why doesnt klay look black at all? he looks more like a jew
Why doesnt klay look black at all? he looks more like a jew
I dunno probably because he's not full black and blacks in the US are like 15% white to begin with
thats a moneygrabber schnoz if i ever saw one
>blacks in the US are like 15% white to begin with
uhh no they arent
his black is from caribbean black, so not your typical blackness.
if he's mom is white and his father is black or vice versa i would figure he has like 50% chance of being either black or white but with some traits of the other race
Ball skills without the ugly, winner
so, still black you fucking idiot?
Yes they are. In fact it’s higher than that. Closer to 20-25%.
Why doesn't he have more self respect and leave that team where he's not appreciated over a faggot who went to work for the team that dicked him and broke records without him
is that why the bottom of their feet and hands are white
That's the percentage he's referring to to yes
there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
i didnt say there was, leaf
well theres always some good in everyone
Bahamian Genes
This Bahamian nigger copin so hard in every fuckin thread
klays the only likable person on golden state. they all flop and fake injury shit especially iggy. look up the video that fucking giga nigga ain'tinjured
Eat this bitch.
this dumb american nigga dont know who the fuck hes messing with
Sometimes Yea Forums is good because it's /pol/lite. Like this.
cringe ugly black dude
thanks for noticing my post, champ.
and american blacks have a relatively high percentage of white due to slave r*pe so he's majority white
he looks Turkish actually
He looks like the Lebanese Jew black plug who sells u some premium opium and only hangs out with blacks
Klay's mother is your typical coalburning NBA groupie. Look at the whore outfit she wore back in the 90's, fucking coalburner.
No that's because they were on all fours when God spray-painted them.
Like you wouldn't enjoy a beer with Steph.
why are like 98% of mixed kids so fuckin ugly?
She's still hot. Cannot blame Mychal for knocking this up 3 times
God I hate coalburners. 4 billion years of evolution leading to that woman's gorgeous genes, forever gone to waste, never to produce a person that beautiful again.
are you kidding she looks like a fucking tranny
she looks eastern european or something
They fail to cross the uncanny valley. Pic related almost looks human, but not quite, and is therefore creepy. Quadroons/octaroons look neither white nor black and are therefore ugly.
Cant wait till the Knicks sign him and KD
Klay and a hot woman could produce very good looking kids
For someone who's like 60 years old that's a whole lot better than looking like a granny
They could only be 50-60% as good looking as their mother.
Kikes will push this to spin the narrative that the raping of slaves was rampant, but legitimate data shows that the absolute highest estimates regarding the percentage of slaves raped is around 7%. Very likely it's lower
This makes me wonder if the rising Hispanic demographic is mostly bleached Mexicans who pass easily for white.
Pic related, one of my "Mexican" friends.
They say owners start to look like their pets.
this guy doesnt even pass for white in south america. You're just delusional cuz you see blacks everywhere.
Very well, have three more "Hispanics." I suppose these don't pass either?
If he has kids with a white woman his kids will look indistinguishable from regular white people.
Even if true they wouldn't be good-looking white people.
Could easily pass for Italian or Greek imo
We should force all minorities to breed with whites and then have their children breed with whites as well. Country is bleached in a generation.
probably more honestly. i'd love to see a DNA test. Since blacks are 25% white to begin with, this should tip the scales
they're fucking 5'2" flat nosed brown goblins. white hispanic is a total meme. there was some yellow fever weeb on here who considered himself white hispanic and then went to japan and none of the girls would talk to him because they thought he was an indian
maybe that's way grew the Afro and tanned himself
they tried that in brazil and it just turned the entire country into dumber than shit brown monkeys
Doesn't work with blacks (or Asians to an extent)
His dad is from the Bahamas and he’s not full black. Plus his mom has some conspicuously jewy features... also, I just realized his mom is hot
you filing for tax exemptions?
Why do people give a shit about the percentage ethnicity of someone? Just call him a mutt and move along.
desu she looks like caitlyn
A lot of blacks here have a Caucasian facial structure, but with a lot of melanin.
¡Dios mío!