>we didndu nuffin
>bu-but police came flying and started hitting at us for no reason
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yeah I'm sure the Brits dindu nuffin
*slurp slurp*
Brits on tour. ..
>>bu-but police came flying and started hitting at us for no reason
probably did
I mean Brits abroad are absolute spanners but Spanish coppers are heavy handed and out for Brit blood.
brits 'tourists' the worst
literally nothing in the video.
they do it with everybody not only with british fans
>but Spanish coppers are heavy handed and out for Brit blood.
Yeah, the fans probably did something, but the Spanish cops overreacted too.
I went to Spain once and one of the guys in our group bought some weed. Somehow the police got wind of it and a policeman started handing out smacks to anyone who didn't say what he wanted to hear.
Worst tourists BY FAR
Fuckin subhuman britshits
basically youtube.com
>he thinks the police protect people
The Franco Nationalists still exist in Spain
is this true?
What he means is British Police don't just go in and crack heads.
So in a way yes
to be fair if my country had as many unironic communists as spain I'd want my police to be as brutal as spain's
of course the spanish police are cunts, everybody knows brits abroad are well behaved
this, spanish cops are the worst in the west
And the sad part is they're the only ones there who aren't completely off their rocker.
If the Scousers try a Hillsborough with the Spanish police there will be 96 dead outside the stadium
French ones aren't better.
>Act like complete assholes so you can make it onto LadBible
>"Oh no how could this happen to us the injustice please mr ambassador speak out against this police violence"
brits are cunts when they travel, don't listen to their excuses
spanish police are third world tier
since we all know that idk why retards go there and provoke them
As a side note to England, enjoy your first day out of Ramadan
They just can't handle banter la
Our police tend to be pretty cagey and terrified of doing something wrong
It's the bouncers you have to watch out for, roided up meatheads just waiting for an excuse to knock your teeth out and "accidentally" throw you down a flight of stairs
based kraut
Fuck the anglos
always some paddy and max dickhead getting heavy handed
lmao based lads on tour
gotta love the brits
Actual police here are police, sure not perfect but which country does have perfect police? PCSOs are pretty much social workers.
Spanish police are cunts on a power trip
Nothing like watching skinny basedboys getting rekt by the fuzz
Based orange top guy, looks like an art history lecturer but straight into the police to try and save his comrade.
Bootlicking trash.
Still better than Catalan NAtionalists who hate the Spanish so much they want to import more Africans into Catalonia to spite them. Surely importing more foreigners will be a great thing for the Catalan culture and language to survive.
kek this is comedy gold.
White hoody kicks copper all over the road, same cop ends up as human pinball.
Communism is bootlicking user. The government is God.
Spanish police = most brutal in Europe
Especially "Guardia Civil"
stay mad castillian shitskin
the scots are irish nationalists want to do the same thing but all jonny foreigners support them
I'm pretty sure it's not a secret that Spanish police are brutal
more like "Guardia Un-Civil" amirite ha ha
that doesn't mean the Canadian can't also be a bootlicker
digits of truth
>Foreigners shitting up the streets and the environment
>Expect police to do nothing
>guy orders a cup of coffee in madrid with an english accent
>immediately bum-rushed and pummelled to death with batons by 10 angry cops
Why would they travel to a 3’rd world country with corrupt and violent police?
Toothlet detected
guy can take a punch tbf
>it wasn't scouse scumbags posing as Spurs fans
You don't know shit, user
when this is what you've got in your "country", every other police seem "heavy handed"