>15 years later
>no one has even come close to this
Will we ever be topped?
>15 years later
>no one has even come close to this
Will we ever be topped?
Other urls found in this thread:
Leicester were a much bigger shock and considerably more likable.
Nobody really cared about this, it was just funny that Portugal lost in their own country
Based Greece.
People can most likely not even name ONE player from that team. I only remember Charisteas, because he was so shit at Ajax and Feyenoord
>naming players matters a lot hur dur
They were some quality players,especially Tsiartas who played for Sevilla and has raped Real Madrid and Barcelona.Dude was a free kick monster and his left foot could find that bag of weed you lost moths ago you junkie.
But even then it just makes it better,bunch of literal whos conquered europe.
For me, it's Karagounis.
That name doesn't ring a bell at all, and I'm a boomer who actually watched this tournament. Just face it, nobody remembers this. Like I said, it was just a funny anecdote.
>hasn’t done shit since
As a link to both, Zagorakis was a Leicester City cult legend
Based Dellas.
Don't give them You's they are just butthurt their teams didn't win it that year.
And they were all stacked with great players Netherlands, France, Portugal and Czech Republic especially.
England also lol
What is it about Greek cock you enjoy sucking so much?
USA will top it when we win the world cup in 2026 on home soil during our 250th birthday.
That would be based and freedompilled (unless I see a Democrat president at the final)
If you dont remember karagounis, dellas, zagourakis and giannakopoulis you're just a 12 year old and shouldn't post here anyway
>his left foot could find that bag of weed you lost moths ago you junkie
top kek lad
you've inspired me to skin up and have a bit of a wake and bake like
Anyone who tries to discredit Greece's win is just raging because their dad/stepdad doesn't pay them any attention or has left for good.
>beat hosts
>beat the reigning champions
>beat the best team of the tournement
>beat the hosts again in the final
Nah, we weren't good that year, reached the semis but only won one match, against Latvia (lol). I'm still pissed off about 2000 though, still a remarkable slip for a country that slips all the time.
I'm amused that Portugal didn't win but let's not pretend that Greece were anything but shit winners of a shit tournament.
>Drew one, lost one in group stage
>1-0 v France
>1-0 (silver goal - what the fuck was that shit?) v Czech Rep
>1-0 Portugal
The games were are boring as fuck and won by a mixture of murderball and parking the bus. There was nothing beautiful or passionate about it.
All you're doing is romanticizing your youth. I hate to tell you but your youth was nothing special. Especially when you consider just twelve years earlier, Denmark played beautiful football to win a tournament they thought they'd missed out on.
Still seething because you choked to Poortugal with the golden generation
hope you guys don't let this one out tonight
Thanks friend, it will be hard because it is in our DNA unfortunately
>let score one-goal headers to the final: the team.
For me, its Dellas
Didn't they win every game 1-0?
it was kinda funny that both the golden generation of england and of portugal failed desu.
>and his left foot could find that bag of weed you lost moths ago you junkie.
It's considered the biggest sensation in Euro Cup history.
Never before and after a team won as low rated as Greece.
It worked. If you kick Portugals ass one time it may be luck. They kicked their asses twice (first and last game), one can't talk about luck here.
All in all this was a typical Rehagel. He did the impossible here with Werder Bremen and Kaiserslautern. Greece was his last strike.
It's just a park the bus team being lucky.
Honestly, I loved watching Greece play. It was hilarious and they deserved to win if nobody could come up with any ideas to pick them apart.
>It's considered the biggest sensation in Euro Cup history.
Denmark won it in 1992 and they didn't even qualify.
>qualified without loosing a single game
>deafeated the host and top favourite twice
To say it with a quote of the Legendary Otto Rehagel: "It's good that they don't even know how well positioned we actually are."
Denmark wasn't even close as low rated as Greece.
>Pre-back-pass rule titles
>Denmark played beautiful football to win a tournament they thought they'd missed out on.
You what, it was so atrocious that they had to change the rules after.
are you Otto Rehagel?
>Denmark played beautiful football to win a tournament they thought they'd missed out on.
The beautiful game
I am just a great admirer of our greatest coach.
>Denmark played beautiful football
Are you seriously mentally chalanged. It was propably the ugliest moment in entire pro-football history.
>le back pass to the keeper, and keeper picks up the ball
>le repeat ad infinitum
Greece was the beauty by definition if you compare to what denmark did.
This is unironically less timewasting than you see in most Burnley matches.
When did your dad leave you?
Based kanesucker
>win the tournament by parking the bus and scoring on set pieces
literally the Stoke of international tournaments
we should have beat you. I remember that match, we lost on pens in the quarter
do you know how to speak portuguese? probably not
the word for "greek" is "grego"
grego is also slang for vomit, and "gregar" ("to greek") means to vomit
just thought you should know
watch your back vomit boy, next time you post i will be there to call you what you are - vomit
Clueless. Euro 2004 was a great tournament.
You're not old enough to remember Euro 2004, you're not old enough to remember Euro 92, and you're spouting 'opinions' based on what you've read on Wikipedia.
The Portugal won last euro the same way Greece won the Euro in 2004.
no one cares now about it tho
cringe galore
Karagounis was the best midfielder of the 00's
Lol who? Greeks cannot be this delusional.
it's about to happen again
The Netherlands trully are the modern Greece.
not so fast orangefag
Denmark in 92 was more shocking
Are these game of thrones names
tf tp
delete this thread
Based Karagounis
More like σεεθινγ, M8
uhm no sweety
I remember the huge celebrations in Toronto when this happened.
Would pick losing 7x0 to germany than losing 1x0 to irrelevant people any day.
>no one has even come close
we got close
based fatso
Damn I was in the Greece on holidays during that Euro and we were all crazy about it we was jumping in the sea and hugging and singing. Pic related my Zagor shirt.
>wins euros
>can't make It to the WC
Looks like Colombia winning 2001 Copa and out of Japan/Korea.
This to be honnête
wouldn't really say that, you guys have world class players
we had fucking charisteas who is a meme even here
Honestly am I the only one who believes yesterday's defeat is legitimately no harm done?
Apart from the fact that Angelos fcking raped the starting scheme, It was a defeat that would eventually come.
The only threat is Bosnia and beating Finland and Armenia twice and not losing to Bosnia will be our ticket no matter what.
yes it was. They were supposed to be eliminated and they called the players back from their vacations with no preparation and no pre tournament trainings. Although they did have elite players that we didn't.
lestah city
nikopolidis that ancient goaltender was amazing.
Holland have had a gradual climb back up to the top, Greece literally just came out of nowhere.
>tfw too young to remember
Redpill me on this, was this squad so shit it was a never seen before shock they won the whole thing and on Portugal AGAINST Portugal?
Bookies gave us slightly more chances to win it than Latvia.
Latvia were the country with the least chances to win it, aka 16th.
We were 15th.
Apart from that we literally played the best teams there were during that period.
Portugal, France , Spain , Czech republic, and we didnt lose to any of those 5 matches.
Also we barely lost to Russia who has good during that period.
How impressive this shit was can be seen from the fact that on the next qualification campaign (wc 2006) we failed to qualify.
>you are romantizicing your youth
>denmark played beautiful football
Holy mother of underage cringey shitpost
This post right here is 3day ban worthy
it was huge, man