What is the best time zone to watch sports?

What is the best time zone to watch sports?

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Sexy timezone with your mum lol



Only time i remember having trouble watching games was in the 2002 WC, some games where like at 3:00 AM or some shit.

Daily reminder we forced France and Spain into our timezone and now they're having troubles getting up in the morning because it's too dark outside for them at that time.

Surely the US East-Mid time zones.
You get to watch European sports and then American after that.
Unless you liek cricket i guess than you are fucked everywhere.

Eastern Time master race

Comfy futbol in the morning to wake up to, and the latest games start at 3pm
Most NHL/MLB/NBA games start at 7pm and if you want to stay up there will be another game at 10pm
NFL game times are designed for us

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Yeah I have East Coast and it's nice. Weekends have soccer from 7:30 to 6 pm, with American sports at night. Weeknights have NHL, NBA, and MLB. 3 pm Champions League is the only drawback, for NEETs it's fine but you'll have to watch at work sometimes

Yeah, considering most games happen in America and Europe, GMT -3 is pretty decent most of the time. Only situation that kind of sucks is night time games happening at the west coast of the US.



Ours is almost perfect except for the fact that I'm usually in class for champions league games

>he doesn't know how timezones work
Spain are the ones who should be on our timezone.

Generally whichever timezone you're in if you watch local sports

>having to stay up 'til 1 AM to watch the end of a double header basketball game

East Coast is shit-tier

Just be a neet and live in whatever timezone you like wherever you are

I agree. Western Europe and China disgust me with their complete disregard for aligning in their proper time zones.

-6 to -3 would be best if you enjoy football and American sports. I think I would watch more NBA and NFL if the matches wouldn't be so late.

>tfw staying up until fucking 5 AM on a wednesday to watch nba

US Pacific
We get American football beginning at 10am, and European football from all the major leagues from 9am-11am. After watching that we still have time to go out, and/or watch boreball or apehoop. Beat that.


Norf or Souf pole gives you access to all timezones at once, so you can watch games simultaneously even if they are happening 12 hours apart.

so the western part of china should be about 3 hours behind the eastern part?
that must be strange when the sun doesn't rise until like 9-10am

This. Central US time zone is the actual best.

Naw pacific is shit. There are American sports games which regularly occur at 4:00 or 5:00 PM PST on weekdays while west coasties are still at work.

Nobody cares about baseball though

> -4
>Perfect time for: footy, nba, mlb, golf, cycling, nfl, tennis (except AO)
>A little tricky for F1 (European races at 8am, and asían races at 1am) Las Vegas Boxing is a little tricky too (main fight at midnight or later)
>Hard for: South Rugby, Olympics and WC in Asían countries

I think it's the best time zone for watching sports. The worst being Hawaiian time zone without a doubt

I guess you don’t care about Basketball and Hockey either which also have some regular season games with 4:00 PM PST start times. Pacific sucks even worse than EST.

It's similiar with CET.
Makes no sense for us and spaniards to have the same time.