>go Tottenham
Go Tottenham
*fatphobic post*
>things I don't like are s o y
>an American with nothing of worth to contribute
Yes i want spurs to win
haha epic wojak
t. Sebastian Rothstein
t. Adam Silverberg
Nice picture, user! Can you do one for Liverpool too? Thanks in advance!
>I support liverpool
Don't forget the 96
>Allez allez allez
Haha! That's even better!
>We Are Liverpool. That Means More.
this image would have actually worked if it didnt have the butthurt text at the top
I understand why people started to vote for Hitler when I see this kind of threads
also fuck t*ttenham
>supporting Redditpool
Keep it going
>go X
Why are Americans so effeminate when it comes to sport? That sounds even more middle-aged housewifey than when you call yourselves sportsfans.
>cam on X you beauty