what the fuck
What the fuck
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500k for that? really? not that I'll especially cry for a guy who's probably multibillionnaire, but come on
exactly. it was nothing. society has become so soft
it is for his own protection. Knowing things like this will cause huge fine sprevent players from fighting back and wrecking guys like this.
i don't think this would have been an issue if i were from a fan. since it's coming from someone who's involved with the team i can see how the nba would possibly view this as a workplace issue (not being able to put your hands on other people in workplace kind of thing).
he knows better than to touch the mandingo merchandise. should be more
2bh he didn't even have to push Lowry. Lower totally fell on some other guy and Stevens reached over and pushed him. He was probably jealous
banning him is fine, the fine is fucking ridiculous though
the guy is loaded, im sure he his more affected by the ban
the wealthy should be banned... from life. End capitalism NOW
Literal retards. The NBA doesn't want another malice in the palace type event, if that was Draymond or Ibaka that guy would be in hospital right now. It's for his own safety.
thats why the ban exists you retard. the ban matters more than the money, the fine amount is a huge overreach for what actually happened
lebron got on his soapbox about it too and EVERYONE WAS AGREEING WITH HIM
i don't think this semen slurping sport is for me
Twitter is going crazy
NBA had to do something serious
This dumbass ruined his name with that shove
> Player completely rekts women in yellow
> Get barely pushed by old guy
> Men get 500K fine
The absolute state of the land of the free
>Twitter is going crazy
I thought it was a player at first and thought the fine is crazy, but this guy is some loaded boomer
500k is nothing for him
Twitter is for swine
>implying he'll ever pay
he'll just pay 100K for a lawyer so save his ass
bunch of cupcakes
>he told lowry to go fuck himself
wow how horrible. i hear worse in 3 minutes of dota.
>net worth $2.6B
that boomer is gonna be fine, one year watching ape hoop from home
>we have to punish a light shove with half a million dollars on top of a one year ban for people’s safety because another nigger would have sent him to the hospital
Really makes me think. Niggers are truly not subhuman beings who society’s totally not bending over backwards for.
This is a slap on the wrist
Events like this is why people want the title owner abolished
Letting rich white people hear they “own” other people gets dangerous fast
not surprised. have you seen some of the fouls called in a game?
laffing at all these good goys saying he shouldnt be fined. absolute, fucking, retards
when did this gay ass league become so pussified that some shit talking and a light push get you banned lmao
He owns the team, he can shove whoever the fuck he wants.
Okay, but not someone on the other team
How can the NBA force you to pay them? Can't you just refuse?
Can anyone explain to me why it's okay for a 250 guy to jump on fans to save a ball but then they cry assault when pushed off?
its a fine mate. you signed up for this shit when you bought a ticket and attended the game
>he can shove whoever the fuck he wants.
Well apparently not
>Bootlicking billionaires
Kill yourself.
did Lebron ever have to pay a "fine" to Jason Day's wife after nearly crushing her with his large dark frame?
>bootlicking a millionaire who was at fault
Even more pathetic. Off yourself first
He's a part owner. The league can punish teams or force owners to sell their shares if they do shit like this.
>But that's not fair!
It's the owners that appointed Silver and agreed on these rules. How could anyone be upset at a guy getting punished by a someone he helped hire for breaking rules he had a hand in making? Nobody forced him to become an NBA part owner.
lmao what, I didn't even notice anything until they showed multiple replays. didn't realize I was looking for a light nudge
He did push him. Glad he got banned, Drake next
Makes sense. I thought he was a random fan with no ties with the league.
What happens to this money? Is it just profit for the NBA?
Should of banned lars
lmao, literally nothing happened.
I dont think this semen slurping sport is for me
Players can run full speed into the crowd but a measly little push gets you a 1 year ban and 500k fine? Lol what a joke
canadians are such drama queens
if a nig nog knocks you out like he did that woman in yellow you should thank them
>crashes into woman full speed
>cries about a slight push
what a pussy lmao
>The NBA doesn't want another malice in the palace type event
It's going to happen again eventually.
notice how the woman in blue also tried to interfere with the ball but got away with it
I want another malice in the palace type event
Makes this sport actually interesting
>crash into frail woman at mach speed
>never get fined
wtf nba players have such privilege
would a poorer person be fined $500k?
>cant drink in the streets
>cant go to school without getting shot
>cant have healthcare without losing thousand
>cant shove someone without going broke and life ruined
>have a literal orange as president
what fucking push, he was pulling him back up
bosses cannot assault employees.
all fine and justified.
they're forcing him to sell his portion of the Warriors, too
fucking clown world and clown league, SOFT AS SHIT
no, it’s only because he’s a minority owner and it makes the franchise look bad
>he’s a minority owner
So he owns minorities? WAY SISS
>beat your wife
>50k fine
>shove a player
>500k fine and one year ban
Bravo Commish
So you're saying, whenever I buy a ticket to an NBA game I give the NBA authority to fine me half a million dollars?
Honduras has to be higher. Either that or the graph is wrong
He should be lynched
Racism plain and simple
yeah he deserved it. fuck whitey
I was in Honduras for a few hours and got robbed twice, by federal police at each border
If you sit court side dont be suprised when a player crashes in you... why are americanoids so retarded.
If you got robbed by them just imagine the general populace. It's ridiculous
Well, if you're dumb enough to do what he did then yes.
That's the nfl with the severe wife beating problem
It's a privilege to be able to afford courtside seats. If you don't want the risk of getting knocked out, stay the fuck home
The fans choose to be there, knowing the risks.
fans should be allowed to strike the cattle on the court, prove me wrong
imagine being such a fucking pussy you cry about a touch on your shoulder lmao.
unironically worse than divegrass
If he doesn't have the book thrown at him it's a PR nightmare. He's a fucking owner pushing a player.
>player dives in football, gets given a yellow card
>player dives in basketball, gets half a million
>american sports