why weren't women born to play sports like men?
Why weren't women born to play sports like men?
she would be hot if she wasn't asian
also lose weight fat fuck
sorry that she doesn't look the trannies you're used to
lose monkey dna, weightlet
because they are fragile and weak
They are meant to be around the house is why.
>le cute awkward asian :33
i remember when i liked this shit when i was 12
haha isn't >she soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute :3
twice is shit
Koreans have the best skin and love guys who aren’t söis
me in the back
She would be hot if she wasn't trying so hard. Now she's just annoying.
>if she wasn't trying so hard
that's the dance of her people and she was clearly not putting her full effort in it
>that's the dance of her people
ITT: virgins
Literally the filename, comrade
lol the post you're replying to is just literally the filename
Bros, I hate women so much
I want to lick new game
what's the whore's name?
Gookbot 3000
i need a tzuyu gf
scary.. but I still want to see them getting fucked
she's not korean or plastic
japs are the same, kys yellow fever
she's not jap, dumbass retard
Bcuz females are bags of estrogen who body's are hard wired to have n raise babies...
Men are bags of testosterone.
americans are so stupid
seething white women and trannies ITT
I don't care what fake 'personality' these gooks implant into their sexbots m8
imagine the kind of soiboys who fall for this fake cutesy shit
yes that is me. what are you going to say?
we have lots of them here, OP included of course, not only is he a faggot and a failure for his family, he actually love plastic dolls too
yet you fell for the bait
hit weights, take a shower, dress well, block twitter, discord and kpop generals, go outside, get a clue and have sex
make it a dubu thread
i already do those things
Who is dooby?
>Me? Yea i like my women asian, how could you tell?
she looks like a horse