1080x1080, 82K)

>(((pirelli))) and their killing tyres

albon looks gay

hope they both crash

Everyone is gay now.

He is

car doesnt work in traffic

fuck im nervous guys

The world feed doesn't have commentary until the ebin music starts, because sky pre-race coverage a shit

death to anime.

You guys are such a bunch of racist niggers.

1. HAM
2. LEC
3. VET




She’s mentally ill, like all female body builders.

You're racist for not accepting jewish demoralization of your people. That's what the hivemind commands.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (480x360, 16K)

what drinking game do I play?
I will take a shot when ______ happens

>100% prussian blood

I have some gazpacho and rye bread with port salut cheese.


Google mygoodstream

>lewis sees spec of dust on tyre
>guys these tyres are shot man - don't know if i can get this back to the pits

Attached: IMG_2823.jpg (442x292, 36K)

>slippy k

>no sky pre race audio on f1tv anymore

Fuck me.....

Stroll gains at least 5 positions on lap 1

take a shot whenever a drs overtake happens on the final straight
enjoy dying

Let's sing the anthem too



Nice Canadian barber shop trio.

AMX surpassing

get in there lewis

i dont feel so good lads, i ate a full bag of wasabi peanuts half an hour ago


wtf happened to lewis' hairline? it's never been so high

based trio

Genuinely think Lewis may not finish one lap lads

Maybe he just wants to live?

uh oh f1tv is shitting itself

>yes, for me it's miga (ragginen)

good anthem

a RB overtake

Terre de nos aïeux

You are an absolute legend.
Thank you.

military guys with gay beards, wtf is wrong with them.


he sounds it too.

But why

one sip for every merc led lap

>100% prussian blood
explains a lot

Attached: 71QLe3i2SJL.jpg (1600x2435, 210K)


these guys suck

Attached: 1PlQXsMssfl_NbUKnYuEKdw.gif (992x720, 955K)

If those planes are so fast why don't they run the Grand Prix uh?


everyone is gay now

Canada have the gayest national anthem

really, look at 2009 pics

national anthem and flyover uh oh uro fags gonna freek

>you all laughed at god save the queen
you're not laughing now

based mentally ill proxy poster.

it was the only snack i had

ah yes, the leaf gp. ferrari might have a chance today


ocon driving

Attached: 1547814101204.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

Damn, max sounds like a teen
Jenson has a chad voice

what culture

Attached: 53.gif (359x202, 3.75M)

Don't worry we got the gayest shit already during the indy500 this is nothing.

what a shit national anthem.

thats even worse

Air Grand Prix

Computerized coordinates define the track in the sky. You leave the track you flame out and have to eject.

so there's no sky commentary on f1tv anymore?



top entertainment

Buffalo cheese, ham and olive plus beer

RIP yank

RIC is going to get overtaken by like 9 cars in the first few laps, why does he even bother

Well yeah. Doesn't mean I can't fantasise about her suffocating me with her thighs.

>this singing

No wonder they call it oh canada


great day for racing

Not gonna deny it.

This is the best thing Jenson has done in his career.

Attached: 2019-06-09 18.40.25 2062607742807488262_392624605.jpg (1080x1085, 76K)

no I mean since he got implants

Reckon if Ricciardo gets a good start he’ll have a go at someone into the first corners, he’s on soft tires. Top three on meds’ I think

Dont jinx it faggot

>no screenshot of cute girl with ferrari cap

im honestly surprised trudeau didnt order some kind of pride display

\o/ C H E C O

why are people impressed by fighter jets flying by?


>t. seething BOT fan

evening lads, will goa77as win it or bin it?

Attached: 1533336443241.png (595x577, 12K)

fuck north american races

she has a fake ass?

Attached: 1538385407373.jpg (1920x1080, 713K)

He will when the soft tires turn to bubblegum and he pits on the third lap

Inb4 there's unironically no commentary on f1tv for the whole race.

They just can't stop fucking up.

>he licks his earphones

What the fucking is Riccardo doing

Ask your new emperor if he can extend Golden Week into June

fuck you faggot. without us F1 would fail.

ricciardo is pooping in the grass again

>Pit lane channel isn't showing anything

Pls don't tell me it is broken

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Attached: tiny asian.jpg (691x426, 23K)

big autism energy

comfy evening racing

what does he mean by this?

Attached: 2019-06-09 14_00_34-Formula 1 Streams.png (1912x1074, 2.99M)

I love american races

Has abc broken?

I'm not complaining, it might even be better

kinda comfy desu





Dubz and both Renaults DNF

disgusting apehoop nigs

>t. salty animefag

>can afford decent headphones
>still wears beats

Does anyone know if ABC is turning off this Puerto Rican parade bullshit to put on the race? Why the fuck would they take the broadcast rights if they are gonna not show it.

Fuck you, man. We only get, like, five decently timed races starts here. You wanna trade?

My currency is worthless, thanks Brexit

dub harder

Slav ancestry confirmed


dirty french bastards

surely its some brand deal

hello im looking for bread

new preferred

I would pay extra for this, race sound but no commentary

is there vid of nba taking a ride along>

can you buy me this JAV? I'll pay you back

Attached: KIDM-868B.jpg (1200x662, 333K)


Just woke up lads. Good morning. Lucky it’s a public holiday today

Pretty sure that Gasly is going to wait for VER to pass him, just like you'd wait for your disabled cousin in Mario Kart

raven simone is a lesbian? my childhood

Someone update when the commentary starts on F1TV

Finnish posters, do you like salted licorice?


Attached: 1494581186935.jpg (135x272, 5K)

>that feel when u open [REDACTED] and it says RACE - LIVE

Attached: image.jpg (2048x1138, 229K)

kinda want to try f1tv so i can watch onboard for the whole race

No, just horrendously fat thighs.


>poland - netherlands

bros... I,

no new bread
4 new breads posted at once incoming


You already have the FX option for that if you want it....


it's happening again

Attached: thanksf1.gif (330x171, 13K)

constipated af

Attached: 01.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

nuke america

thx my dude

>complaining about fat

f1tv dead

amx takes him out later on sorry

will be the only helicopter footage of a black man not being chased by the police

Look those thighs Manna mia

new bread?

Attached: 1558893101600.jpg (510x531, 55K)

How do they fuck up so badly when they have AWS support?

I have 5-8% body fat nigger


>Mygoodstream steam is showing la pride on the f1 steam

Not even homophobic, but I wanna watch some f1

>mygoodstream is a pride parade

Are we being trolled?



red flag the sesh real quick its shitting the bed


amx la



I cry for max

they use tata communications for f1tv

fuck off

mfw abc shows a fucking pride parade instead of the race

Poo in loo

I thought that was the start of Canadian GP

God fucking damn it f1tv I was actually looking forward to this for once....



Why is there pride shit on mygoodstream channel?


i hope you get cancer of the ass

Digits and a groundhog ruins someone's race

Attached: gdh.png (957x539, 1.08M)

>order from burger shop arrived
>Bowl packed
>mixed drink ready
>all before race starts
Yea.. I'm thinking F1 is back

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hamilton kaputt


Attached: 1549897657931.gif (382x678, 2.39M)

but what would you do without Ebels impeccable fashion sense?

Get in there fucking nigger

Fucking nigger with no dignity