How do you got from this

How do you got from this...

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To this?

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damn Neymar is fucking hot now.

This is what moving to France does to a man.

White women should never be trusted. Meanwhile the black/Latina girl will make you happy

she looks like an ayyee

the second one looks better you low test beta bitch. Leave me country

still no big Milkies. Neywar is a low T ass huehuenigger

Second one looks like your typical plastic white whore the first one looks very graceful, beautiful, and natural.

All that skin bleaching paid off

Don’t know what’s wrong with him

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she is far better

How can one get his skin 'whiter' ?

Google "skin bleaching", idiot

Just go to sub-sahara africa, Mohammed. You'll be the whitest there.

this. American flag prefers dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin. What a fucking shock

She's more exotic to us, you inbred limey

Skincare products with vitamin c, niacinamide and glutathione
Glutathione and vitamin c supplements
Kojic acid soap
Avoid sun and wear sunscreen all the time

I unironically prefer swarthy women because of my ginger tier skin but I mean I'd still go for a white women if I want to breed her

ebola is exotic too

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t. Nigger

no I'm a white beta, I need to inject myself some melanin to be a chad black

t. mutt

Oh shit, is this the prince?

She has a man chin with a buttcrack. Sure, it's natural, but so are hairy legs.

Bruna is far better. Anybody that says otherwise got deceived by tinder profiles. Look at pic related, 6/10 at most

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who cares she got white genes

>fucking and dumping random bitches for their genes


this board is only 5% white, so nice try kike


>wanting non white children

>wanting children that look nothing like you

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>breeding prostitutes

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Both girls look good

Wow she has furry arms and everything, I bet she's a goer, but iirc a lot of women basically loose interest in sex after they have kids so he's probably bored and wanted a side chick.

Bruna probably only dated him 'cause he is famous. But the other girl is pretty too desu

>trusting white women
Just get a mestiza latina. Even white latinas are cancer.

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That's Mutt to you N'guni

This, my ex is a white Puerto Rican girl. Biggest mistake of my life.

I’ve seen twinks with better bodies than this whore

Sure you have

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>being this obsessed with eugenics

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that's literally the biological imperative

He’s just trying to create a daughter that will look like his hot sister that he fucks (his real girlfriend)

Why not just fuck a girl that looks like his sister and breed her?

He’s fucking that white girl to this

This just proves that neymar has N'gubu tier intellect.


He fell for the wh*toid meme, has now found out the hard way that this is a subhuman race we are dealing with

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Is that Louis Hamiltion?

it's not like he has to choose between blonde or brunette he can fuck both everyday why would he limit himself

Nigga I would rape

The brunette cucked him with some meme singer

he should fuck blackies in that case

Even feral Brazilian got a better taste than russoids, she looks natural and attractive.

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she's not that great, it's just the angle, renata fan is a better brazilian blonde example

Who's this girl? I didn't know we have polygamy here lmao

That's cause you're gay user.

What's going on in this thread?

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>she is far better
>claims you raped her
What did he mean by this?

kikes you mean?

>hits the wall at 30

White women age like shit


U gay

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jersey looks nice though, adidas always does a nice job