Why would anyone travel to a game without a ticket?
Why would anyone travel to a game without a ticket?
because there are fan zones throughout the city?
What the fuck is wrong with Scousers!?
>fan zones
You mean sharia zones?
Don't be so quick to say that my friend. I can think of at least one occasion where drunk and ticketless fans crowded a stadium entrance and persuaded the police to let them in.
No money no enter, why have we even allowed to you to get into the EU
We are speaking about spain, not england
>this sad attempt at banter
Usually the hosting city will organise a few big screens for people to watch it on because they're not seething that they're not good enough to have teams in the final. Madrid is obviously unable to handle that reality.
Maybe they don't want you barbaric scousers to completely trash those venues and public areas like you always do
They're not trying to get into the stadium
Not yet
They got the money to drink beer all day and they didn't take the ticket before...?
i bet you never even heard the word "scouser" before you started LARPing on Yea Forums
CL finals tickets must be expensive as fuck desu
Imagine driving for hours to go to a city hosting a sports event that you don’t have a ticket to and want to watch with a few other hundred bums doing the same
americans are thick skulled and thicc
hope they don't push anyone to get in without a ticket tbqh
>what is atmosphere
>what is a holiday
have tbqh its actually fucking awesome to do this
If you never did this I wholly recommend you to do so
“I want to get shitfaced and rowdy and be surrounded by enough other people doing the same or worse that I can’t be called on it”
>what is fan culture
sounds like you're a poof, mate
>Liverpool fans without tickets
Where did I see this before?
lmao this virgin
>I want to get shitfaced and rowdy and be surrounded by enough other people doing the same or worse that I can’t be called on it
Sounds like tailgating
some of you guys are alright, don't come to Metropolitano tonight
they’re paying 5x the going rate for accommodation too
I mean it’s a weekend of drinking sangria in Madrid, I could think of worse ways to spend the weekend.
Sounds like a fun time, only a raging faggot would disagree
>fans in madrid are angry that no big screens have been put on
How entitled can you fucking be
they are not showing it at fan zones?
clubs only get 1/3 of tickets
Madrid are pretty fucking dense not to have any public viewing areas for the Champions League final.
bearing in mind it happens at every other tournament, not that entitled
Getting drunk having fun and destroying the city
Even the women's worldcup has fanzones. Madrid not putting them up is ridiculous
I hope there's a big riot and our boys batter those Madrid poofs
>normal humans
Us brits shouldn't forced to interact with you monkey bummers
Scousers are not normal humans.
If I had a bar I would be very afraid to let them in. Rather organize fan zones instead of risking that they destroy you bar...
>its just banter la
All these irrelevant countries responding lmao
>German afraid of brits
As you should be Hanz
You might even say it's better to organize special camps where they can concentrate and chok-- I mean, watch the game.
LIverpool are just as bad as the filthy 'ra Rangers.
Who in their right mind would want to encourage a bunch of chavs and scousers to get drunk in their city? The English are a vile people and it's only sensible that Madrid doesn't allow those retards to gather.
Your police suck at their job.
they are still going to gather but now lack football to occupy them
They are called bars, stop expecting people to do things for you for free
>Spurs are showing the final live at their stadium, which will be open to its full 62,000 capacity and reportedly boasts the largest LED screens in Europe.
>Anfield hosted a screening of the final last year but is preparing for Take That, Bon Jovi and Pink concerts in June.
>Screenings will instead take place at three venues in Liverpool, catering for a total of 11,500 supporters.
The Spanish, that's the reason towns like magaluf exist
H-hey guys look at me I'm doing a banter and I'm cultured on the finer things in life like football (REAL football not that padded up egg toss) and bashing a group of people I know nothing about except from Yea Forums memes am I a LAD yet m8s
it's your franco-german project that wants us in, brainlet
pay gibs
>why would anyone travel to a ticket without a game?
At least you can speak English. Who are you?
for the atmosphere you plastic cretin
And the Spanish were conquered for over 700 years by sharia law and literally have it flowing through their veins.kys.
on the off chance there is a child they could steal a ticket from
Your people also had the chance to praise Thor and Odin, yet they choose a jew prick from an unknown place.
That's unironically based though.
And now it's your turn
>Who in their right mind would want to encourage a bunch of chavs and scousers to get drunk in their city?
It's literally 20% of spain's economy.
British tourists really are the worst. Whenever they go outside their little sharia country they behave like little entitled children.
Isn't it a pretty common thing to do? I heard it also happens at the WC
>small club
select three
Yeah, I just arrived a few days ago to Madrid for a study trip and had to stay in someone's shit apartment in San Sebastián de los Reyes in the ass end of town for a ridiculous price
Rape and pillage lads, rape and pillage.
Just like the good old days
So about £10 a night then