Laugh at Switzerland thread

>a fucking medkit

Oh nononononononononono

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fuck you, Switzerland play good and it was a good match besides NO ERA.
Swiss bros are and will always be /elite/


Everyone laugh at OP. Who has nothing better to do then to laugh at a team for losing a final in another continent.


I would never laugh at my /elite/ brethren.

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fuck yanks

Shut your fat mouth amerilard

I love you bros

>tripadvisor and trivago

What they all said neck yourself OP

Switzerland is based for BTFOing Belgium.

>laughing at elitebro

based and respectpilled

Have sex.

Albanians thoroughly btfo

>American trying to sow dissent amongst /elite/ bros

fuck off OP, what did the state of Albania ever do to you?

Fuck you, ya fat fuck. Elite bro's stay together. Good match, unlucky Swiss.

all my posts (traveled on my private jet to these specific countries for these posts)

Have children.

no wonder they couldn't achieve anything worth remembering with this ambulance flag

Switzerland was excellent. Love the team. Fuck off.

Elite roast

And just to prove it here I am back in U.K

Not even /elite/ here and I unironically think you should end yourself.

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>american posts

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Jesus so many newfags in this thread.

Don't they understand that making "laugh at" threads is a traditional Yea Forums ritual?

I think your /elite/ness smells like a basedboy thing. Honestly, this is disgusting how you lick each other asses.

hey everybody, let's laugh at belgium for not being /elite/

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Seething non-elite



>Didn't qualify

What's that gramps? You're gonna have to speak up, I can't hear you over the sound of you being stuck in the past and the sound of my /elite/ness

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I cry myself to sleep every night over the fact that we didn't finish 3rd

the /elite/ alliance prevails
OP has been destroyed

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Absolutely based thread

Absolutely chortling away at these faggots

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USA gonna win more important football trophy and you elitefags can only cry about it. enjoy your larper shitlite. i like portugal and i like swissmans i like netherlands but anglos must be purged from this site


bong in denial. nice one

lmaoing at the absolute state of this seething muttburger op

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That's better


>yurocucks slurping each others semen in here


>blowing away a 4-1 against Switzerland